Is This Possible??

Live forum:


15-07-2005 10:45:40

Sorry, if I might sound like a noob but I have a problem, hopefully somebody can help me.
Is it possible to do two accounst on one computer if I havent touched one??
For example, I signed up for all OC websites and Gratis, I only signed up for them to put my ref links on some website. About 75% of those accounts havent been touched, I dont have greens or yellows. Do you guys think if I make another account and is active it'll get on hold. Im just saying this so if I can, I can do many trades. Please help me out. Thanks


15-07-2005 10:48:27

If you haven't done an offer on the other accounts and never touch them again, you would probably be fine. I would reccomend contacting Gratis and explaining the situation though so you don't get any unpleasant surprises. )


15-07-2005 10:53:59

Okay, thanks


15-07-2005 11:39:47

It would probably be possible with gratis, dont try it with OC though, theyll screw you