suspicious new members
01-01-2007 06:16:44
anyone notice that there have been a lot of new members eager to start trading, just in the past couple of days? I posted a trade thread yesterday and in less than 24 hours I have received 23 PMs from people wanting to initiate a trade. usually, I'm lucky if I receive three responses in the first day. each of the messages came from members who had just joined FiPG and some of the members contacted me two or three times with a different message.
even the messages sounded canned or fake. the subject of the PM might refer to the site I wanted the referral for or the price I was paying, but the actual text of the messages never mention any details.
maybe I'm just being paranoid but it sounds like someone is registering fake accounts and fishing for trades. has anyone else been contacted by a lot of new members? is it possible to check new accounts to see if they're coming from the same ip addresses?
01-01-2007 06:22:58
lol maybe because anything4free is down duhh!!
01-01-2007 08:13:49
[quote098ed3c640="gmario"]lol maybe because anything4free is down duhh!![/quote098ed3c640]
I know A4F is down and a lot of those members have been migrating over to FiPG in the past month or so but the messages I received were suspicious. like I said, they sounded fake and I was receiving multiple messages from some of them. besides, 23 responses in that short amount of time is unusual, at least for me it is.
I'm sure some of those could have been legit but it just seems suspicious. that's all I'm saying and I was wondering if anyone else had noticed.
01-01-2007 08:42:21
The same thing happened a few days before A4F went down again. There were A LOT of new people wanting to do mostly trades for cash.
One guy tried to scam me out of $22. roll What a loser. P
01-01-2007 09:08:26
We're monitoring the situation closely. Thus far we've not seen enough evidence of new members being fraudulent to take any action. From what we've heard from a few newbies, it seems there was some sort of e-mail list or site that points people to free or cheap stuff, and it referenced FiPG. That's probably where much of the new traffic is coming from.
The problem we're having is many of them are in such a rush that they don't read & follow the rules, hence the big red warning box I added to the top of the page.
As long as they all turn out to be legit, we welcome them. It's always nice to have new blood to trade with, since most of us old timers have already joined all but the newest good sites, and may still need some refs on the older sites.
01-01-2007 09:16:55
Good, it isn't just me noticing it. I got a ton of PMs from people the day they joined. Like dmorris said, if they're legit, then the more the merrier.
01-01-2007 20:13:31
Hi everyone,
I just joined up tonight, I received an email from a traffic exchange program I am in about this business and that is why I joined. Maybe some of the other new people received the same message. )
01-01-2007 20:26:27
As Dmorris noted, all of the admins and moderators have been keeping a close eye on the new traders. So far I'm enjoying the influx.
Welcome folks.
02-01-2007 14:11:03
I am a little concerned so all my trades with anyone is under 10 tr they must wait till they pass approval.
02-01-2007 14:32:11
I had a bunch of new members complete referals for me last week and out of the 7, only 1 went on hold.
02-01-2007 18:02:06
It's weird since most want to get paid after green and won't wait till after approval to prove themselves first..... that's more experienced trader than inexperienced trader tactics....
Also, most know right away that they must green first, which is kinda odd....
02-01-2007 18:12:26
I've had very few problems with all the noobs lately. In fact I almost have my 6 greens ....and since the greens i'm getting is for the site I work for...i can check them out and all have seem to be OK so far except maybe 1
Edit I have also found some of the noobs are not being organized and are very impatience when it comes to offers actually greening. But some of my referrals filed for manual credit without me asking them too and already have been credited.
02-01-2007 20:47:47
[quote2f70954c19="zwarrior99"]I am a little concerned so all my trades with anyone is under 10 tr they must wait till they pass approval.[/quote2f70954c19]
wuts approval?
03-01-2007 01:32:01
When you finish the required amount of refs and they verify everything.....
[quote53adef4b9b="zwarrior99"]I am a little concerned so all my trades with anyone is under 10 tr they must wait till they pass approval.[/quote53adef4b9b]
ditto )
04-01-2007 19:44:53
Where are all these n00bs coming from...who cares tough. I had 7 wait through approval and they all passed!!
