question about referrals

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27-08-2005 18:50:47

I have a question about referrals. I am trying to get my brother an ipod for his 13th bcuz my parents can't afford it and I was wondering how I could advertise bcuz it seems like no one cares. I tried advertising webspace but that didn't work.


27-08-2005 18:54:02

If anyone has a secret to advertising links, i doubt they will just give you it. Most people here trade for their refs. I would try flashipods4free. It is new enough, so not everyone has done it. Almost everyone has done freeipods.


27-08-2005 20:35:37

well for me since i play counterstrike a lot. lol (yes im 1337) i put ask me for an ipod in my name- but thats just me, most people will trade eachother for referrals that they need- or asking your friends or paying them seem to work well. Hope that helps some.