Sigh.... i want to trade :*(
03-07-2005 22:40:10
I want to begin trading RIGHT NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW. I dont know if i should ask for the $$ or 2-for-1 trade. I still dont know what i am doing. I just want an ipod, two x-boxes, and a flat screen.
I feel so bad about this, but i actually want to post my pics up on a Myspace account. I dont know. I dont like my body and a few yrs ago i suffered from an eating disorder. It is so dumb, but i worry that if i dont get that stupid ipod/xbox/whatever then i'll go back to being bulimic. I know i wont, but i worry. It's dumb bc i am past that.
I was thinking about posting pics of one of my sisters bc they are very pretty. I cry when i think about how low i have stooped these past few days. I know this isnt an Oprah show, but i feel bad. Yet i want that free ipod, so i must not be as moral as i think i am if i am still this driven.
I know if it is such a big deal to me, then i shouldnt do it. I dont know. I wish i was a different person. Well, the same exact me, but in a different body and location.
I dont even know what i am trying to get out of this post. Reading the myspace post though, i have been given enough confirmation that guys are pigs and jerks. Maybe i should use my sisiters pics just to spite them and all the guys that have fallen for them instead of me.
But at the same time, i'm feel like i shouldnt sell myself and my family out like that. BUT I WANT ALL THESE THINGS THAT EVERYONE IS GETTING. This one member had like 8 free things, all received!!
[b8bf08af482]i know this post makes no sense[/b8bf08af482], but i still want the moral opinions of others (bc of curiosity). I worry i'll regret selling myself out for an ipod 2 yrs down the road. Maybe this is why God made my sisters so tall, skinny, and beautiful bc they dont do crazy crap like this?
i'm sowwy for people i have ben mean to this week.
[b8bf08af482]Yes[/b8bf08af482], it is a girl week right now for me. But that doesnt justify some of the things i have been thinking and saying,
BUt i want an ipod. RAR! x
Look at how sexy this chick is
Wow. I wish i had that.
what should i do??? trade or myspace?? Someone take pity on my confusion and help me figure out a trade option.
03-07-2005 22:45:47
pmd. about photoipods.
03-07-2005 22:49:17
God damn. Who is that bitch, I'd do her. Anyhow, you could always try the MySpace thing but I would definately not use your sisters pictures. Just find some hot bitch online and use it. I wouldn't recommend doing the MySpace thing either, they might be cracking down on those accounts cuz I know a few people had their myspace accounts shut down for it. If you have the money to buy people to sign up under you, go for it.
03-07-2005 22:54:52
no no, you know what. Yea, she's hot and all... but do guys really like that. I mean, yes to look at and screw around with... BUT FOR A RELATIONSHIP? i mean, she posts pics of herself like that all over the net for people to see. Whoever posted said that her pics are EVERYWHERE. Waht about when she grows up and has kids? She'll always have "internet ASS" as her reputation. I doubt she is majoring in biochem. Guys are jerks. If i were a guy i'd want a girl who was smart and pretty (like the girl next door). Not the kind that wears like layers of foundation. life is so sucky sometimes. no wonder people look for free ipods.
i'm curious though if people have more links to her pics though. She is like insanely sexy. in a bad way. but still.
03-07-2005 22:59:07
I definately wouldn't want her as a girlfriend. I know I'd get pissed if I was dating a chick and she did that. BTW, the chick from the girl next door was so freakin' hot. D
03-07-2005 22:59:26
although you are sounding more and more like a guy trying to be a girl, that girl in the pics is skinny as shit!
i cant stand skinny girls....its disturbing (
03-07-2005 23:06:08
that girls has a amazing ass but yeah i wouldnt want her as a gf if she posted pics like that all over the net but she is fine as hell
03-07-2005 23:08:05
maybe skinny isnt the word. Thin or toned. Where i go to school that is all i see on campus. If you look on myspace, all the girls with 14,000 friends have a certain look. AND OBVIOUSLY YOU JERKS EVEN PROVED THAT BY THE SITES YOU MADE.