I make anyone with less than 10 TR wait through approval.
At first I thought they were bots or something. They all had similar posts. "Noob wants $$ for green" lol
04-01-2007 20:30:09
I am very happy to have found this site. Just because their are many newer members here, doesn't mean that we are all scammers. I have already green for 2 people and they both have TR, but haven't greened my account or paid me yet. Patience is they key here ).
04-01-2007 22:13:06
Hello Everyone,
I found out about this site from an ebook promoting the whole concept!! I'm very excited about the opportunity here. I am reading the newbie info so that hopefully I don't make any of the mistakes that you all are talking about that raises concern. I'm a former engineer, own a security company with my husband and sell on eBay. I like to have multiple streams of income!!! I can promise you that I am 100% trustworthy.
Anyway, Just wanted to introduce myself and am looking forward to trading with you. I am very anxious to start making money, but I am also patient. D
05-01-2007 05:41:05
Welcome deanne and DaReD3ViL -)
05-01-2007 10:02:10
[quoteee3f74ba54="DaReD3ViL"]I am very happy to have found this site. Just because their are many newer members here, doesn't mean that we are all scammers. I have already green for 2 people and they both have TR, but haven't greened my account or paid me yet. Patience is they key here ).[/quoteee3f74ba54]
I dunno about anyone else, but i'm loving all the newbies!
05-01-2007 19:09:55
I have always wondered how anyone gets these free promotions completed. I'm happy to have found these forums in my searches and also to learn about the multiple opportunities. I'm a professional in the financial industry and I too like to have multiple income streams. Based on the all the ethics exams I completed in 2006 for our financial business - I'd like to believe that I'm 100% trustworthy and would be happy to go green for people who need my help. Proud to be a newbie on this forum and look forward to moving up in the ranks.
05-01-2007 19:23:46
I noticed that a whole bunch of their profiles say Woman Age 40-50. Creepy ehh
05-01-2007 19:23:53
I'm also new at this site. By the way, there is an e-book out that explains the procedures needed to understand and participate in the world of IPW's. When I had seen these free sites in the past all I could think was it's to good to be true, so I never went any further. But it's great to know that the vast majority IPW's are for real and there are sites such as this one that helps everyone achieve their goals. I am looking forward to starting, but for short time, I think I'll sit back and read and get comfortable with what goes on in this forum.
King Kommerce
06-01-2007 07:23:06
Hi all,
I came in from Project Payday and find this all very interesting.
I'm new to the whole shabang, including forums but especially to this concept of trading for freebies, etc.
I hope to prove myself trustworthy, but for the moment my biggest fear is making mistakes and making myself look untrustwothy.
Looking forward to great working ralationships!
Happy New Year to all...
--King Kommerce
06-01-2007 08:54:44
Hope to trade with you soon! ;)
06-01-2007 12:40:04
I dont know why did rcodychance intiated a trade
Trade Subject
So what is it I have to do
wth he didnt even pm me?
06-01-2007 17:48:09
I just wanted everybody to know that I am a newbie! I was sent an ebook markteting this program and this site was referred in the ebook. I think that is why there have been so many newbies lately. I can assure I am not trying to scam anybody. I have been reading and trying to figure everything out and not make a lot of mistakes in the process.
06-01-2007 20:32:09
What e-book are all of you talking about?
06-01-2007 21:20:46
I don't mind the new members but the blatant rule breaking is getting out of control.
07-01-2007 05:47:44
[quote11d4326f12="hehehhehe"]I don't mind the new members but the blatant rule breaking is getting out of control.[/quote11d4326f12]
TSJ should maybe set up a sometin, newbs can trade with people but cant make topics, like they can pm people when they see there trade/paypal offer. That's one of the biggest problems right now joesmo with 17 topics a day
07-01-2007 09:39:29
HI I wanted to introduce myself as well. Yes I am new to this whole concept of trading. My name is Ghania and I learned about this from a referal like someone mentioned above. It was a private email from a TE that I use. when I answered the email I recieved detailed information on this 'for profit' venture. I am looking forward to increasing wealth and developing trading relationships. I have already greened one person.... (although I am one of those who can't seem to get to open the edit button.)
