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23-02-2006 14:16:08

Hi all,

I would very much like to help anyone out there by signing up under them for a free Ipod offer, as long as it can be done for me.

I have no idea if this is the right way to go about doing this, so feel free to correct me.



23-02-2006 14:19:18

Moving this to the Help section.

First off, I'd take a look through the forum's Rules and Frequently Asked Questions. If you still need help, ask in this thread.


23-02-2006 18:51:15

badlands, u likely will not be able to sign up under 1 person for free ipods and have them sign up for u under freeipods as you can only have one account per household. what you may want to do is figure out what 2 things you would want, a free ipod and another item. then you can do a trade whereby you sign up for someone under say freeipods on freepay and they sign up for psps on freepay. after that, you can offer to signup for people on whatever other sites if they sign up for ipods at freepay. once u are done with freeipods you can go for psps. this gives u the most benefit. read the trading rules and etiquette and such. i would gladly sign up for you under nanos on freepay if you do psps for me. we should wait until i have 4 tr though so we both get tr. pm if interested and i can help you out.


24-02-2006 13:10:59

see my PM. I think that if u sign up first and do a trade for $20 to sign up for someone else under nanos then you will make out better in the end and I can sign up under nanos for you and you under psps for me. lemme know