~~~~~~~~~~~ Help Us Help You - Your Input Needed ~~~~~~~~~~~
11-01-2007 00:16:02
We've gotten rid of the Bad Traders thread as it was updated only twice despite all of the replies it had, but nobody ever used it, so we're changing the way to look for problem traders.
We'll call it the Problem Traders Database, but it'll really just be a new usergroup that us staff members will add members to if they're found to be a scammer or problem trader.
It'll be setup just like th other Usergroups are at the moment and will be alot easier to maintain and to navigate.
What we'd like your help with is the criteria for which we add a member to this group, such as they have to have a minimum of three complaints against them, they've been out of contact for three days or more, suspicious behaviour etc.
Now those are just off the top of my head, so don't think those are the guidelines we'll use, but it's a start.
So please, give us your input, thoughts, ideas, concerns etc. It'll only be a good thing for all of us.
11-01-2007 20:41:09
How would people who are determined to be Problem Traders move out of that group?
11-01-2007 22:54:56
They'd have to resolve their complaints/issues/trades that were in question.
Once resolved, all we have to do is tick a checkbox next to their name and hit Delete. )
12-01-2007 00:39:44
Would it be possible to set it up for a specific amount of time with no response to pm? Say, 3 or 4 days (I know things come up so I think it should be at least a few days).
12-01-2007 19:08:57
Yeah that would be one of the reason we'd add someone to the Problem Traders Group, but we just need to decide on a timeframe. Some think 4 days is not enough.
12-01-2007 19:35:06
four days without response to me is quite a bit. So, what then?? a week? I dunno.
12-01-2007 20:34:03
I noticed you are a new member(great job working your TR up so quickly!). Anyways, right now, with all the fast deals going on, 4 days will seem like quite a while. A month back however, it wouldn't be considered uncommon to not hear from someone for a week, and the general rule was to wait atleast 2 weeks of no response before contacting a moderator. I've been involved with a trade for 3 months now and I let my trading partner have 3 weeks with no response(turns out his computer was fried in a storm or something).
I think its too difficult to really make a set time frame, I think there are alot of factors to go in to it. I think members with high TR or are beneficial to the community should be treated more leiniently then a new comer, for example.
12-01-2007 21:01:11
[quoteb800b3b7c1="theysayjump"]Yeah that would be one of the reason we'd add someone to the Problem Traders Group, but we just need to decide on a timeframe. Some think 4 days is not enough.[/quoteb800b3b7c1]
One week would be plenty of time, unless the user gave prior notice that he/she won't be available for a specified amount of time.
13-01-2007 08:45:32
[quoted25b9ccbdc="TFOAF"][quoted25b9ccbdc="theysayjump"]Yeah that would be one of the reason we'd add someone to the Problem Traders Group, but we just need to decide on a timeframe. Some think 4 days is not enough.[/quoted25b9ccbdc]
One week would be plenty of time, unless the user gave prior notice that he/she won't be available for a specified amount of time.[/quoted25b9ccbdc]
Oooh, I like that, what if there was an option to put a time limit on the trade? Like another tab or something in the trade module. Like with options, Instant, within 5 days, within week, or open ended. Something like that. Then there would be no question between both parties when the "proper authorities" would be contacted.
PS Excel, thanks for the props. I've been working hard at this 8)
I think that before people are entered into the group, it needs to be made clear that communication attempts have failed. If so and so goes red on me and he is immediately put in the group, that does nothing but tarnish his name. there could have been a legitimate misunderstanding with the freebie site or program site.
13-01-2007 08:58:42
Agreed Twon, but I think we need to establish a timeframe to say communication attempts have failed.
13-01-2007 09:31:56
People doing trades involving OOD offers that might take a month to clear should possibly be an exception to this.
24-01-2007 17:21:57
What if there was a box that you could check somewhere for if you know that you are not going to be available for a period of time (such as vacation)? There could also be a place where you could put dates not available.
New here, but reading everything to make sure that I don't screw up!!
24-01-2007 17:31:59
Maybe there should also be a "Warning" prior to putting someone on hold. Letting someone know that they have open disputes and allowing them to respond to them may be the best way to go. I am sure that not everone resds the scammer section all of the time.
24-01-2007 20:25:39
[quotea677dc7c77="pdsmith2002"]Maybe there should also be a "Warning" prior to putting someone on hold. Letting someone know that they have open disputes and allowing them to respond to them may be the best way to go. I am sure that not everone resds the scammer section all of the time.[/quotea677dc7c77]
Alright!! Another thread that I feel the need to voice my opinion though this time I believe TSJ asked for opinions D First let me say, Pamela, THANKS FOR LURKING AROUND THE FORUM BEFORE TRYING TO TRADE. The problem I'm facing right now with a lot of Newbs is having them sign up as a referral for me and never hearing from them again. I have one ref that signs on to YIM every day at least a couple of times...I have PM'd him several times and those have just been sitting in my outbox. But I have also IM'd him on Yahoo and he just doesn't respond. I knew the rule was that you had to wait 14 days and made a legitimate attempt to contact the other person at least once every seven days, so that's what I have been doing. But this person has no TR...didn't go green on my site...and doesn't respond to PM's or IM's or emails or anything. I think a week, without some sort of communication, is more than enough time. Maybe TR can be incorporated in there somehow too?? I've had a few established traders that several days longer than I had hoped to complete their end of the trade but they have been in contact with me and let me know why it's taken so long or when they plan to work on it. I could write a book about my opinions right now but I'll leave it at that...and if you do decide to start that database, I have a few newbie names that have signed up as referrals for me and haven't heard from them since if you want them D
24-01-2007 21:34:24
hmm I am still a newbie here, but had several ttrades...
indeed the most annoying thing is when your refs do not reply! if they would at least tell you ok, its going to be an extra week, i am not sure, etc etc, but they just ignore u! well, some of them
also, i think that if lets say i try to contact someone byt PM and i see the message i sent as ''sent'', therefore the pers. has read it, maybe when posting for scammers or waiting an amount of time this can also be included
i mean, if the user read the email but hasnt answer you within 2-3 days, its sort of hiding, no? if he hadn's read the message, mayb he's away or something, we could understand. but if he read it......
maybe make the users have to have an update on their status once a week? like lets say if they completed the offer but did not received credit, they can select offer completed, but should update it often so the other end knows what is happenning....
just ideas D
24-01-2007 22:12:40
Just my thought,I think If you make a trade with someone, you need to stay In touch with them each day..
If you go on vacation Let them Know you are going on vacation before you make the trade, I don't Know any body That's got A computer That has not got a firend that own one, Just go over to thirr place to do It.
You are the one that set It up , you are the one needs to take care of It, I guess if you DIE thir nothing you can do about It THO.
24-01-2007 22:36:58
Is there any way to set this site up so that it shows the last time a person signed onto it? I know on referral swapper (and I'm getting a little annoyed with this too)...I did a trade with an established trader where I went green rather quickly as he asked me if there was any way I could "have it done by the weekend"...he told me he would have it done what two nights ago and it's still not done. But I can see that he's been on the site, so that would lead me to believe he's surely read the swap comments. I guess if there was a way, other than the outbox (knowing if they read the PM's or not) that we could tell when the last time someone logged onto the site was, that might help out it deciding whether or not they are "ignoring" us or not. You asked for suggestion TSJ....so I'm throwing them out there.