07-01-2007 11:50:23
I am new to this site too. I received information through
Traffic Swarm. I am just lurking right now trying to familiarize myself with protocol.
07-01-2007 11:59:55
07-01-2007 13:29:24
I also am a newbie and was referred here by a traffic exchange. But, I have just been looking around and acquainting myself with everything new here. I intend to earn some money here but first I want to educate myself so I am not a nuisance and I'll attempt to do everything correctly.
07-01-2007 13:32:17
[quote5f73944026="daroeder"]I also am a newbie and was referred here by a traffic exchange. But, I have just been looking around and acquainting myself with everything new here. I intend to earn some money here but first I want to educate myself so I am not a nuisance and I'll attempt to do everything correctly.
Welcome to FiPG.
Please read the rules and guidelines, as well as this http//
07-01-2007 20:04:24
Hi All I am a newbie too. And I am proud of it. Just because you are new, don't mean you are not honest and trust worthy.
remember all forum members you was a newbie at one time too.
Surely we all are in this to make some extra money. I have found out if some way that people can work together as a team. It will work out alot better for everyone.
One thing I have found out about this site is that it does not make newbies feel welcome.
But that's ok, I would be the same way if I had been here for along time and felt like my territory was threatened.
You should get ready for alot more newbies. Because there are some big programs promoting IPW's. right now.
I hope to be a part of this forum in a positive way. And personally welcome all new members. I may be a newbie but I am not new to a affiliate marketing. just like most new members.
unknown uchiha
07-01-2007 20:08:55
It's not that we don't welcome newbies. It's that the majority of them fuck things up (take the Trading Post, it's been locked twice this weekend and to ever since I've been here it has NEVER been locked before) and don't read the rules.
07-01-2007 21:24:43
Ya, please, don't misunderstand, more new members means more people to complete our sites. It isn't that we don't like new members, but when they disrupte the flow of business by not following the rules., its detremental for all of us
08-01-2007 12:15:48
I am a newbie, I found this site from an email sent to my account. I am very excited about a new source of income. I also have an Ebay account and have been selling on ebay for a number of years. I have a couple of websites, and I am totally legit. I have read every rule, but I think I will need to see it to fully understand it.
I look forward to trading with you all.
Kathy D
08-01-2007 15:05:03
check out this one
gotta be kidding me
09-01-2007 14:19:14
I'm certain most of these new guys are scammers, not many want to wait till after approval and most are like 40+ years old and can't seem to follow directions, I'm pretty certain of this....
10-01-2007 00:54:33
Well, not all the "new guys" are scammers. I just joined up last week and have in no way scammed anyone. However, I will say, it's a bit annoying that most of the people who have joined up in the past couple weeks have not read a damn thing about how to do this. They jump right in then get pissed when they don't get credit for a trade because the didn't read the guide on how to get credit. Then, they don't know how to initiate a trade, and then ask questions they should definitely know the answer to if they had read the required reading prior to making a trade. I have so many refs signed up it's not funny on the sites I'm working on. However, very few of them actually go green. I'm wondering, Admin, if there is a way to make it impossible to access the trade module if you haven't read the rules and regs. Maybe some sort of a verification process? I know it will be a lot of work and a lot of extra coding, but it might save us all some time and trouble. Because Obviously, most of these people aren't going to learn how to do this on their own.
just my .02
10-01-2007 04:21:39
they all r 51
10-01-2007 14:28:04
Hi all,
Can anyone help me?...i just now traded with a guy....he wasnt payapl verified & asked him to get verified...then i sent the paypal after going he is asking for deletion of the trade?????what does this mean????? roll
10-01-2007 16:24:57
What is his/her trade record?
Anyways, it doesn't mean anything, at the moment, but it certainly is suspicious, keep an eye out.
