07-06-2005 15:11:31
Does anyone know if you use dial up and DSL if you would have a different IP address for each??? That would be a way to do the same site twice from the same comp wouldn't it???
07-06-2005 15:42:46
I got DSL through the regular phone company (Qwest) and dial up through AOL. I run the DSL through a wireless router so if i turn that off the only way to connect is dial up, seems to me like it would work, but not sure.
07-06-2005 16:10:30
of course it'll be different bro.
07-06-2005 16:14:51
Great admit that you wanna scam a company really good
07-06-2005 21:07:05
lmao......there goes cart's chance (if he ever had one) of modship.
08-06-2005 18:05:38
I thought that the sites base it off of your physical ip address not your dynamic (which is the one that changes). Or maybe I have no idea what I am talking about, someone fill me in lol.
08-06-2005 19:45:02
Hey I wasn't trying to find a way to scam the sites, i was just trying to figure out how people are able to "manage" their friends accounts with out haveing to go to different comps all the time???