16-06-2005 01:13:02
Alright well I just tried enabling my cookies and it didn't really work. Here's what happened I clicked "tools," then "internet options," then "security." With the "internet" section highlighted, I clicked "default level" (it had custom settings up), then slid the bar down to "low." This came up [quote90b62df267]The recommended security level for this zone is 'medium.' The level you have chosen is lower than this. Please choose a security level of medium or higher. [/quote90b62df267]
It wouldn't let me just override that message so I could just put it on low anyways. Any suggestions?
16-06-2005 01:20:22
that's not what u need. click on Privacy, instead of Security, u'll see there.
16-06-2005 01:22:32
Haha oh alright thanks + Karma for you. I feel like an idiot, time to close this thread.