10-01-2007 16:29:02
[quote4b167367bf="mama21"]Hi all,
Can anyone help me?...i just now traded with a guy....he wasnt payapl verified & asked him to get verified...then i sent the paypal after going he is asking for deletion of the trade?????what does this mean????? roll[/quote4b167367bf]
They went green for you already so maybe they just wanted to clean up their module, who knows. I've had some new people do some weird things in the trade module too. One person went green and deleted the trade before I paid them so now I'm having to track him down lol.
10-01-2007 18:53:38
[quote0dc761ccdb="ClassAct"]check out this one
gotta be kidding me[/quote0dc761ccdb]
So that is why I was getting a ton of PMs about freeflatscreens and freeipods.
Fuck, I was telling them all to quit spamming me. lol
Edit That is actually my first post on FIPG cry
10-01-2007 19:03:55
[quote8abd5f7f1f="Peinecone"][quote8abd5f7f1f="ClassAct"]check out this one
gotta be kidding me[/quote8abd5f7f1f]
So that is why I was getting a ton of PMs about freeflatscreens and freeipods.
Fuck, I was telling them all to quit spamming me. lol
Edit That is actually my first post on FIPG cry[/quote8abd5f7f1f]
lol, i was just browsing noticed the topic and saw ur name and was like no way someone did the now common "pm me details set up trade" could not believe they must went to the last page of the trading post or sometin, im getting real annoyed with the several threads in the same day, as u can tell.
11-01-2007 09:42:58
lol, was like no way someone did the now common "pm me details set up trade" [/quotebe088920b6]
Just curious, is there something wrong with this sort of thing and what "[ibe088920b6]was[/ibe088920b6]" the custom?
11-01-2007 09:50:30
the custom?
[quotee7fc442b1f="topbillin1"]I'm certain most of these new guys are scammers, not many want to wait till after approval and most are like 40+ years old and can't seem to follow directions, I'm pretty certain of this....[/quotee7fc442b1f]
I got 8 greens in 5 days and finished 2 sites... All new people... they all agreed to wait until final approval.
11-01-2007 09:53:49
I dont mind new members here, i dont do much trading anymore but im sure its great with new people to do sites, i just et annoyed with the constant rule breaking, seems like they dont care about the forum, for example seen someones thread get locked, the admin/mods stating cant make another thread for 2 days, yet the next day they have 2 new threads.
11-01-2007 10:10:08
All my noobie referrals passed far so good in my books
I think you can tell what new person will scam through pms. If they are willing to wait for approval, I'd say it is a safe bet. But that's just me, sometimes I am too trusting.
12-01-2007 01:07:27
[quotec88a4bafa9="ClassAct"]the custom?[/quotec88a4bafa9]
Yeah, you said "the now common way" I'm wondering how you set up trades before, if you didn't say, pm me or lets set up a trade. I know you can't put ref links in the forums, so I'm just wondering how it used to be done. Is all.
Big War Bird
12-01-2007 10:38:57
I learned about this site from, which came to my attention from participation in the site InBoxdallars and SendEarnings which are operated by CotterWeb Industries. For over a year I was being paid to complete offers. The offers one can complete are largely the same ones on sites used here. But with the well running dry on high pay out/low cost offers I'm going into paying others for being a referral.
Big War Bird
12-01-2007 10:56:49
[quote901e2ddea1="cheeseball01"][quote901e2ddea1="ClassAct"]the custom?[/quote901e2ddea1]
Yeah, you said "the now common way" I'm wondering how you set up trades before, if you didn't say, pm me or lets set up a trade. I know you can't put ref links in the forums, so I'm just wondering how it used to be done. Is all.[/quote901e2ddea1]
I think it just shows a lack of professionalism to just say 'pm me details i'll do it set it up', which is what I believe what hes talking about. Before people would take their time, know what they were being involved in, etc, as opposed to just copying and pasting the same line in every open topic.
13-01-2007 21:52:07
I am a member of a traffic exchange and received an offer to do referrals for people who are trying to get greens in exchange for cash. It's very well written and to the point. The guide teaches you how to get started, what to do, what not to do. This website and A4F are mentioned on the guide...that's probably you have a lot of noobs here....including me.
