21-04-2007 07:20:26
Has anybody had any trouble with this offer? Do they just charge you for the shipping and handling or were you charged for the first two months even though you cancelled your trial membership within ten days?
Do you have to return product? Thanks for any help offered.
21-04-2007 08:02:28
As a service to you, Himalaya Green Tea provides uninterrupted service for your convenience... Your bi monthly supply of Himalaya Green Tea, the diet supplement, will be there whenever you need it. The product will be shipped to your door automatically once every two months, and you will be billed $89.95 plus S&H via your selected payme nt option. There is no minimum commitment to purchase, and you may choose to cancel this automatic shipment service at any point in time you wish.
This is all I could find on it and it did say your free sample would be shipped in 10 days and no mention of returning any part of the free sample
21-04-2007 18:44:12
And we DON'T talk about cancelling offers here.
21-04-2007 18:53:11
your right we dont, was just showing what they had in thier comfirmation e-mail