21-09-2005 14:49:53
how do u take a screenshot then put it on to the site so people can see?
sry guys im still kinda noobish even though I'm requesting approval for freeipods..... thanks.
21-09-2005 14:52:35
thanks, but........ cough I don't cough know what coudh that means... excuse me i think im sick.
thanks for the fast reply though.
21-09-2005 14:52:36
on your keyboard there should be a button called "print screen,sysRQ", usually next to F12.
just get on the page you want to take a screen capture of and puch that key.
then open up microsft paint or what image editer you have/use and paste it into a new canvas and then save it D
then upload it to photobucket or something and add the "img" link to your post and it should show up.
21-09-2005 14:53:26
[quote0593c642a2="theysayjump"]on your keyboard there should be a button called "print screen,sysRQ", usually next to F12.
just get on the page you want to take a screen capture of and puch that key.
then open up microsft paint or what image editer you have/use and paste it into a new canvas and then save it D
then upload it to photobucket or something and add the "img" link to your post and it should show up.[/quote0593c642a2]
ok well i understood that... lol thanks
EDIT wait no i dont lol after i click that nothing happens...... where does it get saved too>???
21-09-2005 15:38:28
How do you cut the image? on Paint (
21-09-2005 15:58:24
It doesn't save to anywhere, you've to paste it into something like mspaint/photoshop, ect
21-09-2005 16:14:58
I got it,my friend di it for me.
21-09-2005 16:33:39
[quote9cde1fc6fe="Veek"]ALT + Print Screen.[/quote9cde1fc6fe]
what does that do? i thought you only press PrintScreen
22-09-2005 02:46:29
you only need to press
Print Scrn ==> open up paint and Ctrl + P to paste image and save..
then upload using ImageShack
22-09-2005 13:22:56
ok i got it now thanks i used it to put my requesting approval pic into the brag bag
22-09-2005 17:57:54
[quote4afa5a3814="mpbollywoodking"][quote4afa5a3814="Veek"]ALT + Print Screen.[/quote4afa5a3814]
what does that do? i thought you only press PrintScreen[/quote4afa5a3814]
print screen = takes a screenshot of your entire desktop
alt + print screen = only takes a screenshot of the active window (firefox, internet explorer, etc)
24-09-2005 10:13:53
hahah my prnt scrn button is broke