PLEASE HELP ME!!!! fly351 is a SCAMMER!!!
07-04-2007 10:40:41
Hello everyone,, Fly351 offered me a few trades to do, 3 to be exact which totaled to $65 Dollars!!!, well he was very nice enough to help me out on the website, introducing me to how everything works.. well i marked my Tradesas Gone Geen!! i waited a week. and from His had Goen Green Too, so i Requested a TR!!, and even since then he has blocked me from IMing him!! I have sent him many PM's and no response what so ever, MODS Please Look into this matter for me and tell me what i can do to get my money that was promised. Thank you.
07-04-2007 10:49:22
And I Yet to recieve the $65 dollars from this person, Mods please do something about this. Thank you.
did u PM a mod?
that is what u need to do.
also, why would u request TR before checking that he was truly green?
07-04-2007 13:36:25
I think he may be out of town or something. I am also waiting for an approval payment from him that has yet to come, but he informed me just the other day that he was one grren away from submitting. So, I think he's around, perhaps he blocked you because of the frequency of PMing? Don't know...
07-04-2007 13:59:47
[quote18487ff1f7="marketingman0069"]I think he may be out of town or something. I am also waiting for an approval payment from him that has yet to come, but he informed me just the other day that he was one grren away from submitting. So, I think he's around, perhaps he blocked you because of the frequency of PMing? Don't know...[/quote18487ff1f7]
Well I PMed him twice and onl 2 times, so i am not sure what he is up to!!,
07-04-2007 14:22:03
Contact a mod, always the best bet.
09-04-2007 11:48:56
Still haven't heard anything from this guy. 4 days later...hope he's on vacation or something.
09-04-2007 12:03:17
Not sticking up for him as I only know your side of the story..... but are you sure he was going to pay you upon green? He should at least get back to you but that could be an explanation on why he hasn't paid yet! After looking at his latest post in the "Trading post" he said he would pay on approval if your TR was under 6. Just a thought!
09-04-2007 13:00:03
No, no, I'm not complaining that he didn't pay me after going green. I fully understood that it would be upon approval. I just can't get ahold of the guy as I'm wondering what stage of his prize he is in, that's all. And it was someone else that started the thread so I just thought I would chime in.
09-04-2007 15:31:12
It' been nearly a week and nothing from this guy, I hope the Mods are reading this Thread! thank you.
09-04-2007 17:05:12
Marketingman....... my post was referring to Solidwolf who started the thread!
My guess is he is paying Solidwolf on APPROVAL...... Solidwolf - what does the description of the trade say?
Like I said not taking any sides, I just remember when I was a newbie and thought I was going to be paid on green but the trade description read upon approval! So I had to wait...... he should at least get back to both of you - a PM is all it takes
10-04-2007 10:08:22
This guy hasn't even opened my PM's according to my outbox. This is getting fishy, smells like stale salmon up in here!
11-04-2007 17:22:38
Anyone heard from this user at all in the last few days? Anyone at all???
11-04-2007 17:27:20
It's spring break, he might be on vacation. At least give him until Friday and see if he comes back.
11-04-2007 17:31:06
[quotec43e3d7e9e="DIABLO"]It's spring break, he might be on vacation. At least give him until Friday and see if he comes back.[/quotec43e3d7e9e]
Good point, didn't consider that at all.
14-04-2007 08:16:41
has anyone heard from this person.? it's been close to 2 weeks, and nothing yet!! what should i do.?
14-04-2007 10:42:28
Yeah, this is getting ridiculous. I'm going to contact a mod, feels like a scam up in here. Perhap not though )
14-04-2007 19:16:26
Actually, PMing a moderator should have been done before anything in this post.
14-04-2007 19:36:18
Well, in my experience mod's can't and won't do anything if the issue is premature. So it's a catch 22 - you post here to find out what the hell is going on and that's not the way to do it. You post a mod and it's premature, same thing, accomplishes nothing.
I like apple pie.
14-04-2007 21:07:05
If the mods want, I can give them 2 of fly's ref links. We did 2 trades for his trainn sites around 03/29/07. I'm not sure if he cashed out already or not but it might help.
14-04-2007 22:11:04
Yeah, I've got 2 of his as well, not a bad idea. I'm still waiting to hear back on the first PM I sent earlier today.
16-04-2007 09:43:18
Calling fly351 - are you there???