23-06-2005 14:35:41
[b0994c08ca9][i0994c08ca9]Allright.Gonna grow a ballsack and go for one of these sites.My question is wich is the quckiest or easiest to get.Im kinda leaning towards a notebook for college.Any sites u guys recomend?Let me know.Ill trade anyone once i sign up for a site.[/i0994c08ca9][/b0994c08ca9]
23-06-2005 14:57:14
well the only "reputable" notebook site (OC (offercentric) )is fucking all the people who have signed up. they're making it impossible for people to complete sites.
if you wanna go for that site by all means be my guest, but most people will tell you to stay away.
there is another site that does offer a notebook but only a few people have done it and the site owners are taking an absolute age to do anything (credit people, change status, ship items).
maybe go for something other than a notebook at the moment. the most reliable site is Gratis and they do have a Dekstop PC site. im not entirely sure if there are any other sites that offer computers or notebooks.
if you wanna sign up for sites that you havent already signed up for, you will more than likely find someone to sign up under in the trading post....including me D
the hardest site is probably freeipods.com or any of the above mentioned OC sites.
im not sure on the quickest, maybe some of the people who have done more sites than i have would be better at tell you about that.
23-06-2005 15:14:34
Probably the fastest sites right now are the 4nocash sites. Check out the forums dedicated to them on this site. Kinda new, but many have been getting their gift or paypal VERY quickly.
23-06-2005 17:17:37
yeah and they have been crediting pretty fast too i believe. i did an offer for someone on there a couple of nights ago and i got credit within a couple of hours.