07-10-2005 22:18:59
How long does it take to get approved on TheFreeProject. This is my seventh business day and it says that it will take only five.
08-10-2005 05:50:28
expect everything to take 3 times as long as they say
horrible site when it comes to paying you on time
09-10-2005 12:09:51
Another question, How many batches do they have every month. They told me that the October 15th one is already full, but I really do not want to wait until November 15th cry
09-10-2005 12:53:35
You'll probably be waiting until december with their history
09-10-2005 12:57:37
[quote20c60463c3="goofygarber"]You'll probably be waiting until december with their history[/quote20c60463c3]
i'd say average is waiting 2 months for everything