[quoteb8a062ab70]You appear to have the minimum number of referred friends needed to get your FREE XBOX 360. However, we must first approve your account and confirm all of your referrals as unique, valid, and legitimate. We also check your referrals' referrals, and make sure all offers were done with no signs of fraud or abuse. This process can take several business days to complete. We cannot award you credit for referrals that we find to have broken our terms of service. Unfortunately, customers often find that 1 or 2 referrals do not get awarded, so you may want to refer extra friends to improve your chances of approval.
If you believe you have completed all necessary steps according to the FULL requirements of our Terms & Conditions, then click the button below to request this approval. Once approved you will be able to order your FREE XBOX 360. Please note, however, that ANY type of abuse or attempts to fraud our free offer will be taken very seriously and may result in your account and/or your referrals being placed on HOLD status.[/quoteb8a062ab70]
Thats what I got, so I clicked Request Approval, then it says
[quoteb8a062ab70]Great news!
You have requested approval for your account. After we have reviewed your account and referrals we should be able to send out your FREE XBOX 360. Please check back after 7-10 business days to complete your FREE order.[/quoteb8a062ab70]
Now, I'm a bit anxious so I refresh the page and I get the first message again, so I click Request Approval again.. Is that anything to worry about? I don't want to be placed on hold for clicking Request Approval twice P
Should I PM Jake and ask him about this? Thanks for any help
26-10-2005 13:30:51
I think you will be fine.
LOL, you are paranoid. All your questions are about whether you will get DQed for checking your status... D
hey.. its best to be paranoid then be careless.. I've heard of ppl getting put on hold when they didn't do anything wrong in particular.. I'm just making sure I'm doing everything right step-by-step )