30-06-2005 19:06:51
So i am looking at all these things that i want. I made a list of electronics that i can get reputatble sites. I came up with
-Apple 4Gb iPod Mini
-Sony 19" monitor
-Samsung 15" LCD TV⁄Monitor
-X Box
Now, is it easier to use the referals towards the product itself
Trade money for signups and then just go to the store and buy it myself (meaning i never ask anyone to signup for me, just take $$ to do it for them).
I know $$ varies depending on the site. Like obviously i'd get more to do than something such as freepurses er whatever.
But i am reading people say that they make like $1000 per month just signing up for stuff. i dont know if that number seems inflated to anyone (or if that doesnt take into account the s&h from what they order).
Also, check out this site http//
it just seems weird to me.... signing up 30 people will get you a 42" plasma screen?? It must be like refurbished or referals that are expensive/difficult to get.
is anyone else weirded out by this???? this doesnt seem glittery to anyone??? i cant be [ia7435efbf2]that [/ia7435efbf2]crazy???
ben laden
30-06-2005 19:19:20
It seems like it'd be easier to get the referrals, but I don't have enough experience to answer that question fully.
30-06-2005 19:49:00
well if you were to get the ipod (20GB) you can get it for 5 refs. say you have to pay each and every one of those 5 people, $35 to sign up and go green, it would cost you $175. if you could do an offer for each of those 5 greens ($10 per offer max), it would end up costing you $50.
say on average, someone will pay you $25 to do their site, youd have to do 12 sites to get enough to buy an ipod.......for the same amount of site you would be doing, you could have done 2 ipod sites already. or a desktop or minimac site....and still have 2 greens available.
to cut an unnecessarily long post short
go for refs, not money.
although i would be willing to pay you to do a couple of my sites D
01-07-2005 20:23:48
Awesome explanation! I'd often wondered about this myself but never really plotted it out as one versus the other. Thanks, theysayjump.
ben laden
01-07-2005 21:23:29
Yeah, it's only useful to go only for money if you're not planning on doing any of these sites.