05-08-2005 20:29:13
I did a trade... the other guy went green.. I went green we requested TR and it was denied? what's that mean?
05-08-2005 20:32:46
ohhhh because we were both n00bs it does not credit us? that stinks! once I get two TR (from trading with non n00bs) will I be able to claim this TR?
05-08-2005 20:33:54
Thats why you read the rules before trading wink
05-08-2005 21:15:10
[quote77e54fa5f4="Peinecone"]Thats why you read the rules before trading wink[/quote77e54fa5f4]
... AND wrong section to post in.
05-08-2005 21:50:31
[quote0334fd5bf1="KillerMccoy"]I did a trade... the other guy went green.. I went green we requested TR and it was denied? what's that mean?[/quote0334fd5bf1]
Just trade with people with member that have 2 TR or more (for the moment) - then after you get 2+ TR you can request TR with that person again.
I need some sites - you can do it (or them) for me and get TR wink
06-08-2005 05:31:01
I forgot how cart will steal any thread he sees to find a trade ref.
06-08-2005 09:44:25
[quotecbaae07140="Peinecone"]I forgot how cart will steal any thread he sees to find a trade ref.[/quotecbaae07140]
I remember how he used to talk weird but he's a lot better now.
07-08-2005 16:13:49
[quotee9f583a727="Peinecone"]I forgot how cart will steal any thread he sees to find a trade ref.[/quotee9f583a727]
hell yeah, that's so annoying. when he was banned here he used to do the same thing over at A4F.
But it's so nice that a newbie find the error in his ways