23-03-2007 13:09:22
Not sure what to make of this. I signed this girl up for yaitsfree yesterday, and today I get this PM.
[quoted132dffb93]Hello, my name is Amber Jones, I believe you have been dealing with my niece, Angela. She signed up on this site and used my information to sign up for "offers" and now it's messed up my bank account. I just wanted to let you know I have been canceling these offers all morning. If you were going to pay her something please DO NOT, she needs to learn she can NOT be compensated for lies. I'm sorry for any inconvienance this has caused you, it will NOT happen again. - Sincerely, Amber L. Jones
She's 49 percent green on the site. Should I wait to see what they do?
23-03-2007 13:11:02
No, it sounds like mommy busted her...she probably won't be let near a computer for awhile.
23-03-2007 13:12:41
Should I cancel the trade then? I still have a confirmation on it. Don't both traders have to cancel it? Should I contact yaitsfree?
23-03-2007 13:13:16
Did you already pay this persoN?
23-03-2007 13:14:41
No way...thank goodness. All my trades are on approval. wink
23-03-2007 13:16:49
I would cancel the trade...but ask a mod