Life is depressing. And the myspace thing is so hard to do without being obvious. The sick little brother thing i dont like either. It makes me uneasy. There has to be another way. If i could get all blockbuster sign up then i know i could get an ipod. I could post on a movie forum (not spamming) but make the recommendation. And REQUEST they do it through my link. But even then i dont think it would work. I actually have a few good ideas that i want to try, but again, they are shady.
03-07-2005 23:11:50
[quote936c6c5d29="theysayjump"]although you are sounding more and more like a guy trying to be a girl[/quote936c6c5d29]
Not to sound paranoid, but someone brought up the possibility of myspace reporting people not only to gratis, but authorities. I want to know the legality. Like some people used copyrighted pics.
03-07-2005 23:12:34
You wouldn't want all your referrals to do BlockBuster. That would make it look like you "walked" them through.
03-07-2005 23:14:01
well myspace people all sign up for blockbuster. if they do it at diff times. anyway that wasnt a good idea. i just wanted to know if the concept of all blockbuster would still get an ipod.
03-07-2005 23:20:41
it may or may not gratis may find it shady...why dont you just try to get unique refs with different offers completed then you dont have to worry about it
03-07-2005 23:22:36
someone just offered me to "buy their account" with 3 greens. i was wondering if i am allowed to do that, it seems shady. If a mod wants to know who, i'll pm them. I am just comfused bc that seems like gratis would see the address change or send HIM the x-box instead of me.
03-07-2005 23:26:16
I wouldn't recommend buying a Gratis account becuase the address and name will change so who knows what Gratis will do, ya know? OC is a different story, they don't take down your address at sign up so they wouldn't know.
03-07-2005 23:28:15
uhhh, i heard bad stuff about OC.
here's the offer
"that i give u my 360xbox account that has 2 legit greens on it for a green on my photoipod"
03-07-2005 23:48:24
well you have to look at their trading record, how many posts they have, what people have been saying about them and what they have been saying about others......then you would have a better opinion as to whether or not the account did have legit greens on it or they didnt have more than one account.
also, now that im married im not looking for a girl, but when i was looking, the 1st thing id try and find out would be their taste in can tell a lot by someones taste in music.
that would be enough for me usually, then it would have to be humour and intelligence. looks would be 4th.
and i know all the guys would say oh your full of shit, your lying, every guy prefers looks over anything else blah blah blah, but thats just not the case for me.
if it was a fuck buddy then maybe looks would be more important.
04-07-2005 00:04:52
alright, stop talking about girls now, it's depressing me.
if i could do all blockbiuster refs i'd be okay. i have a plan (not the one mentioned above). Most of the refs from myspace are blockbuster right? (Myspace isnt what my plan is though)
but real quick, last thing, you said theysayjump that you didnt like skinny girls. Is the girl's body in those pics considered skinny to you?
[b27012f1b42] if i traded, would it be better to do the 2-for-1 trade or take over an account?[/b27012f1b42]
04-07-2005 00:26:26
By the way, you can try and get some of your friends to sign up under you if you think that would be easier.
04-07-2005 00:28:25
yeah thats too skinny.....too much bone. there has to be at least some meat on the girls i like but there was none on her. meat is a good thing D
there are tribes in Africa where the men believe that the heavier the woman, the better the wife, companion etc. if a woman can bring up children, cook, clean, take care of the family etc, (or whatever the women in African tribes do) and still manage to eat AND be "plump" in that kind of environment, then they are better than other women, in terms of raising a family and such, cos it shows that not only can they provide for their family but themselves also.
04-07-2005 00:47:01
by the way, her name is Keyra Augustina Cordova or Agustina.
i saw that on ripley's.... but that's in am area where poverty and starvation is at a higher rate. So a heavier woman would imply the family had more money. I am gonna make a body survey awareness site and post my links on them. That actually seems like a good idea for many good reasons. I just need a good, free host with lots of badwidth.
but but also, not to judge you or say you are lying and i know i dont know your preferences.... but i think a lot of guys say things like that to "get ahead in the game." It's a great way to lower a girl's defenses and if she is self conscious (sp?) about her weight she'll think, "Oh he actually doesnt like skinny girls, so he must mean it when he says he likes me."
