Going for a laptop(edit: question on a network)

Live forum: http://forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=20795


30-08-2005 16:44:23

I tried this place to get refferals for my freeipodphotos.com a while ago, but I'm still completed with needing 8 refferals so I'm gonna say screw that

I'm trying to get a notebook computer.. which is the best/safest site to do that with? Maybe one that someone will pay for me to be their refferal with?

Also, is it easier to do offers that give you money then buy something, or easier to just get a free notebook computer? (if there are any like that)

Thanks.. sorry for the confusingness of this post im a bit tired.


someone said freenotebookgear is good and its on http//www.blazefreenetwork.com/

Is this a safe network/site? it's not mentioned on freeipodguide's forums..


30-08-2005 16:46:35

well theres the freepay (gratis) site freedesktoppcs.com, and they just introduced a laptop. they are the most legit network and the laptop is only 10 refs.

ill pay you if you're interested in signing up, PM me if you are.


30-08-2005 16:59:33

If you said screw that to 8 referrals, wait until you see you need 18-20 for a notebook. I may have read your post wrong, but if that is the case...yeah


30-08-2005 17:02:33

[quote9afe59aa36="halfbreed"]If you said screw that to 8 referrals, wait until you see you need 18-20 for a notebook. I may have read your post wrong, but if that is the case...yeah[/quote9afe59aa36]

Well I'm pretty broke.. its hard to find refferals, but I'll hopefully find some friends who can help with it IRL.


30-08-2005 17:15:10

It was on anything4free. That's how I saw it.


30-08-2005 20:31:38

peeps who finished it are still waiting on payment from freenotebookgear.


30-08-2005 20:35:51

thanks.. my first thing is going to be 250 paypal on flashipods4free.com


30-08-2005 20:38:16

I'm going for it too on freenotebookgear, and no one has gotten anything yet, because the owner is still on vacation. He should be back within this week to sort everything out.


30-08-2005 20:59:48

tell me if/when you get anything )