20-07-2005 20:26:12
how do u guys get a lot of referrals? i have 2 green and several yellow. but i just wanted to know how u guys got all of ur referrals? any tricks or tips?
20-07-2005 20:31:04
post people on this site get them through sign up for a site that someone else needs in return for them signing up for a site that you need. or you can pay people to sign up ($35-$45 for freeipods, $10-$15 for logitech4free).
if you dont have money you can either put your link on your site if it gets high traffic or the best way is probably friends and family.
21-07-2005 03:15:02
[quote12b26732c7="Berky34"]how do u guys get a lot of referrals? i have 2 green and several yellow. but i just wanted to know how u guys got all of ur referrals? any tricks or tips?[/quote12b26732c7]
You have to be elite lol
Listen to Jump, trading is crucial. It makes up about 50% of my referrals