10-06-2005 19:55:20
I received an e-mail earlier saying I had a PM, but when I clicked the link and logged in to read it, there was no new PM in my inbox. This happened to me the other day as well, but I have received other PMs since then, so I'm not really sure what has happened. I have a couple trades still in progress right now, so I would hate to miss out on a PM and have someone think I am ignoring them. Any ideas?
10-06-2005 21:28:46
if you get another e-mail saying you have a new PM, check the time of the e-mail with the time of the last PM you recieved......maybe you're just getting the e-mail in error.....PM a mod or the admin and ask them if they know anything that might be going on with it.
12-06-2005 00:52:43
If someone sends you a PM, then deletes it out of their outbox before you read it, you wont see it.
12-06-2005 10:02:48
[quotee124ca5968="Admin"]If someone sends you a PM, then deletes it out of their outbox before you read it, you wont see it.[/quotee124ca5968]
Too bad you can't do that with emails )
12-06-2005 12:09:26
yeah used to be able to do with AOL couldnt you?
13-06-2005 14:03:57
yeah me and spytfire are in a trade right now and im not sure he can read my pms.. lol