26-02-2007 10:56:30
i went green over a week ago for a certain trader and have yet to hear a response from them or receive payment. how do i report them?? they promised me 40 dollars!! and i put money on my cc to make them go green. any suggestions?? or should i just out them right now???
26-02-2007 10:58:02
who is the user and you should pm a moderator with this information....such as theysayjump or dmorris. Hopefully you get what you deserve
26-02-2007 12:41:57
As a newbie, was it paid on green or approval? Approving a site can take awhiel...
26-02-2007 15:51:44
Check the agreement on the trade module. If it says paying on green (or something to that effect) then you should PM a moderator about it.
If it says paying on approval (or something to that effect) you should be aware that approval can sometimes take up to a month, depending on how close they are to finishing the site. A PM to the other trader asking for an update would be a good idea.
26-02-2007 21:47:32
Yeah, if it is on approval. You may have a long while to wait depending on how fast that trader finds refs for his/her site. I had to wait about a month and a half for one trader =\
28-02-2007 06:52:20
Well now I don't feel so bad. I am still waiting from a Trade I concluded and went green way back on Feb. 15th. Since I had the lower TR at that time, I had to agree to wait "upon approval". I am PMing my trade partner. He is still in contact with me. Guess I'll have to wait a little longer. But, up to a full month? Hmmm ?
28-02-2007 08:13:20
[quote9f0337ba29="dianaizme1"]Well now I don't feel so bad. I am still waiting from a Trade I concluded and went green way back on Feb. 15th. Since I had the lower TR at that time, I had to agree to wait "upon approval". I am PMing my trade partner. He is still in contact with me. Guess I'll have to wait a little longer. But, up to a full month? Hmmm ?[/quote9f0337ba29]
Well the thing with approval is that you might have to wait a month for that user to request approval. Thats the only thing that sucks about waiting till approval. Next time before you do a site for someone and have to wait for approval, i would recommend asking him/her to and see how long it will be till they request for approval. I'd just look at it as money in the bank.