Which are the Gratis sites?

Live forum: http://forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=17720


30-06-2005 12:46:59

Which sites are classified as Gratis sites, OC sites, etc?
Can someone make a quick list or is there a general listing somewhere?
What about the list of "prizes"? Or are they ever-changing?

Also, it seems that Gratis has a pretty decent reputation, however i seem to be reading more negatives about OC.
In you opinions, which ones are good and not so good and a quick why.

Thanks a lot!!


30-06-2005 12:49:17


This site has a great listing of the sites and prizes, but the offers aren't always updated. Look on the left side under proven free items.


30-06-2005 13:04:18

I would recommend sticking to Gratis, as they are the most reliable network around. People have been having problems with OC lately, as they have changed their offer system to make it much more difficult, and have been disqualifying people with no justification.


30-06-2005 13:07:25

Yes, Batman is right. Don't do OC(OfferCentric).

ben laden

30-06-2005 13:38:40

I third that. OC blows


30-06-2005 22:13:12

Indeed, btw just go to http//www.gratisnetwork.com/ to get a list of their sites