I have a situation and need help
After I do a referral and complete the offer requirements, how would the person know that I did my part? I completed referrals for 3 people, complied with the number of credit required but I haven't been paid yet. I don't want to be impatient and be an a$$ asking for my money. My question is this How long does it take for them to show that it's green and how long after I see the money in my paypal account?
13-01-2007 23:17:18
If you see yourself green, they can see you green on their side. Also you will receive the paypal as soon as they send it. People are probably waiting for their account to pass approval because there is always a risk with newbies that they could be a scammer and go red.
13-01-2007 23:52:16
[quote36cb05f4de="BD2006BD"]If you see yourself green, they can see you green on their side. Also you will receive the paypal as soon as they send it. People are probably waiting for their account to pass approval because there is always a risk with newbies that they could be a scammer and go red.[/quote36cb05f4de]
Yeah I wish a lot of the new members could understand why so many are requesting that people wait until after approval. Considering how we get a profit of about $20 per ref, one person going red negates another who stays green.
13-01-2007 23:57:41
I am trading with someone now and I told them that I wasn't going to pay upfront unless they are paypal verified.
The person went green and gave me the Paypal address that they wanted me to send the money. however, when I checked the email they gave me with the email they used to sign up (both different) - they were verified on the very same day and had a rating of 0.
That definitely can't be a coincidence. What should I do now?
14-01-2007 00:17:16
IMO, all noobs should be told upfront to wait approval...when they pass, it wont matter if theyre verified or not.
14-01-2007 02:17:16
that is what I am doing, making them all wait till after approval
15-01-2007 13:22:58
The reasion why there are so many noobs (I think sorry if someone else said it) is because of Project Payday.
15-01-2007 15:34:00
The problem I have is I ask for them to wait through approval and they never comeback. I need to clear about 6 trades and my pm's are just sitting there in my outbox(unread). Oh well, I'll let the money sit in my paypal if they ever decide to comeback.
17-01-2007 06:51:18
let them wait till approval is right, just stupid if they have done 5 trade and you only 2 on this forum...
Right now I am a bit confused , I looked into some TR and it looked like the users where just rating themselves. For example User X rates User Y and User Z like 4, User Y rates User X and Z 4times and so on.
Am I just confused or is it like that ?
17-01-2007 07:14:05
[quote20fa6160b2="simonsays"]The reasion why there are so many noobs (I think sorry if someone else said it) is because of Project Payday.
What's Project Payday?
17-01-2007 07:17:07
[quote53109e683f="johnjimjones"][quote53109e683f="simonsays"]The reasion why there are so many noobs (I think sorry if someone else said it) is because of Project Payday.
What's Project Payday?[/quote53109e683f]
an ebook talking about how to make money and it lists trading on a4f and fipg
17-01-2007 11:28:56
[quote5fc618bde6="johnjimjones"][quote5fc618bde6="simonsays"]The reasion why there are so many noobs (I think sorry if someone else said it) is because of Project Payday.
What's Project Payday?[/quote5fc618bde6]
17-01-2007 11:43:51
Project Payday is the reason I've joined... Right now I'm just going through the threads, reading & getting familiar with the whole process.
17-01-2007 14:35:16
[quoteb063108344="CorpRebel"][quoteb063108344="johnjimjones"][quoteb063108344="simonsays"]The reasion why there are so many noobs (I think sorry if someone else said it) is because of Project Payday.
What's Project Payday?[/quoteb063108344]
Obviously, but that page doesn't mention anything about freesites or this forum.
unknown uchiha
17-01-2007 16:56:00
Yup, you're probably forced to buy the eBook to realize that -.-
18-01-2007 17:54:59
I am new here. I found this site from an e-mail I recieved. I am here to learn so for now I will just read and watch. Hofefully that will help me not to make mistakes here.
18-01-2007 18:45:10
[quote4ac46a80a4="nighthauler48"]I am new here. I found this site from an e-mail I recieved. I am here to learn so for now I will just read and watch. Hofefully that will help me not to make mistakes here.[/quote4ac46a80a4]
Be sure to visit the links in my signature, and spend some time in the Help section. If you still have specific questions after having read some of the guides, don't hesitate to ask for help.
