21-10-2005 13:10:12
I signed up for last friday and have gotten 4 friends to sign on under me. so far I have nothing but yellows even though I signed up for blockbuster last week and have received two movies already. I know in the help section it says that you should wait 15 days before reporting possible problems, but I've read about people getting credit instantly or in a day or two and also that you shouldn't use Firefox. I used firefox and I know at least one or two of my friends are using it or Safari even. Is it really an issue that people have been able to prove somehow? Thanks
21-10-2005 13:55:40
Yeah it CAN be a problem.
Lots of people have used, and continue to use FireFox for doing offer, with out any complications at all.
It is recommended to use I.E because of the difference in the way FireFox and I.E handle security and Cookies etc.
To be better safe than sorry it is recommended to use I.E, allowing pop-ups and accepting all Cookies, this way unless the offer you do is a bad offer, then you are 90% guaranteed credit for doing the offer you did.
IF it gets to the point where the 15 days are up and you still have yet to receive credit, then as long as you have the confirmation e-mail showing that you signed up for the offer, then contact Freepay and let them know, they will then more than likely ask for your confirmation e-mail.
They will then either give you credit, or not, depending on what they deem necessary.
21-10-2005 14:05:13
I'm gonna disagree with my distinguish scottish collegue and have to say that I use firefox all the time to do offers and I rarely have had a problem...I think ive had 2 or 3 offers not credit out of about 20..In 2 of the situtions I think it was the company having credit problems and not any problems with firefox...However I would recomend turning off your popup blocker when doing sites/offers to be safe
21-10-2005 15:10:06
Use IE.......for any site for offers
just my 2 cents for ya.
21-10-2005 16:12:33
Yeah I always use firefox, never had an issue with the browser, only a few bad offers
21-10-2005 16:56:45
[quote16657502df]better safe than sorry[/quote16657502df]
True that.
21-10-2005 17:03:19
i had problems with firefox....never had a problem with IE....
22-10-2005 07:05:03
[quoted65d582519="dudelovesFinch1035"]Use IE.......for any site for offers
just my 2 cents for ya.[/quoted65d582519]
Your wide-ass avatar obliterates the layout of the entire page in my browser. That thing is like 300 pixels wide!
Oh, and on-topic, I have used FireFox for every single offer I've ever completed. Only one that didn't credit was OfferCentric, and there's no surprise there...
22-10-2005 07:34:40
[quoteca49c8b719="RocLaFamilia"]i had problems with firefox....never had a problem with IE....[/quoteca49c8b719]
same here
22-10-2005 18:46:15
[quotede99e61aa2="dudelovesFinch1035"]Use IE.......for any site for offers
just my 2 cents for ya.[/quotede99e61aa2]
Your wide-ass avatar obliterates the layout of the entire page in my browser. That thing is like 300 pixels wide!
quote]it's not wide,wtf are you on roll
23-10-2005 10:33:34
i seriously don't understand why people are so gung-ho for firefox. i've had 3 computers and on each one there were stupid problems when using firefox. sometimes pages wouldn't load properly, or load at all. it would hog resources like no joke. and it would spaz out with more than 5 windows open. and i'm fairly certain FF has more security holes than IE. i've had 3 people use FF to do flashipod offers about a month ago and not one of them has went green.
24-10-2005 11:37:08
firefox works fine for me on all my computers, but i use IE 6 to do all my offers and gotten credit for all of them i have done.