29-01-2006 16:44:00
I'm in the middle of a trade with averagejoe here on FiPG and I've been green for a couple days now.
I PMd him on here, but I don't know if he has been on or not, and I just IMd him a few times, then it said he was not available. I also sent him a message on XBL and the person sent me back a text message (I KNOW he has a mic I've talked to him before) and said his grandma is in the hospital this is the friend.
Here's what I said
tylerc8833 hey
tylerc8833 im green
tylerc8833 you need to have your friend sign up under me and do the offer
tylerc8833 ive been green for a couple days now i tried PMing you and messaging you on XBL
Previous message was not received by iwantmymtv35 because of error User iwantmymtv35 is not available.
I know his TR is like 70, but this doesn't send a good message.
His grandmom is in the hospital. I talked to him the other day. He wanted me to do minimacs, macminis or whatever it's called.
29-01-2006 16:52:20
So why couldn't he say that instead of signing off RIGHT when I told him that he needs to have his friend do the offer at my PSPs.FreePay? It's my last ref and I really want that PSP.
29-01-2006 17:13:51
Seriously, the majority of the people at Fig are really really greedy and don't are about anyone. For God's sakes, his grandma is in the hospital! The last thing I would worry about were trades on Fig.
Couple of days is not worth a thread. Please also contact a moderator b4 making a thread. Finally wait atleast a week.
29-01-2006 17:14:07
calm down tyler, i know him, hes a good guy. Im sure hes not trying to scam you, and there could be other variables as to why he signed offline. If a few more days go by and he hasnt said anything, then i would be worried.
29-01-2006 17:18:39
I'm not saying I don't believe that his grandma is in the hospital, but it wasn't like I JUST IMd him and he signed off, it was a good minute probably and then he signed off. It takes all of 10 seconds to type "hey man sorry my grandma is in the hospital I will have my friend do that offer for you as soon as I get time."
codex avellum
29-01-2006 17:26:54
there really isnt the need to post something about him though
29-01-2006 18:10:39
Yah that's just sad....
29-01-2006 18:16:37
[quote2d9780fe77="EasyAs456"]Yah that's just sad....[/quote2d9780fe77]
29-01-2006 19:05:12
[quote9953c077ce="tylerc"][quote9953c077ce="EasyAs456"]Yah that's just sad....[/quote9953c077ce]
The fact that you care more about a refferal than a kid's grandma....
29-01-2006 19:18:20
The thing is guys, he's ignoring TylerC, and still trying to make new trades with other people.
It's not like he left the freebie scene to be with his grandma, he's still trying to get new referrals.
Also, it's not him doing the green, it's his friend. Is his friend's grandma in the hospital?
He owes TylerC a green, and needs to stop avoiding it.
29-01-2006 20:19:52
tyler did you contact a mod?
29-01-2006 21:06:30
I never said I care more about the referral than his grandma.
Anyway, this entire process would take about 2 minutes to complete.
I PM'd him my link and it's in the trade module, so he has to send that to his friend and tell him to do the offer. I know that he doesn't spend every single second at the hospital, before he conveniently signed off today his online time was about 8 hours.
29-01-2006 22:01:56
Not to be a dick but like its hard to make up a story about your grandma being sick. Its not like established traders haven't all of the sudden starting scamming.
I paid him for a trade over a month ago and 2 signups later still no green. I'm not calling him a scammer but I just want my green...
29-01-2006 23:05:11
Haha. This guy is COOL but he's a little slow and seemingly busy. I'd IM him and he would take his replying. He gave me an instant green though. No complaints.
29-01-2006 23:38:42
I had similar experiences twice. He seems to be busy (and a bit negligent), but I wouldn't call him a scammer.
30-01-2006 01:31:23
averagejoe=good guy no need to fret
30-01-2006 06:30:18
Yeah he is legit, but can be slow, I have pending trades too, so just be patient.
30-01-2006 07:20:44
[quote19fb2b9106="Psyc"]His grandmom is in the hospital. I talked to him the other day. He wanted me to do minimacs, macminis or whatever it's called.[/quote19fb2b9106]
Seriously, guys. He shouldn't be able to start new trades until he finishes his part on the trades hes in. This should be a new rule for everyone x
30-01-2006 10:36:09
Everyone has their own pace. This rule cannot be generalized to fit everyone. I'm particularly fast even if I have 20 trades unless my friends are the ones signing up (they go at their own pace, usually slower).