It takes a little time to get the hang of things, but your patience will be rewarded.
unknown uchiha
18-01-2007 18:54:38
Someone accused me of scamming them for not paying them, when the trade specifically said that they had to wait until approval. On top of that, they knew that I hadn't amassed all my referrals yet. The exact message was
"Are you gonna pay me? Or do I have to report you?"
I'm not calling names, but it ticks me off when newbies will do anything for a quick buck, even sign on the dotted line without reading the fine print.
19-01-2007 16:37:42
I am new too, and I am 'getting my feet wet' by reading all of the posts so that I can familiarize myself with this site. I also found out about this site via an ebook that presented this as a good opportunity. I hope to trade with someone soon. Patience is golden.
If you are new and you say you will do a trade, don't take forever. just do it...
19-01-2007 17:11:27
[quote8848e38c04="johnjimjones"]What's Project Payday?[/quote8848e38c04]
[quote8848e38c04]Obviously, but that page doesn't mention anything about freesites or this forum.[/quote8848e38c04]
When you enter your name and email address, it takes you to a page explaining that to get all the info (i.e. become a member) you need to "complete" an offer. When you complet an offer then they send you a user ID and PW to go to the actual info site where it explains how this "freebie" stuff works according to them. It lists A4F and FiPG forum and Referral Swap in there also along with other stuff.
Actually, this was how I originally found this forum. wink
Rick aka CorpRebel 8)
19-01-2007 20:57:04
[quoteda69641ca5="Twon"]If you are new and you say you will do a trade, don't take forever. just do it...[/quoteda69641ca5]
Agreed. I missed free4me approval date b/c noobs just sign up, but dont complete an offer.
20-01-2007 10:49:13
[quote73403a7e26="kidd2108"][quote73403a7e26="Twon"]If you are new and you say you will do a trade, don't take forever. just do it...[/quote73403a7e26]
Agreed. I missed free4me approval date b/c noobs just sign up, but dont complete an offer.[/quote73403a7e26]
there's an approval date? for every freebie sites?
20-01-2007 11:32:25
[quote4163d59111="hbfa1"][quote4163d59111="kidd2108"][quote4163d59111="Twon"]If you are new and you say you will do a trade, don't take forever. just do it...[/quote4163d59111]
Agreed. I missed free4me approval date b/c noobs just sign up, but dont complete an offer.[/quote4163d59111]
there's an approval date? for every freebie sites?[/quote4163d59111]
Nope. Some site owners, like YGF and such, approve pretty quickly (within a day or two) and then there are companies like Trainn who quote a time of 5-7 business days so that's somewhere in the two week range. A while back, there was also Freepay and their wait-several-months approval process. Approval times vary from company to company but the smaller, more personal companies tend to have much faster approval times since they have less traffic to deal with and don't only work during office hours.
21-01-2007 12:52:13
Anyone else getting annoyed with the New members here making there trade threads with the title Newbs Welcome, when they themselves have been here for like a week, just had to vent on that.
21-01-2007 14:13:18
[quotea9e702857d="ClassAct"]Anyone else getting annoyed with the New members here making there trade threads with the title Newbs Welcome, when they themselves have been here for like a week, just had to vent on that.[/quotea9e702857d]
I think the others that were annoyed by it tried doing something constructive (such as politely pointing out to noobs that they won't get credit for trades with other new users).
Plus, that KeithA guy has been dishing out 3-day temp bans for anyone that makes new users feel unwelcome, like that guy with the condescending signature...
21-01-2007 15:46:00
[quote6b029fc511="ClassAct"]Anyone else getting annoyed with the New members here making there trade threads with the title Newbs Welcome, when they themselves have been here for like a week, just had to vent on that.[/quote6b029fc511]
Aaaaahhh ...
You weren't ever a NEWBIE (n00b) ? roll
Like KeithA mentioned, why not try to ... maybe ... uh ... give some helpful advice without be condenscending
Not ALL of us think alike. I realize I'm still a "newbie" in these circles but I did try to look at things before I got involved and I realize many don't.
