Ninjutsu2 - slow on holding his end of a trade
24-01-2007 16:39:39
I initiated a trade with Ninjutsu2 on 1/21 and completed my end of the deal. Now he is saying "You would have to do 2 sites, because that site is worth more than regular amount referral sites. Or do you have any other sites that you want referrals for?"
I provided him with 2 other choices, but he is not responding.
24-01-2007 16:40:37
did you guys have a trade established in teh trade module? if so, waht was the exact trade?
unknown uchiha
24-01-2007 16:44:59
I initiated a trade with Ninjutsu2 on 1/21 and completed my end of the deal. Now he is saying "You would have to do 2 sites, because that site is worth more than regular amount referral sites. Or do you have any other sites that you want referrals for?"
I provided him with 2 other choices, but he is not responding.
He should have known better before he accepted the terms. However, I do feel it's unfair. You guys have to work this out. Has he done any offers for your site or vice versa?
24-01-2007 17:12:59
We set a trade in the trade module and since I have no trade record yet, I agreed to go first. I completed my end of the deal in under an hour and then he started to complain about his end. The worst part about it all is that he initiated the trade. The trade board shows this
Hide for Ninjutsu2
112446pm 01/21/07 pdsmith2002
073549pm 01/24/07
I just want him to do one f my sites so that I don't feel scammed.
I gave him 2 other choices!!! I do not think that I am being unfair at all.
24-01-2007 17:19:39
He has to do what is written in the trade module and you dont have to offer him any other alternatives. if he aggred to do your vbux site, he HAS to do it. dont let him push you around.
24-01-2007 17:23:17
But the question is - How do I get him to hold his end of the deal? Any part of the deal.
I understand the concept of the one with the lower record goes first, but there should be other factors in determining who is trust worthy!
26-01-2007 14:16:37
try to cantact him on aim
26-01-2007 14:50:44
Pam make him stick to the agreement this is just the kind of trader we dont need on this forum Fred
26-01-2007 14:53:10
If he didn't understand that your site was an OOD, I think you should do a 2nd site for him. I'm sure if you and him had traded places you'd be asking for a 2nd site, too. It really isn't fair because it costs him double, although he should have checked you could have also told him that it's 2 offers or an OOD.
26-01-2007 16:13:20
Update -
He contacted me and agreed to do another site (2 Days ago) and has not done the offer yet. Not responding AGAIN!
Being new to this, I don't know what an OOD is.
26-01-2007 18:15:00
[quotecf081c0e10="pdsmith2002"]Being new to this, I don't know what an OOD is.[/quotecf081c0e10]
OOD = Offer Of Doom
In others words the offer(s) are VERY difficult to complete due to either they are TOO expensive or one is NOT able to complete one such as a credit card offer. Many people can't get a credit card so if those were the only offers left for one to do then they couldn't do it.
Rick aka CorpRebel 8)
27-01-2007 12:18:17
Well he didnt contact you but for some reason I have yet to understand he did contact me. I started to do a trade with this person and he wasted alot of my time he then pretended to not know anything about paypal or ccs He seems to think this is a game. Since this conversation was directed to this thread I thought it should be included so here is the unseliseted aim confersation. Srdhdsh (13708 PM) Hello Are you there?GatTex (13717 PM) yepSrdhdsh (13734 PM) yeah whats her aim?GatTex (13742 PM) who????Srdhdsh (13754 PM) pdsmith2002Srdhdsh (13800 PM) she made a thread about someone scammingGatTex (13806 PM) who scamming??Srdhdsh (13816 PM) ninjutsu2GatTex (13825 PM) I was going to do the sameSrdhdsh (13840 PM) ohGatTex (13843 PM) hes a kid wasting our timeSrdhdsh (13856 PM) Lol no he's notSrdhdsh (13903 PM) He knows what he's doingGatTex (13859 PM) its you/Srdhdsh (13917 PM) The trade was unfair, unbalanced. He didn't know it was an OOD site.Srdhdsh (13920 PM) yeah that;s me.Srdhdsh (13921 PM) hahaSrdhdsh (13932 PM) so I can stop speaking in 3-rd person nowGatTex (13954 PM) they are looking into it and I think you are close to being bannedGatTex (14027 PM) we most of us anyway take this seroslySrdhdsh (14111 PM) Yeah, but it's not serious because I am an established trader who's going to do the site.GatTex (14120 PM) lolGatTex (14135 PM) so why did you aim me?????Srdhdsh (14156 PM) So yo uwont go posting on the forums posting as if I'm some scammer.GatTex (14252 PM) free country and all thatSrdhdsh went idle at 21554 PM
31-01-2007 09:50:33
He gave me the exact same excuse word for word about me needing to do two sites or wanting to do another one. I went green and now no response from him. Can we contact the site we greened for him and have them revoke his account?
unknown uchiha
31-01-2007 15:37:31
1. You guys seriously need to stop making threads before you contact a moderator.
2. Report his ass.
03-02-2007 15:51:48
Just found out from a reputable source that this guy is seriously bad news. DO NOT trade with him!
He has been banned numerous times from A4F. He is a big anime fan (as you can see from his avatar) and his names always have something to do with that. He has used Sharingan0, Sharingan111, Sharingan1, and something using "Drake" like Drakeson.
He tends to use hushmail email accounts as well. Anyway, I've reported him to a mod here but not heard anything back. The point is, stay away!
