25-09-2005 15:22:39
I just made an account on PayPal just in case i want to do some trading here on the site. I just have a few questions, i hope some of you with PayPal experience can answer these questions.
1) Do I have to enter in my checking/savings bank account # in my profile so that I can start making transactions between users here?
2) I do I get the cash from PayPal to my hand?
3) After a considerable amount of cash in my paypal account, I'm I able to enter in my bank account number in my profile and put all the PayPal cash into my account?
4) Is it safe, has there been any cases here mentions on anything going wrong
25-09-2005 15:25:44
You must really like that superman thing........................
25-09-2005 15:28:27
[quoteae133f3a9e="The PayPal Site"][listae133f3a9e][liae133f3a9e]To use PayPal to send money, you may be required to add a credit card to your PayPal account
[liae133f3a9e]To accept funds, you may be asked to add a credit card or a bank account to your PayPal account
[liae133f3a9e]To send funds above your initial sending limit, you will be required to add a credit card and complete the steps to become verified[/listuae133f3a9e][/quoteae133f3a9e]
You can do free bank account transfers to and from your bank account. Or you can request a check for a free.
I have not had any problems with PayPal so far.
25-09-2005 15:32:47
so, u have to enter in an account number first, than you can only do trades? Is it possible to do the trades, have them send money to my PayPal, and keep it there until i decide to transfer it to my Bank account
25-09-2005 15:40:23
You can keep money in your PayPal account as long as you want. However, a bank account and/or credit card [bb6ba357518]may[/bb6ba357518] be required for receiving money and [bb6ba357518]most likley[/bb6ba357518] will be required to send money.
25-09-2005 15:42:01
You can receive money without having a credit card or bank account linked but to send it you have to have one of those linked and to withdraw it you need your bank account linked
25-09-2005 15:45:29
ok, i see, so, if i do a trade here, they can send me the money to my PayPal account, even though i didn't enter in my bank or cc number. Thanks Collateral