31-01-2006 09:43:29
well just voicing my experience here, i went green for him a few months back, took him forever to go green for me (after getting like 3 yellows to sign up)
there's a thread about it somewhere here
but in the end he came through so that's all that matters to me
31-01-2006 10:41:17
I remember frankgratis's grandfather died and he had to travel to japan.
oh well we gave him a month of patience before the realization came in that he wasn't coming back
same thing here. Either his grandma is sick, or he isn't ever coming back. So no need to hurry and fret now, you'll either get your green or you never will.
besides someone is due for their grandmother to actually be sick
01-02-2006 11:24:45
[quoteb92484ae5b="Wolfeman"]Not to be a dick but like its hard to make up a story about your grandma being sick. Its not like established traders haven't all of the sudden starting scamming.
I paid him for a trade over a month ago and 2 signups later still no green. I'm not calling him a scammer but I just want my green...[/quoteb92484ae5b]
obviously I can't speak about him owing you for so long, but I've been hearing about his grandmother for about two weeks, he's really worried about her as it's been sort of touch and go, and the family is spending a lot of time at the hospital with her. The other issue is that his AIM software has a nasty tendency to blow up on him... i doubt he signed off so much as it exploded on him.
so not to make too many excuses, but thats what I know to be true.
01-02-2006 11:36:52
That's weird, like 2 or 3 days ago, he asked me if I wanted to trade on aim.
01-02-2006 12:22:58
Ok, today is now Wednesday. I talked to him Monday and he said he would have his friend sign up and do the offer.
Wednesday rolls around, he's not on AIM, still no one even signed up, let alone a green.
This is getting out of hand, I deserve my green and it's my last referral, which is making me more impatient than I usually would be.
02-02-2006 19:48:59
Just my two cents... I've done three trades (I think? Maybe two) with this guy, and they all went off without a hitch.
02-02-2006 20:15:46
Man, entire three days since you created this topic. This issue is "Way" outta hand. lmao...
Okay, please post this in two weeks... I am pretty sure most of my trades took around a week, you don't see any scam threads against me...
02-02-2006 20:28:18
I've been green for over a week already.
This wouldn't be such a problem if he kept in contact.
02-02-2006 21:55:11
well have you heard of the term "good cop turn bad"?
in this case high TR member take advantage of their reputation as a "reliable trader"
i bet if i do a search on sick grandmother i will see a dozen of them....
Besides is it REALLY that hard to just leave a PM explaining the situation? i mean seriously...
02-02-2006 22:07:20
[quotee8004cba7e="Supacold"]well have you heard of the term "good cop turn bad"?
in this case high TR member take advantage of their reputation as a "reliable trader"
i bet if i do a search on sick grandmother i will see a dozen of them....
Besides is it REALLY that hard to just leave a PM explaining the situation? i mean seriously...[/quotee8004cba7e]
yea....i dont mind giving plenty of time for serious situations like this and i dont mind if they dont respond when they dont see the pm....but AFTER you READ the pms, you could at least explain yourself....it takes five mins, which obviously people have that time if they log on here and check their pms.....that kinda irritates me....it takes only 5 mins, probably less!!
05-02-2006 10:21:49
Ok, just to be clear, I've been green since January 26th and flashipods4free.
I sent him a PM telling him I've been waiting long enough and while I do realize his grandma is sick, that doesn't affect him taking 5 minutes to give the link to his friend and telling him to do the offer.
05-02-2006 10:27:36
I'm sure TSJ can monitor his trades for you guys to make sure that he isn't setting up new ones. I have had a trade going with him much longer than you, so quit complaining.
05-02-2006 10:30:03
I've been fucked over more than once (not necessarily here, but A4F) by traders with higher TRs than me.
05-02-2006 11:54:04
[quote9b0e0cd145="tylerc"]I've been fucked over more than once (not necessarily here, but A4F) by traders with higher TRs than me.[/quote9b0e0cd145]
What does that have to do with iwantmymtv though?
05-02-2006 14:08:07
I'm really having a very hard time with a personal family issue. My grandmother is in the hospital and I have had to stay with her. I am really worried about her. Please give me some time to take care of things, I would really appreciate it.
05-02-2006 20:14:25
why can't you people leave him alone and start believing in what he is saying to you ... give him time, and have some F'in patience... jeeze, i talk to him all the time... he's so awesome that scammer ISNT EVEN CLOSE to the right word. give him some time for heaven's sake.
06-02-2006 12:48:47
I believe him, its just plenty of people have scammed and bolted after being established...
06-02-2006 17:34:26
Mods can close this topic, everything is sorted out.
