31-08-2006 13:52:49
I started a trade with him on 8/11 and did my green pretty quickly (for his dvdrecorders4free). He is supposed to do my games.123 but has not responded to multiple PM's.
I don't think he has even been on for a couple weeks, can anyone confirm this?
Anyone else trying to contact him?
05-09-2006 18:10:08
Bump, sent him multiple PM's and he has not replied. I have not heard anything from him since around 8/11 when we started our trade. He still owes me a green........
08-09-2006 22:25:57
Still nothing from him........
unknown uchiha
08-09-2006 22:28:28
He hasn't posted since August 10th, and that was the first time he posted since July...
08-09-2006 22:28:56
if you didnt pay him theres no trade so why bother just find a new person
unknown uchiha
08-09-2006 22:33:33
[quotebeca8ef881="freaky1718"]if you didnt pay him theres no trade so why bother just find a new person[/quotebeca8ef881]
Well, if you can read...
[quotebeca8ef881="oasisman"]I started a trade with him on 8/11 [bbeca8ef881]and did my green pretty quickly[/bbeca8ef881] (for his dvdrecorders4free). He is supposed to do my games.123 but has not responded to multiple PM's. [/quotebeca8ef881]
mr0x has 87TR, Oasisman has 5TR at the moment, which must mean that Oasisman had to go first.
08-09-2006 22:44:23
lmao i thought you finished the trade and going to start a new one its 2am give me a break
unknown uchiha
08-09-2006 22:58:16
Then you need sleep. Good night.
08-09-2006 23:10:31
[quote146fff0260="unknown uchiha"]Then you need sleep. Good night.[/quote146fff0260]
lol good night
09-09-2006 09:34:13
Well crap. I don't really want him banned before he has a chance to at least log in, but I'm not exactly sure that will ever happen.......
30-09-2006 16:07:52
well, he went red on my free360games after i gave him a green on his mp3players4free account. I sent him a PM, let's see what happens
05-11-2006 13:41:37
no response from this guy?? A month has passed?
unknown uchiha
05-11-2006 22:52:33
He's been inactive on the forums for months now.