Warning Sign
27-04-2007 11:22:53
I just wanted to share a PM conversation that sent up red flags for me immediately - maybe this can help others, too...
I sent this person an offer after he/she posted in the trading post forum. This is the rest of the conversation
Other peron
Is this on green or approval
Since you have no TR, it's on approval. But I won't make you wait forever, either. If it takes awhile for me to fill in my refs, I will ask the site to pre-approve you. That way you don't need to wait too long.
Other person
well lets have the site pre-approve me now because I don't want to wait
for approval
You've got to green before you can be approved.
I have not gotten a response and I honestly don't expect to. Beware everyone.
27-04-2007 11:57:49
Wow that made no sense at all from both of you.
27-04-2007 12:00:05
Sorry - next time I'll keep my info to myself.
27-04-2007 12:01:30
fo sho
27-04-2007 12:25:24
No, It made sense...just he wanted to green and get instantly approved by the owner
27-04-2007 12:51:11
I think it makes perfect sense and I know that I have been tempted on several occasions to share PM's very similar to this because they happen to me all the time. Especially when I tell the traders I will have them preapproved within 24 hours of their green, on most sites, and they PM back with an excuse as to why they can't complete my site or I never hear from them again. And the thing is I normally see that person's user name pop up in the scammers thread not too long after my experience with them.
gmario, I know you are an experienced trader but I just don't think that it was necessary to get rude like you did. If you didn't understand the post then why did you not ask her to clarify it for you. Can't we all just get along?
27-04-2007 15:01:07
Have you seen this trader back on the forum or in the scammer section. Just curious... If they are a scammer, I hope you scared them away for good.
27-04-2007 16:02:02
Thant's why you don't share info, so everybody can fend for them selfs and let the scammers over populate the freebie industry and scam the newbies that aren't to familiar with this. )
then you won't have to be flamed. )
well what do i know i am just a noob i can get away with this... right.....
27-04-2007 17:47:14
Thankyou for sharing - At least I know I am not the only that askes the site to check over a green before I pay. And your conversation made perfect sense.
30-04-2007 04:56:42
I understood you perfectly, and have had that same thing happen to me. You did a good job defending your position, and keeping from getting scammed. D
Way to go! D
30-04-2007 07:14:28
I understoof you too, in fact it was one of the better conversations reported about PMs, sometimes people just copy and paste all the PM convos, repeating what they said over and over and you can never understand what they are talking about.
30-04-2007 07:32:08
Thank you all for your support.
Just a note - at the time of that conversation this person had a TR of "0" - he/she now has a TR of "12". I REALLY hope this is as good of a trader as those people think and that they didn't end up getting scammed...
For myself, I'm comfortable that I did the right thing. I'd rather be safe than sorry - even if it takes me a little longer to get my refs.
30-04-2007 07:34:46
who was it?
30-04-2007 08:06:15
gmario, please refrain from belittling someone else's posts. She posted a valid concern that was easily understood by the rest of us, and implying that she should keep things to herself was uncalled for.
Please take a moment to remind yourself of our rules against rude and antagonistic posts
30-04-2007 08:12:24
[quoteb70ac0a7fd="gmario"]who was it?[/quoteb70ac0a7fd]
I don't really want to smear someone's name if that person is indeed a good trader. I was not actually scammed by this person, I just was concerned by the conversation.
At the same time, I don't want to see anyone get scammed, either. So I'm not sure what the procedure is here. Anyone who can shed a little light on this, I would welcome the insight.
30-04-2007 21:44:20
[quotef4f0fe32c5="skepticalcynic"][quotef4f0fe32c5="gmario"]who was it?[/quotef4f0fe32c5]
I don't really want to smear someone's name if that person is indeed a good trader. I was not actually scammed by this person, I just was concerned by the conversation.
At the same time, I don't want to see anyone get scammed, either. So I'm not sure what the procedure is here. Anyone who can shed a little light on this, I would welcome the insight.[/quotef4f0fe32c5]
Well said skepticalcynic! You did the right thing not to state the persons handle, as you aren't sure what kind of trader this person is...You really are one sharp gal!
As to what procedure to follow, if you do have a real concern that this trader might be a scammer, you may want a Mod to look into it, and find out for sure. Then if the person is shady, you have a legitimate reason, and responsiblity to the rest of us to report in the scammer/problem traders area. )
dmorris68 responded to this thread, and may be a mod to contact, as he is familiar with what is going on here. wink
Margot 8)
01-05-2007 05:54:38
Ok - so how do I go about contacting a mod?
01-05-2007 06:07:33
just send him a PM )
01-05-2007 06:13:03
[quote915931d6a1="skepticalcynic"]Ok - so how do I go about contacting a mod?[/quote915931d6a1]
At the opening of the Scammer & Problem traders page, right under the bright red box, you will see in dark red letters the word moderators...click on that, and a whole list of the mods pops up and gives you their contact info....just don't pm the guy at the top, he is the owner, and hates pm's.
Try the mod that posted, dmorris68. Give him awhile to get back to you, they are usually right on top of everything, which keeps them quite busy.
If it were me, I'd sure thank him for his getting involved! wink
Margot 8)