03-03-2006 09:29:59
Heh great, went ahead and did a trade with this guy- I credited instantly. At first claimed he was busy editing a movie and if he didn't finish the offer tonight he would do a instant tomorrow. Next day he claims his computer is unstable and will be buying a Mac tomorrow so he can do my offer. My guess is tomorrow he'll be too 'busy' setting up his Mac. It's been a couple of days and he hasn't come on AIM or responded to PM's.
Did your situation ever get resolved?
03-03-2006 12:36:54
you can't wait a couple days to trade with him? I know him and it's very unlike him to scam.....
03-03-2006 13:36:48
He just was online, tried chatting to him... got him to type as when i sent it he was typing to someone else but I guess didn't respond. Its been almost 1 n a half months and he only gave me 1 out of the 5 greens he owes me. All i wanted was a response.
03-03-2006 14:35:31
3 months no green. Asked for a refund of my PayPal days ago and still nothing. Just because someone has high TR doesn't mean they aren't a pain to trade with...
04-03-2006 07:29:35
I'd temp ban him. He's procrastinated on all of his trades and I think its time to let him know that that will not be tolerated.
04-03-2006 07:46:05
Just started a trade with him about a week and a half ago and 2 of 3 are green.
04-03-2006 08:14:19
I have refunded Wolfeman's money, signed up for b00tleg's site, and I am contacting littlechad1 as we speak.
04-03-2006 08:29:02
I was in the same story as everyone else here. He just refunded my money on our trade -- I would of prefered the green -- How do I give this guy negative TR ??
He was suppose to get a "friend" to do my ps3.freepay ...
04-03-2006 08:36:17
Talked to him today and he is doing another offer for that last green.
04-03-2006 10:35:45
[quote16a88e9ec3="Averagejoe1039"]I have refunded Wolfeman's money, signed up for b00tleg's site, and I am contacting littlechad1 as we speak.[/quote16a88e9ec3]
We worked it out. He isn't a bad trader, I just think this was a bad trade. Everything is all good now...
04-03-2006 19:26:31
I finally got a PM response from him, we'll see what happens
05-03-2006 08:18:52
He talked to me but as usual said he was gonna give me green by yesterday night but didnt... usual liar and scammer, and said that i could report him to the admins if he didn't give me a green by yesterday night, so there. I said it. He's a pain in the ass to trust and thus I can say that he is scamming me.
05-03-2006 14:09:10
I gave you a green littlechad1, check the status page. I completed interland. Check your pm's and you will see.
05-03-2006 14:34:02
k, all good, still owes 3 more referrals.
05-03-2006 15:28:39
I just talked to averagejoe on AIM. Don't worry about him. He's just drunk. Far from a scammer.
05-03-2006 18:40:35
Yeah, it took longer than usual but he came through with a green, issue resolved.
06-03-2006 16:02:02
yup he's green for me too, good trade
06-03-2006 18:07:24
I just gave my ref link to averagejoe yesterday. He signed up and greened today. No problems with him. Good trade.
06-03-2006 22:38:18
[quotef691ed40e6="d3athtonic"]I just talked to averagejoe on AIM. Don't worry about him. He's just drunk. Far from a scammer.[/quotef691ed40e6]
i hear his friends are whores.
Slutty, greasy, whores.
06-03-2006 23:11:29
[quote07c5e4fac9]d3athtonic wrote
I just talked to averagejoe on AIM. Don't worry about him. He's just drunk. Far from a scammer.
i hear his friends are whores.
Slutty, greasy, whores.
Very Happy[/quote07c5e4fac9]
MmMmMmMmMmMm. Yummy!!! I'm going to trade "ipod.freepay green for averagejoe's slutty friend".
14-03-2006 14:05:22
He's scamming my brother whom he owes 4 greens. Ban him.
14-03-2006 14:09:31
[quote06dba267ab="OCrocks"]He's scamming my brother whom he owes 4 greens. Ban him.[/quote06dba267ab]
Didn't your "brother" get banned for scamming? Scammers don't deserve greens...
14-03-2006 14:10:39
my brother isn't banned....who did he scam then
14-03-2006 14:27:31
He wasn't banned here but on A4F? Why not let him handle his own issues...
14-03-2006 14:31:48
Yes he was banned for rude/sarcastic comments towards a moderator, Sportstar, who was recently demodded for the same reason... that doesn't make him a scammer. Plus, Averagejoe won't even respond to his PMs or IMs that he sent him.