I've seen already MANY so-called "veterans" have been causing issues themselves.
Sheesh ...
Rick aka Corprebel 8)
22-01-2007 09:54:59
HI all,
I'm new here as well, so I am looking around to learn what I can and make sure I don't make any mistakes. From what I've seen thus far, most everyone here is freindly and helpful.
22-01-2007 16:08:36
I've been here a couple of weeks. I've done lots of trades for cash and now I'm paying to get some done. I've told a lot of friends who look at me crazy when I tell them how easy it is. I say an article on the internet referring to FIPG. Glad I checked it out.
23-01-2007 09:58:44
My only rants the noobs need to follow up and get offer credit and sign up quickly. This is holding me from finishing many sites now... The first few days I finished 2 sites super fast now I am struggling to finish these 2 more.
23-01-2007 10:01:21
[quotecf6c8ad625="zwarrior99"]My only rants the noobs need to follow up and get offer credit and sign up quickly. This is holding me from finishing many sites now... The first few days I finished 2 sites super fast now I am struggling to finish these 2 more.[/quotecf6c8ad625]
Remember, for those who are new, take your time and read everything before you start doing anything. It will pay off big time as you get your bearings. That includes forum rules and guides, offer terms, how to ensure you get credit. Hmm this gives me an idea...
23-01-2007 10:16:50
[quote7df55b6a69="ClassAct"]Anyone else getting annoyed with the New members here making there trade threads with the title Newbs Welcome, when they themselves have been here for like a week, just had to vent on that.[/quote7df55b6a69]
I've only been here for 2 1/2 weeks and already have 25TR and 13 trades in progress. So are you saying, ClassAct, that whether or not you classify as a newbie is dependant on how long you've been a member of the forum? I realize less than 3 weeks isn't a long time, but in that time, I've done almost 40 trades on FIPG and several more over at RS. I've also helped many people figure out what they're doing on their first night as a member of the forum. I don't know, just seems to me like I passed "newbie" at least a week ago D
23-01-2007 10:45:28
[quoted70292c119="csullivan1@rochester.rr.c"][quoted70292c119="ClassAct"]Anyone else getting annoyed with the New members here making there trade threads with the title Newbs Welcome, when they themselves have been here for like a week, just had to vent on that.[/quoted70292c119]
I've only been here for 2 1/2 weeks and already have 25TR and 13 trades in progress. So are you saying, ClassAct, that whether or not you classify as a newbie is dependant on how long you've been a member of the forum? I realize less than 3 weeks isn't a long time, but in that time, I've done almost 40 trades on FIPG and several more over at RS. I've also helped many people figure out what they're doing on their first night as a member of the forum. I don't know, just seems to me like I passed "newbie" at least a week ago D[/quoted70292c119]
You are an exception to the rule, and one of the apparent few who had their act together when they started out. Wish more of the newbies were like that. )
23-01-2007 11:14:00
Some of you newer members are crazy, I remember I saw one guy before, and even though I've been here a year, I have 50 TR, this one guy had been here since Dec. 20 and already had 45 TR... absolutely crazy XD
23-01-2007 11:23:54
[quotee4c590ed5b="Excel"]Some of you newer members are crazy, I remember I saw one guy before, and even though I've been here a year, I have 50 TR, this one guy had been here since Dec. 20 and already had 45 TR... absolutely crazy XD[/quotee4c590ed5b]
LOL thanks Excel...I'll take that as a compliment. Wanna trade lol wink HEHE
23-01-2007 11:42:58
[quotea9bb986715="Excel"]Some of you newer members are crazy, I remember I saw one guy before, and even though I've been here a year, I have 50 TR, this one guy had been here since Dec. 20 and already had 45 TR... absolutely crazy XD[/quotea9bb986715]
I'm not crazy, just a hard worker
23-01-2007 11:51:43
Plus you PM people asking for trades when they don't have an active trading thread.
