thinking of doing an xbox 360 site..

Live forum:


20-11-2005 22:12:38

What would you recommend?

I'm doing the free ipod from Trans right now and the offers seems easy, however freepay as reputation.

How fast is freepay to approve ? I know trans take about 11 days..


20-11-2005 22:16:38

In my opinion I would have to say do, by trainn, because they have alot more offers and seem to credit alot faster then freepay. With freepay you cant really measure out how long it takes them to do stuff on average because they are so frickin popular, with freesite popularity comes slower and slower credit and approval times.


20-11-2005 22:20:00

That's very interesting. I should get in on the action before trans get too popular and remove some of the easier offers.


20-11-2005 22:27:11

[quote3140980ffe="Zolar"]That's very interesting. I should get in on the action before trans get too popular and remove some of the easier offers.[/quote3140980ffe]



20-11-2005 23:57:59

Its also a matter of preference.. Everyone's got their picks.. Personally, I like FreePay cause I've stuck with them since the launch of their first sites (point-based) and freeipods..

I'd say free360xbox.. but either site you go with, you will have a LOOOOOOOOOONG wait for the 360. I've been waiting on approval on my account for free360xbox since October 26th.


21-11-2005 06:42:11

with Freepay you'll be on backorder

with Trainn you can get a giftcard


21-11-2005 09:52:17

Train seems like the right answer


11-12-2005 19:30:10


I should have done Trains's xbox 360, it's too late for that anyway, im two more to go. Train gives you other options besides the premium bundle!!

Freepay is just backorder up the ass til jan.

Besides, freepay has lots of easy offer but it's harder to get approved , they look at everything, their offer doesn't credit as fast. I'm waiting on my 10th for a supposely 7day credit. (


11-12-2005 19:42:13

Yeah you should have. I got all my refs green in less than 24 hours, got approved in 12 days, and got paid 2 days later / 14 days total for 415