01-06-2005 18:16:58
i have had like 5 people join under my name and have not showned up at all they have done it like they are instructed.
what should i do. i am losing on the referals. i just sent an email to gratis. has this happened to anyone else
01-06-2005 18:21:32
well, one just showed up. but i have had 3 not show up
01-06-2005 20:35:14
So they aren't even showing as yellow? I don't know why 5 different people would have a problem as odd as that. Are you sure you sent them the correct link?
01-06-2005 20:54:17
yeah. they just didnt appear. it sucks
02-06-2005 07:32:17
[quote862c7dd4a5="nicd.01"]So they aren't even showing as yellow? I don't know why 5 different people would have a problem as odd as that. Are you sure you sent them the correct link?[/quote862c7dd4a5]
better yet.. are you sure they actually signed up!
02-06-2005 07:36:24
i guess that would be the logical answer but i taking there word for it.
02-06-2005 09:02:05
the only possibilites i can think of would be that
1. they didnt sign up at all
2. they signed up up but not with your ref link &....
3. for some reason people have completed an offer on freeipods.com for example, the credit for that has gone to a different gratis site they have signed up at....maybe this has happened for another gratis site you have, your refs have gone to there, instead of the one you wanted them to.....unlikely but you never know.
02-06-2005 12:08:13
Make sure the computers allow cookies. If those are blocked, it creates problems.