Need help with Video cards!! PLEASE!!!!

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22-11-2005 14:46:09

These are the ones I found for Black Friday-

Geforce 5500 128mb graphics card $49.99 (rebate) CompUSA
Geforce 6200 256mb graphics card $49.99 (rebate) CompUSA
Radeon 9600 256mb graphics card $79.99 (rebate) CompUSA
Geforce 6600 256mb graphics card $149.99 (rebate) CompUSA
Geforce fx5500 128mb graphics card $49.99 (rebate) CompUSA
Geforce 6200gt 256mb graphics card $99.99 (rebate) CompUSA
ATI Radeon x700 Pro 256MB PCI Video Card $99.99 (rebate) Best Buy
ATI Radeon x700 Pro 256MB AGP Video Card $99.99 (rebate) Best Buy

I want one but not sure what to get or to get PCI/AGP..... cmon computer guys I need you here before friday!! thanks.