08-11-2005 17:00:23
a user that i'm about to deal with claims that since he can't do yourfreevideoipods.com for me, since he signed up for someone else already. He'll do it at school, different IP, different account, but using a diff card. Either this card is either his, but a different card ( visa and debit ) or it is his friends, so is htis a safe approach ?
08-11-2005 17:33:51
and if he actually means doing it at his school you run the chance that someone else has already done that site there and they can dq you for that aswell
08-11-2005 17:55:21
fraud is fraud is fraud is ban
08-11-2005 18:15:53
well other than someone may have done it there, are there any other risk factors? \
08-11-2005 18:29:02
Fraud = bad
And you'll go to hell. Really.
09-11-2005 15:22:59
See, its people like you that will eventually bring the demise of refferal sites (point sites will live on huzzah!) becuase even though you might be able to get away with it, its morally wrong and you shouldn't even try because you are ripping off a site owner.
09-11-2005 17:48:38
yeah i understand now. thanks.