canadian offers

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31-10-2005 23:36:12

hey i'm trying to find some good offers to do at freepay/yourfreevideoipod/4free sites but i don't know which ones are US/CAN. For example, i was planning on signing up for the offer at yourfreevideoipod for someone but had soon found out that i couldn't fill in the application form correctly because they asked for states ( which here in canada is provinces, thus meaning it is for US residents only )

so what offers from freeipod/yourfreevideoipod companies are canadian friendly? with no bullshiet?

PS these websites do not spam your number or address right? just making sure for a friend of mine


31-10-2005 23:41:22

I can't help sorry


31-10-2005 23:45:23

my mistake, back on track though, anyone know of good canadian offers? lol


01-11-2005 21:21:43 was a good offer..can't believe they won't support us canadians!