23-01-2007 13:56:25
[quoted5ceb9a30f="cheeseball01"][quoted5ceb9a30f="Excel"]Some of you newer members are crazy, I remember I saw one guy before, and even though I've been here a year, I have 50 TR, this one guy had been here since Dec. 20 and already had 45 TR... absolutely crazy XD[/quoted5ceb9a30f]
I'm not crazy, just a hard worker[/quoted5ceb9a30f]
Looks like I was wrong, Dec 30 and almost 70 XD Good job man. I still have more posts, so nyah(wish this forum had the guy sticking his tongue out emote like A4F)
23-01-2007 14:30:40
[quote655c4f587b="Excel"][quote655c4f587b="cheeseball01"][quote655c4f587b="Excel"]Some of you newer members are crazy, I remember I saw one guy before, and even though I've been here a year, I have 50 TR, this one guy had been here since Dec. 20 and already had 45 TR... absolutely crazy XD[/quote655c4f587b]
I'm not crazy, just a hard worker[/quote655c4f587b]
Looks like I was wrong, Dec 30 and almost 70 XD Good job man. I still have more posts, so nyah(wish this forum had the guy sticking his tongue out emote like A4F)[/quote655c4f587b]
We have this one P
23-01-2007 15:34:40
I know I'm still a newbie here by most standards but since day one, I have made it a point to "lurk" on the forum for awhile and read the "rules" completely so I DON'T stick my size "10s" in my "mouth" and goof something out.
I'm not new to marketing online so I understand the importance of following the rules. It's really quite simple to do. I think too many overcomplicate things.
I've found some really kool veterans here that have given me some great support and I thank you.
To the "new" newbies ... DON'T be in such a rush. Take it slow and read AND follow ALL the rules and you WILL profit in the long run! wink
FWIW ...
Rick aka CorpRebel 8)
23-01-2007 20:43:08
i'vs had nobody go on hold until few days before.
23-01-2007 22:47:15
Alright man im not super gangster trader like whats his name up here. But i've only been here for about three weeks and my tr is climbing better than some. I only read a couple pages of this but i didnt the site that referred me. Should I post this so yall know where some of us are coming from?
23-01-2007 22:55:25
[quote9f70ee3ed0="jasonm242"]Alright man im not super gangster trader like whats his name up here. But i've only been here for about three weeks and my tr is climbing better than some. I only read a couple pages of this but i didnt the site that referred me. Should I post this so yall know where some of us are coming from?[/quote9f70ee3ed0]
let me guess....
Project Payday?
23-01-2007 23:28:49
should have read a little farther
24-01-2007 00:22:30
Newbies are cool they accpet such low pay for certain requirements...I love it = )
24-01-2007 05:20:25
[quote2685388eac="jdizzle314"]Newbies are cool they accpet such low pay for certain requirements...I love it = )[/quote2685388eac]
Has more to do with increasing supply of new users (i.e. more people willing/available to complete offers) than it does naivete.
27-01-2007 10:09:57
high all
i am a newbie also,i came here though project payday also,i have been reading alot of stuff on here.i like all the others dont want to make mistakes either.i hope to prove myself worthy of all of ualls trust.(has read the big red box at top of page)lol.all i ask for from pple is patience with me the way u want us to have patience with this whole getting verified and going green.
Thanks Ray1960
27-01-2007 11:04:31
I don't know how many people have heard of or recieved anything from Project Payday, but that's how I got started here. It's basically a guy who started making a lot of money using IFWs and selling greens on forums like this, so he made a website telling all about it that you can pay to join. The cool part is, you can pay by doing an offer! The site goes into quite a bit of detail about the process, from getting trades to going green, so if you're noticing a bunch of newbies coming in who already know quite a bit, this might explain it, at least to an extent. I myself just started less than a week ago and already I feel pretty confident in what I'm doing here. At least I don't think I'm doing anything that isn't kosher. Just wanted to put in my two cents.
27-01-2007 13:41:28
I found this website and signed up, then was referred here. The whole site is about making money with FiPG & anything4free.
27-01-2007 20:01:15
H shock Hello,
I am mst250 and I just joined tonight. Be gentlel I bruise easily!!
Just Kidding
I wanted to introduce myself!