So I'm just idling on the irc channel.
I wasn't spamming my link or anything of the sort. Then check this out...
[1wk akill] (ID /UMYgAwzUtMQN/))
[2329] lilili Now talking to con
[2329] <con> so
[2329] con is convince
[2329] con is a Registered Nick
[2329] con on +#thescene @#freeipods #Convinced #lobby @#help
[2329] con using Just an Illusion...
[2329] con is a Services Administrator (IRCop)
[2329] con idle 1, signed on Tue Oct 18 184218 2005
[2329] <con> how come you aren't messaging me about trading
[2330] <con> and spamming your link
[2330] <blah--> hi, do we know each other?
[2330] <con> yep
[2330] <con> i'm the guy that's gonna fuck you up
[2330] <con> bye
[2330] Disconnected (2005-10-18 233035)
Message you about trading? I'm surprised he wanted to trade with you via the channel.. thats a big no-no (on the rules of the channel, but hes mod.. he can do anything)
19-10-2005 18:17:57
That guy is a cock. He used to be a mod here.
I think he was being facetious when he mentioned trading. I think he is maybe used to lots of people going in there and asking about trading and posting their ref links, so he was surprised when you didn't.
Ignore him.
That guy is a prick to everyone on there.. The guy has no life.
Last known photo of Con (as of Late 2004)
http//[" alt=""/imga2918dcc0c]
20-10-2005 01:42:27
He's lost weight and had a haircut i see.
20-10-2005 08:20:38
if hes demodded here shouldnt he be banned from the irc channel as well?
the IRC channel sucks anyways...... too many jerks on ego-trips....