24-01-2006 16:16:08
I requested TR with a user with 0 TR. We were both denied.
While I see the wisdom in denying trade points for two low TR numbers, I hadn't checked the number in a long time. Last itme I checked, it was 2. Now it's been raised.
Is it possible to 'resubmit' for the TR once I hit 4?
While on the subject, I have a couple of trades that I did a while back through this site, but PM, not the trade module. If those users are still around, can I do a 'postdated' trade? Or is that against the rules?
Thanks very much
24-01-2006 16:44:54
We credit TR based on when the trade took place. So if it was denied for both being under 4TR, then it will be denied again and again if you resubmit for TR.
As for your other question, if those members are indeed still around and aknowledge the trade and it hasn't been credited already, then you can submit for TR and if we deem it legit, then it will be credited TR.
24-01-2006 19:53:52
so if i did a trade a while back and now the other guy is at +4...we can re-request approval and we'll both get our +TR? if so that'd be sweet cuz i've done 5 trades and i'm walking around w/ a TR of 1...kinda sucks....
24-01-2006 21:28:59
[quotee6c8fe2356="crazyates"]so if i did a trade a while back and now the other guy is at +4...we can re-request approval and we'll both get our +TR? if so that'd be sweet cuz i've done 5 trades and i'm walking around w/ a TR of 1...kinda sucks....[/quotee6c8fe2356]
We know when trades have been credited or denied, and you try requesting TR for a trade that has been denied then it will be denied again, so you might as well not even bother wasting your time.