17-06-2005 20:52:57
I hadn't check my Status on my handbag offer for a while and when i checked it the other day i saw that i had a green and my account was placed on hold..
i received this message..
While you have completed all the requirements to get a FREE Hand Bag, we have reviewed your account and referral offer completions and have placed your account on hold. We have determined that your referrals appear to not be unique users. Because we make money from advertisers who only pay us for unique users, we cannot credit you for these referrals.
You have not received credit for 1 or more of your referrals because they do not appear to be unique user(s).
Well i kinda know how i was placed on hold....
When i posted my link, no on joined for weeks and i joined myself to see if it was working right with a email= somewhat like.. somewhat like.., and those were rejected.
So...... i was wondering if i have to ask gratis to take me off hold OR can i get the 5 greens and receive my item?
17-06-2005 21:02:21
hmm......well that was kinda dumb to do that in the 1st place but oh well......before you do anything you should probably contact Gratis though. you could waste money doing an offer or paying people to sign up and then they will just put you on hold anyway.
im not entirely sure that (even if you do contact gratis) they will believe you.
im not saying you are lying but from their point of view it looks like you might be trying to scam them.
like i said, best thing to do is contact them and see what they say.
17-06-2005 21:08:09 much work lol
i dont really need a handbag anyways.
it was just a random person that turn green and i didnt do an offer yet so i really got nothing to lose.
17-06-2005 21:09:18
pm jake about it, he always helps D
17-06-2005 21:19:37
cool thanks for the comments guys
17-06-2005 21:20:21
no problem.....if you get it resolved let us know.
21-06-2005 16:59:29
My free handbag account is no longer on Hold! =)
This is what i got from them.
customer service wrote
Thank you for your patience. We have verified your account and have taken it off hold status. As a reminder, we do not allow multiple accounts on our sites. Nor do we allow more than 1 account per household. We take all types of fraud very seriously, and since we give our products away for free, we cannot afford to be lenient on dishonest methods users try to obtain their free items.
Thanks gratis