20-01-2007 13:15:09
On Jan. 9 an agreement and trade was set up for Cycarp to pay me $80 ($35 each for sony.v-bux and dell.v-bux plus a 10 dollar bonus for doing it by that Friday.) I invested more than just one $10 offer on thoses sites, making me out in the long run!!
I have tried to reach him numerous times and have revieved nothing but a blow in the face. So much for being nice.
The same thing happened to me with CyCarp on 1/12/07. I was new to this, didn't know that I should wait for a trade to be set up, he sent me his link and off I went and green'ed for him. After that, no communication. Never heard from him again even after numerous PM's.
I agree, BEWARE !!!
unknown uchiha
02-02-2007 11:41:57
Hey. Newbies. Have you guys ever considered PMING A MODERATOR before making threads like this?
02-02-2007 12:28:22
Contact the sites you did for him and have them remove your refs.
I'm assuming you guys didn't follow the rules about one of the traders having TR>4 either.