08-09-2005 20:59:50
Hey guys, I'm from Canada and i'm new to this free ipod thing and i would love to receive the free ipod. I understand the procedure and all that and my question is, other than the website (which is the only one I have currently signed up for) what other sites are there that also works in CANADA?? This is because I really want my 5 referrals done, and I would love to help out others as well. I have not done any offers at any site yet so this means I can help you guys out in return you help me out =)! as long as its a site that services canada! Thanks a lot guys! D
08-09-2005 21:05:38
Welcome! D
your best bet is to go with Trainn ( Transcendant Innovations) sites. they ship to Canada, at least on flashipods4free they do.
they also offer paypal, which might be easier to just get the cash and buy an ipod.
if you dont have friends or family to sign up for you, then this place is a good place to get referrals. freeipods is probably the hardest site to get refs on here for, since nearly everybody has done it, you would end up paying about $30- $40 per ref, or doing 2 sites for somebody doing freeipods for you.
with flashipods4free (trainn) it would cost you less, you would only have to do one site in a ref for ref trade, they ship faster than freeipods, they have great customer service and they have more than one ipod to choose from (including the new ipod nano).
The other site from the same network as is
That site works for Canadians too.
09-09-2005 09:33:39
So does this mean I can only help ppl do 3 sites freeipods, freedigitalcameras, and flashipods? Which means that I will only have to look for 2 more offers which is impossible? I want an ipod.... cry
Anyone ? ?
11-09-2005 20:03:32
all transcendent sites are available to Canadians... (3)
freepay (gratis has 3 now)
both are the best and most trustworthy ... imo, do them before trying other smaller sites...
btw, im a canadian too!
11-09-2005 20:24:32
Even though he can't receive a gift from a majority of sites, can he still go green on them. That's what he's asking