10-04-2007 17:00:37
Hey everyone,
I am leaving tomorrow morning and will be out of town until next Tuesday 4/17.....I should have access to the forums but will not be able to pay out any paypal or do any greens. I have made an attempt to notify all of my current trades but I'm not sure I got to everyone...Like I said I'll be on the forums so I'll get to you all at some point = )
10-04-2007 17:03:19
Have fun. Hope you are off to somewhere nice )
10-04-2007 17:38:16
Have fun, but not too much fun - I don't think you can do freebies from JAIL !! roll roll
Send us a postcard !!
11-04-2007 06:02:57
Thank you = ). I'm actually going to DC to visit my brother and we were hoping to catch the cherry blossoms but I think the weather has destroyed them. We were also supposed to get a private tour of the White House but that got cancelled too....so who knows what we'll be doing = ). I'll be checking in on the forums though!! Thanks again!
sandra habina
12-04-2007 02:43:02
Oh there are lots of museums and monuments to see. Have a great time.