29-01-2006 09:05:53
How would one go about changing the TR they once left.
You need to elaborate.
But I will tell you now that the amount of TR you have is controlled by the Admins/Mods here. You can't change it at all unless you trade successfully with someone, then it just gets higher.
29-01-2006 10:04:17
Long story short, a kid went red....denied it, then when proof was brought to the table he said that he wouldnt do anything about it since I emailed trainn to revoke my refferal. But trainn never revoked ANYTHING and now he's laying low.
Basically, Im changing my TR that I gave him one way or another.
I'd be lying if I didnt change it.
29-01-2006 10:14:20
I think you mean you want to change the comment you posted when you guys requested TR? Anyways PM a mod, and they'll fix it for you if they want.
29-01-2006 11:25:33
LOL. Don't mess with chazmann.
29-01-2006 11:47:20
holy shit d3athtonic.
31 ALREADY!? You're on fire.
29-01-2006 15:19:54
Yeah I honestly had no idea what you were talking about either. TR and TR feedback are two totally different things.
29-01-2006 18:17:08
[quotebf5cdff651]holy shit d3athtonic.
31 ALREADY!? You're on fire.[/quotebf5cdff651]
I'm on steriods. Got a lot of it from doings offers. twisted