Machiavelli X Possible Scammer?
25-08-2006 16:59:55
I recently did a trade with him this week, I greened on his ge6friends within a day so I asked him to give me a green on my freecomputeraddons. I told him to tell me when he signs up so I can verify he signed up before he completes an he sends me a message telling me he signed up but I never seen his email address under me....and since about 5 minutes ago when he was Pm'ing me and I Pming him, he mysteriously disappeared and when I asked him to sign up under my correct link to be sure he's under me, since I think maybe something went wrong when he signed up, answer.
I'm getting a little worried since he goes online and offline alot like this and sometimes doesn't come on until like 24 hours later in the night. He says he has school and was sleeping or something. Just wanna make sure I don't get scammed because I have been before and they start out like this.
25-08-2006 17:02:28
This was the last email I got from him.
[quote209bafbeca="Machiavelli X"]I just signed up under
If he mysteriously disappears right in the middle of an important part of the trade and then saying "thanks" after he claimed to signup under me but I didn't see him there, then maybe this will catch his attention and we can get this thing solved.
25-08-2006 17:49:38
Dude is a cool guy
25-08-2006 18:07:04
I posted in a thread about doing the Trainn Wii site and he randomly PM'd me giving me the link to some other random site saying do it and I'll do your site. I'd already done the site but he sure sounds like a scammer.
Machiavelli X
25-08-2006 20:52:55
wow, tigershark. Give me a break, I dont stay on this site zealous. I have a actual life. And I did sign up for your site and I guess it didnt go under your ref link. It has been like 2 days since you did a offer for me, you need to calm down. I just back from my uncles house and you post this. And diablo I saw you asking for a site that I have not done, so I was wondering if you wanted a trade. And offer4all get on aim por favor. Diablo, did I ever give you a link? no! stop lying. Here is the messege I sent you
From Machiavelli X
Posted Wed Aug 23, 2006 629 pm
Subject Possible trade?
Hello I saw you post in that guys thread. I can do your site if you can do mine, get6friends. Please let me know. Thanks!
View user's profile
Does it state a link? no.
26-08-2006 14:21:20
Sorry, I deleted the PM and thought there was a link in there. My bad. You PM'd me out of nowhere because I posted somewhere? That doesn't make much sense... and where did I post for a site I needed? O.o
26-08-2006 15:39:50
He still hasn't contacted me and I've PM'd him twice today.
Machiavelli X
26-08-2006 16:54:41
Your hilarouis Tiger, it is saturday you have contacted me ONCE today not twice please stop lying. As is already stated I told you I would either a sign up for your site again, or b I could just give you 20$. Please let me know. I would really appericate if you wait at least like 4 days before you post a thread about me being a scammer.
26-08-2006 19:45:48
[quotec9c40d5fe5="Machiavelli X"]Your hilarouis Tiger, it is saturday you have contacted me ONCE today not twice please stop lying. As is already stated I told you I would either a sign up for your site again, or b I could just give you 20$. Please let me know. I would really appericate if you wait at least like 4 days before you post a thread about me being a scammer.[/quotec9c40d5fe5]
Why, to give you time to run away with my green? rofl you still haven't sent the paypal inwhich I messaged you profusely.
I have three words for you.
L-E-A-R-N T-O T-R-A-D-E!
27-08-2006 08:57:59
Zomg he still hasn't paid me or sent me any more messages!!!!! What is the world coming to these days?
Machiavelli X
27-08-2006 09:32:15
I have decided to wait for my approval before I pay you, because I have a feeling you might be a sccamer and go red on me.
27-08-2006 10:20:51
Whatever, I am tired of dealing with an immature noob. I've asked support to remove my green from you. I have no problem waiting for a GOOD trader to reach approval but it wasn't in the trade and furthermore I don't trust you.
This is the message he sent me.
[quote705f90a45e="Machiavelli X"]After thinking about it and seeing your actions since the trade and your low tr I have decided to wait till I get apporvol before I pay you. I am susecpting you are a scammer.[/quote705f90a45e]
27-08-2006 10:26:53
Trades aren't mean for the other person to wait through approval, unless it was specified before the trade was made. Machiavelli X you're TR is only 5 higher, not 30.
Machiavelli X
27-08-2006 10:27:18
what ever I dont care, I would rather have someone who I trust then someone who is probally gonna go red when I apply for approval.
Machiavelli X
27-08-2006 10:28:05
Yea, I had planned to pay him when he greens, but his actions make me not want to trust him.
27-08-2006 10:33:16
[quote655eb25a76="johnjimjones"]Trades aren't mean for the other person to wait through approval, unless it was specified before the trade was made. Machiavelli X you're TR is only 5 higher, not 30.[/quote655eb25a76]
Exactly, that's what I'm saying.
27-08-2006 10:34:21
[quote1a8e308e07="Machiavelli X"]Yea, I had planned to pay him when he greens, but his actions make me not want to trust him.[/quote1a8e308e07]
My actions!?!? Hold on buddy, what about YOUR ACTIONS. Not fufilling your part of the trade, crappy communication, lame excuses, now this? rofl go back to trade school 101! roll
27-08-2006 10:41:02
The winner of this spat will be decided by the next time I check FiPG. To win, all you need to do is complete your end of the trade without posting again in this thread.
The loser(s) will be temp-banned for 3 days.
See you guys in a few hours.
27-08-2006 11:10:14
Well, since Tigershark has removed his green from Machiavelli's site, the trade has failed. Machiavelli should not have to pay Tigershark if Tigershark had his green removed.
27-08-2006 12:12:24
Alright he sent the payment, and I contacted support telling them not to remove the green.
Everything is good. This topic can now be closed.
PS I broke the "without posting in this thread again" rule because we did infact resolve our trade...well he did actually, since I was waiting on him for me to pay me.
27-08-2006 12:13:48
[quotefbc14b7baa="Daggoth"]Well, since Tigershark has removed his green from Machiavelli's site, the trade has failed. Machiavelli should not have to pay Tigershark if Tigershark had his green removed.[/quotefbc14b7baa]
Read my post before you talk about it please. I did not say I removed my green, I said I've asked support to remove my green, which they aren't going to do since I contacted them about it after he paid me.
Machiavelli X
27-08-2006 12:24:12
Tiger, daggoth was under the imppersion that you had already sent in the support ticket and that the have acted on it. He doesnt know what is going on in your account, but when someone says "Whatever, I am tired of dealing with an immature noob. I've asked support to remove my green from you. I have no problem waiting for a GOOD trader to reach approval but it wasn't in the trade and furthermore I don't trust you." you never said "oh it didnt go through, they havent acted on it" daggoth is just saying that if it is true that you filed to have the green removed then I shouldnt have to pay you. So rude
27-08-2006 12:28:52
It's not rude it's explaining my point of view. I aplogize is that offended anyone but really he could have said something different, for it wasn't yet confirmed that my ticket actually got through. It was unkown, and therefore he took it upon himself to assume it had gone through, hence my post. I never said it wasn't true that if my green had been removed that you shouldn't have to pay me. Again people taking it upon themselves to assume. Questions aren't your enemies lol.
So let's just kill this topic. Mods?
27-08-2006 15:31:19
Glad the trade was resolved. You're both still temp-banned for 3 days, as you both clearly didn't follow instructions.
In the future, PM a mod about cases like this. The "Scammers" forum is not for petty bickering.