Referral circles not allowed... Gratis

Live forum:


12-05-2005 07:47:56

2 reputable traders signed up for my freeminimac then went gray. Gratis said that it was because of "walkthrou" or "multiple accounts".

The referrals have been writing them asking why exactly they were placed on hold. One of them explained that he has successfully completed their site so there was no reason that he would have to be walked through signing up for another one of their sites. He stated that I signed up for his freeipod so he signed up for my freeminimac.

Gratis then replied that "referral circles" (this site and sites like this) are against policy as well.

Has anyone heard of this before?
Does anyone have any contacts with Gratis?
Any suggestions?


12-05-2005 11:17:09

Whatever "referral circles" is supposed to mean (at least, with "circle" as in a c0nga, or "circle" as in a group of people), neither of these are breaking the T&C as far as I know (and right now I'm reading over it to double-check that nothing was added). I would (kindly) ask them to explain that part and reference where in the T&C it is mentioned. I'd imagine the real problem is the walkthrough issue, which is one I've never been rather fond of because of its ambiguousness.


12-05-2005 11:39:30

I'd never heard of the referral circles being against the T&C. Seems if that is the case, then Gratis would be losing a lot of referrals where they don't have to send out the free product.

The walking through issue is one that's bothered me at times. Say someone you know isn't that good with computers. At some point, someone needs to show them how to click on the link and to make sure their cookies are enabled.

Unless Gratis wants to put up their own web pages that show step-by-step intructions, I don't see any problem with someone standing by and offering help when signing up. And by standing by, I mean in person or via IM or email.


12-05-2005 11:47:23

We agree. We have not found anything referring to it in the rules.

As for the walk thru, he has proved that he has signed up and completed (ipod) their offers before, and he was the one who originally referred me to this game... Why then would he have to be "walked through"?! What does it mean to be "walked through"?

As a side note, all of my posts have been pleasent. I hope they respond to politeness better than rudeness...


12-05-2005 19:43:22

What is defined as a "walkthrough"? if you take the text out of their images "1) Complete an offer 2) get some friends to do the same.." etc, is it considered a walkthrough?


12-05-2005 20:00:48

A walkthrough is like telling your referrals to do specific offers and then telling them how/when to cancel.


18-02-2008 23:10:07

How can they figure out if you walk your referrals through?