I have fact on this. But that isnt an attack at your honesty. Obviously in this case you have nothing to gain from lying. I was just saying that it happens. And you cant ignore the fact that i was "sobbing" about guys and female beauty; that kinda makes me feel like anyone could bs something outta pity. Girl are weak in this aspect and easily buy into what they should realize is a ploy. NOT ALL GUYS OKAY!!! ) but a lot.
ben laden
04-07-2005 00:49:01
That's why guys suck. I forget why I'm a guy sometimes..............then I look down my pants and I remember.
04-07-2005 00:54:54
Ben you make me feel bad when you are so nice to me. Cant you just let me wallow in my self-created abyss of misery.
You are too nice to me, it makes me feel like a bad person. ]
ben laden
04-07-2005 01:30:36
WTF why? I'm an awesome person. I guess that's the only explanation. I'm nice to everyone. Except Scientologists. Especially not Scientologists. THey can take their evil spirits that live in volcanoes and shove them up their ass so far that the ghosts that live inside of them can smell 'em.
04-07-2005 01:50:37
Wow, this thread is just all over the place. ?
04-07-2005 01:57:18
[quote234dc27411="Batman"]Wow, this thread is just all over the place. ?[/quote234dc27411]
i know!! you should see some of my other posts. i swear i must have adult ADD. but i am always emotional when i go through girl stuff.
04-07-2005 01:58:53
[quotede149c420a="Sara332282"]but but also, not to judge you or say you are lying and i know i dont know your preferences.... but i think a lot of guys say things like that to "get ahead in the game." It's a great way to lower a girl's defenses and if she is self conscious (sp?) about her weight she'll think, "Oh he actually doesnt like skinny girls, so he must mean it when he says he likes me."
I have fact on this. But that isnt an attack at your honesty. Obviously in this case you have nothing to gain from lying. I was just saying that it happens. And you cant ignore the fact that i was "sobbing" about guys and female beauty; that kinda makes me feel like anyone could bs something outta pity. Girl are weak in this aspect and easily buy into what they should realize is a ploy. NOT ALL GUYS OKAY!!! ) but a lot.[/quotede149c420a]
well no i wasnt lying....and i know you werent "attacking" me personally, but i have nothing to gain since i am already married. i have no reason to say that i prefer women like that because even if i was lying, what good would it do me?
if i only liked skinny girls then i would be as well just saying so.
so when i say i dont like skinny girls and prefer "bigger" girls, then its true.
im more bothered about what the oerson is like than what they look like (i know another cliche roll ).
04-07-2005 01:59:23
Yeah, I know what you mean about the ADD. This one time
04-07-2005 09:23:21
[quote4ac3fba069="Sara332282"]Look at how sexy this chick is
wow... + karma for that bitch ) whoever she is
04-07-2005 10:48:56
Sara this is a forum about free things dont sit here and analyze every word that is said lighten up
04-07-2005 22:21:42
[quote281d6b5c50="Sara332282"]Look at how sexy this chick is
How about you not post a link to my personal webspace w/o atleast giving me credit? K THX
04-07-2005 22:24:09
i knew that was you FON, i could just tell wink
04-07-2005 22:24:54
[quotea21e54885a="theysayjump"]i knew that was you FON, i could just tell wink[/quotea21e54885a]
Me too, that ass of yours is so good man. I didn't know he was a chick, what a trickster.
04-07-2005 23:01:19
[quoteb9f68ae693="Collateral"]Me too, that ass of yours is so good man. I didn't know he was a chick, what a trickster.[/quoteb9f68ae693]
Who said that he was a chick?
http//[" alt=""/imgb9f68ae693]
05-07-2005 00:41:10
08-07-2005 09:02:07
sarah im a bit lost here - what does getting free ipods have anythign to do with myspace and selling yourself out?
08-07-2005 09:36:51
Look at how sexy this chick is
[bf70643dc32]HOLY MOTHER OF GOD!!! THAT IS SOME HAWT SHIT! lol. Can you say "boing!"[/bf70643dc32][/sizef70643dc32][/colorf70643dc32]
08-07-2005 09:50:05
So we're all talking about some chicks ass in the Help section? Haha