06-10-2005 13:51:06
game boy micro? huh? what? when? why is it on the free gaming systems by freepay site? has it come out yet? what site can i get one at?
It seems like i came out but i have heard nothing about it, Its kinda werid but there are some freesites i am not sure what ones.
You can get it at allthis4free or evenmore4free.
06-10-2005 16:50:27
only one referral on evenmore4free. but is it legit?? and is it like offers of doom? cuz I'd do it if it was legit and had good offers for sure...
06-10-2005 16:56:57
[quote2600f69023="Brok3n_Sword"]It has casino offers.[/quote2600f69023]
can't do casino offers..... that sucks. and allthis4free doesnt have a micro i dont think...
06-10-2005 17:37:53
Allthis4free gives a micro or a shuffle JUST FOR SIGNING UP AND DOING AN OFFER )
No refferals required, its a bonus in addition to your actual gift. If you are insterested in signing up (but if you can't do casinos, its kinda worthless) PM me
He's only 15 or 14, dont think he can do casino offers.
06-10-2005 19:24:52
Freepays's Freegamingsystems has it....