SCAMMER.....Username .( JASPER)

Live forum:


04-05-2007 05:51:23


JASPER ==> She trade with me .. 20 per/poin for gifmonkey...

I complete green for her with 2 point ...(

Not pay .. 3 day .. so not pay too..( she say pay on point)

pm to her .. her not read ....

Please MOD or ADMIN Ban Her..
who trade with her .. please caution...




04-05-2007 06:34:57

We don't ban people who don't reply for 3 days. She may be out of town or otherwise unable to access FiPG.

If she still hasn't contacted you in a week, let me know. Until then, be patient.


04-05-2007 06:56:08

Okie Thank Moderator.. Im waiting Her


04-05-2007 11:20:26

I just contacted you today, I haven't been home. Sorry that work calls and im not always able to get online.

Its pointless in trying to ruin someones rep by directly going to the scammers section when they are slow at responding.