21-09-2005 20:18:07
Hey all,
I'm new and just joined here, and am looking to score a free ipod off freepay. I was really skeptical of this whole deal at the beginning, but now I think I can see that it really does work. For me now, the only issue is safety....anyone got crap sent to their snail mail, or like smut and crap (that you DIDN'T order yourself lol ). Are there any security issues I should be worried about here?
I tried using the search, but didn't really find much to answer this...thanks for any help, in advance!
21-09-2005 20:31:00
well u might want to try making an account on hotmail or yahoo. for email. but for post mail? im not sure.... i doubt it but its still possible. and if u havent signed up and made an account yet i suggest waiting and signing up under someone. I didn't do that and i now regret it. anyways if ur new to all this these forums are great for noobs! btw have u tried blingo yet? PM me for a link.
22-09-2005 05:37:29
I've heard of blingo, and do all my searching through there. Online, I'm not worried about my comp security etc... cuz I have a quad firewall (hardware), etc..., and I do have a couple of junker email accounts. I'm just curious if there's anything that could happen due to me submitting my shipping address to them? Has anyone ever got extra junk mail, or other crap sent to them? As for signing up under someone, if you need a green, pm me wink
22-09-2005 11:14:40
You can get a lot of cash for signing up under someone so don't do it for free. As for the security question, I never got spammed because of freepay, and I didn't notice an increase in snail mail spam either. I am pretty sure they ask you (checkbox or survey) if they can share your info and you just have to say no.