29-04-2007 09:11:04
had a bad weekend with the scammers!!!!
I had 4 out of 6 refs go red when I submitted my order!
jerrybomb is fixing everything
sorry retracted original thread!!
29-04-2007 11:40:51
1. Have you PMd a moderator??
2. Have you PMd jerrybomb??
both of these should have been done long before posting here. Many times a ref going red is a simple mistake or even a site error, and can be easily fixed, without dragging someone's name through the mud without reason.
If you have done both of these things and it has been going on for a while, then you should post more details.
29-04-2007 11:42:52
[quoteff0ab915cb="laurelwm"]1. Have you PMd a moderator??
2. Have you PMd jerrybomb??
both of these should have been done long before posting here. Many times a ref going red is a simple mistake or even a site error, and can be easily fixed, without dragging someone's name through the mud without reason.
If you have done both of these things and it has been going on for a while, then you should post more details.[/quoteff0ab915cb]
I don't think he did that since he posted this in the scammer section roll
02-05-2007 17:45:56
yeah, I made a mistake and I have also refunded your money, did you notice?
02-05-2007 18:05:38
Thank you jerrybomb!
I would definately trade with jerrybomb again!
he is an honest trader!
again sorry for the confusion.
02-05-2007 18:42:20
okie. i thing so too.have many traders went red .buturl==http://=http:///url i can post them on scam forum.because i also already go red. and have many site very difficult .singupurl==http://=http:///url is go red. because have another used your IP singup on your offer site