03-02-2007 17:28:56
ninjutsu2 PMed me asking if it was me as a source
03-02-2007 18:07:24
He emailed and PM'ed everyone who did refs for him beacuse he's mad he's been caught yet again. He was about to get paid from the site I did for him and yet he would never complete his end of the trade. Now he's lost that account. Serves him right.
03-02-2007 19:35:24
[quote17731a17cb="biochem411"]He emailed and PM'ed everyone who did refs for him beacuse he's mad he's been caught yet again. He was about to get paid from the site I did for him and yet he would never complete his end of the trade. Now he's lost that account. Serves him right.
Now he's making up stories and PMing me. It has to be sharingan.
[quote17731a17cb="Ninjutsu2"][quote17731a17cb="egyptianruin"][quote17731a17cb="Ninjutsu2"]Hey, are you going around telling poeple that I scammed users on anything4free and have been banned multiple times? Who was I there? Or so you claim I was.[/quote17731a17cb]
Um no[/quote17731a17cb]
Someone said something about What's wrong with the email service? They were posting the passwords of random accounts so I logged into one of them and emailed the users to see if it worked. You know anything about that?[/quote17731a17cb] is an anonymous remailer. And who is this "they" that he claims were posting passwords to anonynmous remailer accounts...the point of an anonymous remailer is to be anonymous so typically one does not have an account with hushmail but instead uses it to mask their identity.
03-02-2007 19:38:34
I hope the mods here realize who they are dealing with and drop the ban hammer. Sharingan is KNOWN for referring to himself in third person - guy/girl/whatever appears to be WAAAAY mentally unbalanced.
03-02-2007 22:21:23
i hope this guy doesnt turn out to b a con man because i did his apple tv site he was supposed to do my xbox3604free he sent me this e-mail today. Hey. Which one of youy told getstuff4free that you were scammed? I
emailed you and told you that some offers charged the credit card
and I had to get the refunds before I did more offers. Didn't you
get the email? I greened for 2 of you. Open a support ticket at site and tell them that you got your
03-02-2007 22:42:44
Same thing happened to me. Luckily, the admin at appletv.stuff4free is great. He actually let me transfer my referral to another user. So I got a trade set up tonight, got a ref for one of my sites and transferred the credit of my offer completion on appletv to another user and not ninjutsu2.
04-02-2007 08:07:20
[quote1c8692d0d7="thunderstruck888"]i hope this guy doesnt turn out to b a con man because i did his apple tv site he was supposed to do my xbox3604free he sent me this e-mail today. Hey. Which one of youy told getstuff4free that you were scammed? I
emailed you and told you that some offers charged the credit card
and I had to get the refunds before I did more offers. Didn't you
get the email? I greened for 2 of you. Open a support ticket at site and tell them that you got your
Unfortunately he is. Just look he's read this thread on more than one occasion - no posts in the forum whatsoever so he cannot be easily traced - yet he sends ME (super cop on a4f) a PM on FIPG asking if I told people here that he was a known scammer (how would he know or even suspect unless he's dealt with me before - besides it wasnt even me but it did alert me to the fact he was suspicious) and, using an anonymous remailer known to be used by a scammer (which he claims to used random passwords to access - either way plain out sketchy) plus many more qualities I personally have narrowed down that he displays time and time again.
05-02-2007 18:00:49
he greened for me for
and everything went through fine.
05-02-2007 22:21:30
It's been a pleasure trading with Ninjutsu2 or Darkkenshin (his old user ID). He's owed me money since last year but has made the effort trying to pay off his debt little by little.
Well, scammers don't do that. They rob you and then come back to mock you!
Getstuff4free Kyle
11-02-2007 19:26:06
a snippet from an AIM conversation - I'm censoring out the names on the off-chance that one of the 4 names is his real one.
(I had already asked him twice what's his last name, this was the third time) (74243 PM) What's your last name?
ertgerter (74238 PM) My last name is (name #1)
ertgerter (74242 PM) why?
ertgerter (74254 PM) err (name #2)
ertgerter (74304 PM) why? (74357 PM) Then why did you sign up as "(name #3)" on my site? (74409 PM) or (name #4) on another?
ertgerter (74406 PM) damn (74420 PM) which completely fits with everything else I've heard that you were denying.
ertgerter (74413 PM) I cant even get my story straight
ertgerter (74417 PM) Here's the real story
At this point he tried to talk his way out of it, but not doing a very good job of it and insisting that (name #3) is his real name even though he never even mentioned it until I brought it up.
12-02-2007 04:26:38
[quotee844270a94="kyle759"]a snippet from an AIM conversation - I'm censoring out the names on the off-chance that one of the 4 names is his real one.
(I had already asked him twice what's his last name, this was the third time) (74243 PM) What's your last name?
ertgerter (74238 PM) My last name is (name #1)
ertgerter (74242 PM) why?
ertgerter (74254 PM) err (name #2)
ertgerter (74304 PM) why? (74357 PM) Then why did you sign up as "(name #3)" on my site? (74409 PM) or (name #4) on another?
ertgerter (74406 PM) damn (74420 PM) which completely fits with everything else I've heard that you were denying.
ertgerter (74413 PM) I cant even get my story straight
ertgerter (74417 PM) Here's the real story
At this point he tried to talk his way out of it, but not doing a very good job of it and insisting that (name #3) is his real name even though he never even mentioned it until I brought it up.[/quotee844270a94]
Its because it's Sharingan, lol. I said this before but no one here (FIPG) seems to care.
12-02-2007 06:19:22
He's been banned. The admins were negotiating with him in hopes that he might pay members back or complete his end of the trade, but he didn't do so.