14-03-2006 14:39:35
conversation IM of my brother and him (my brother's account isn't working for him for some reason)
[b573b521f49]Saturday, March 4, 2006[/b573b521f49]
iwantmymtv35 connected (111637 AM)
111700 AM littlechad1 hello
111717 AM iwantmymtv35 Hey
111734 AM iwantmymtv35 Sorry I haven't been on
111740 AM iwantmymtv35 I have been really busy these last 2 weeks
111745 AM littlechad1 with what?
111746 AM iwantmymtv35 And I'll do anything
111750 AM iwantmymtv35 I'm so sorry
111757 AM littlechad1 with what
111759 AM littlechad1 i want to know
111833 AM iwantmymtv35 School has been so hectic
111838 AM iwantmymtv35 Finals are next week for us
111842 AM littlechad1 ok
111845 AM iwantmymtv35 They have been loading us down with homework
111846 AM littlechad1 so what do u recommend
111900 AM iwantmymtv35 I can still get you the 3 greens I owe you on plasmas
111907 AM littlechad1 4 greens
111916 AM iwantmymtv35 Okay then
111922 AM iwantmymtv35 Is earthlink high speed still there?
111935 AM littlechad1 no interland replaced it since too many people frauded earthlink
111943 AM littlechad1 interland.com is only 9.95 also
111958 AM iwantmymtv35 okay that's good
112008 AM littlechad1 i recomend you do it now
112024 AM iwantmymtv35 I know
112025 AM iwantmymtv35 I will
112029 AM iwantmymtv35 I will do it at my aunt's today
112033 AM littlechad1 will?
112037 AM iwantmymtv35 I promise
112039 AM iwantmymtv35 Swear to gtod
112040 AM littlechad1 u always say will
112046 AM iwantmymtv35 and I don't do that often
112047 AM littlechad1 how can i trust u man
112055 AM iwantmymtv35 [b573b521f49]You can report to me the mods if I don't green[/b573b521f49]
112055 AM littlechad1 u didnt go to the Y and do one there
112107 AM littlechad1 u didn't do one at florida like u said u would
112112 AM littlechad1 how can i trust u
112118 AM iwantmymtv35 Because the internet went down there
112124 AM iwantmymtv35 It only worked the day we were leaving
112130 AM iwantmymtv35 and the first 30 minutes I was there
112148 AM littlechad1 k
112201 AM littlechad1 i'm expecting greens
112241 AM littlechad1 got it?
112253 AM iwantmymtv35 Yes
112255 AM iwantmymtv35 Kappesh
112259 AM iwantmymtv35 capeesh
112303 AM iwantmymtv35 however you speel it
112305 AM iwantmymtv35 spellli[i573b521f49][/i573b521f49]
14-03-2006 14:46:16
It seems pretty fishy that you are here and not him...
12-08-2006 14:16:09
I paid him on 07/21/06 for an INSTANT GREEN (which he swore he would get me) on ordercash4free.
Now I am still waiting, but a whole lot has happened through this. He was promising and promising he did excitemaxx and that he submitted a support ticket. I contacted Kerms 2 days ago,just to see if there was any sign of his credit, but he said he HAS NOT submitted anything. WTF???
So I spoke to him on aim numerous times, and he told me for all the trouble he has put me through, he will do anygift4four for FREE ( why offer if he was genuine??). Anyway it took me ages to get him to signup after promise upon promise....
Anyway he has signed up finally.
After promising he has done an offer here, he is STILL NOT green.... LOL see the pattern now?
Now I spoke to him yesterday and told him what kerms said. He said I did submit one but I will give you your cash back. I said ok send it even though I would prefer the greens.
He signed off. So I pmed him. No response.
I went to work for12 hours, came home and he was on aim. I imed him, saying to give me my cash NOW!
Again he signed off on me!!! WTF???
So I pmed him AGAIN! Stating if I get no response I will make this topic.
So this punk, is either trying to scam me, is full of shit or thinks I am a noob (even though I am +78 on a4f) and will forget about all this.
Now I think he should pay me $40 because that is what I paid him to get me on ordercash4free (each green = $40) I have been fair, given him 3 freaking weeks, plus I have been patient, but to sign off on we whilst speaking with me just SUCKS.
This guy is a NIGHTMARE,
Now please direct him to this thread, as I can get no response out of him whatsoever.
Thank you.
12-08-2006 14:36:11
Ive been trying to get him to complete a site for me for almost three weeks now. (Will be 3 weeks Monday)
1. Asked him to complete one offer on Prizebook (July 23). I agreed because he said he would go green that night or the next day. Paid him up front because he has +100 TR. He did not come through. On July 30th I completed the XBOX 360 Promotion, no longer needed his green and he did NOT go green in the time span he had given me.
2. He asked if I had other sites. I asked him to do Traxio Games instead (July 31). He agreed. I paid him MORE (totalling $25) since Traxio has 1/4, 1/3, and 1/2 credits. I told him I needed the green by the time I get back from Otakon, August 6 and he said there would be no problem, he would have it done - he swore! He never came through. I submmitted for approval on that site on August 7 with no green from AverageJoe1039...
3. Getting upset I asked him to revert to our original plan, he could keep the $25 if he could do a FAST CASHOUT on Prizebook, this was over a week ago. He agreed. Nothing came, contacted TSJ about him. AverageJoe1039 contacted me saying he would get his friend to do it, this was this past Wednesday August 9. I contacted him again on Thursday to see if his friend had signed up, he said "tomorrow night" meaning Friday evening. Friday came and went, no signup, no cashout...Once again I was lied too...
I want my money back AverageJoe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
12-08-2006 14:44:17
Just to say I never had a problem with him. I greened and he paid.
12-08-2006 14:52:11
Its differnt when your paying someone (although Joe seems to have a problem paying me) than to go green.
I am glad you never had a problem with yourslef, but we are talking about averagejoe here....
12-08-2006 14:53:59
[quote1377e208e6="egyptianruin"]Ive been trying to get him to complete a site for me for almost three weeks now. (Will be 3 weeks Monday)
1. Asked him to complete one offer on Prizebook (July 23). I agreed because he said he would go green that night or the next day. Paid him up front because he has +100 TR. He did not come through. On July 30th I completed the XBOX 360 Promotion, no longer needed his green and he did NOT go green in the time span he had given me.
2. He asked if I had other sites. I asked him to do Traxio Games instead (July 31). He agreed. I paid him MORE (totalling $25) since Traxio has 1/4, 1/3, and 1/2 credits. I told him I needed the green by the time I get back from Otakon, August 6 and he said there would be no problem, he would have it done - he swore! He never came through. I submmitted for approval on that site on August 7 with no green from AverageJoe1039...
3. Getting upset I asked him to revert to our original plan, he could keep the $25 if he could do a FAST CASHOUT on Prizebook, this was over a week ago. He agreed. Nothing came, contacted TSJ about him. AverageJoe1039 contacted me saying he would get his friend to do it, this was this past Wednesday August 9. I contacted him again on Thursday to see if his friend had signed up, he said "tomorrow night" meaning Friday evening. Friday came and went, no signup, no cashout...Once again I was lied too...
I want my money back AverageJoe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/quote1377e208e6]
Oh so there ARE more in the shadows like I suggested. Why does he get away with shit like this? Just because of his TR?
Sort something out plz. Also anyone who had had problems with him plz post here.
12-08-2006 14:57:30
Sorry, the brain went dead. All these meds have taken a toll on my speech pattern along with my muscle movement
12-08-2006 15:53:04
This is not the first time people have had problems with him.
12-08-2006 16:03:48
[quotebaf84b7e98="TryinToGetPaid"]Sorry, the brain went dead. All these meds have taken a toll on my speech pattern along with my muscle movement[/quotebaf84b7e98]
I was only kidding.
@ tylerc Thanks for that man.
So hopefully a mod will respond soon. 100+trshould be a respectful member who would live up to his trades unless he ids done with his sites and thinks it's time to scam everyone.
He is the crappest trader I have ever traded with, even scammers are faster than him!!!
12-08-2006 20:47:58
i'm having a problem with him for rewardbull but considering how the rewardbull site is going, i won't complain just yet
12-08-2006 20:55:21
He was on AIM for awhile today, I did not try to contact him until he reads my PM and this thread. This is getting ridiculous.
12-08-2006 21:22:14
He's on hold on my network for frauding true 5+ times. He also has multiple ISP's that he uses..
12-08-2006 21:30:19
evil I want my money back.
12-08-2006 22:01:00
Great no wonder he didnt refund. There we go, just ban him. Wait a few weeks and then he will be back. It's just the same old freaking routine for these bastards!
@ YGF, Hurry and open to the UK man plzzzzzzzzzzzzz
i would suggest that his tr be reduced to -1 if the mods think it is warranted. this will help those whom he owes get their $ or greens back. a ban will not help at this time. he can runaway if banned...
12-08-2006 23:09:48
I just wish he would respond, (
12-08-2006 23:21:55
Ohhhh he's making me so angry...
[0204] Chevron 8 Locked Did you receive my email and PM on FIPG?
[0208] Chevron 8 Locked Well maybe you aren't there, but when you have the chance could you please check FIPG, thanks.
[0216] lilili "DangItsEvan" signed off at Sun Aug 13 021602 2006.
12-08-2006 23:23:12
they should have something that makes people respond
12-08-2006 23:59:38
Although it appears that he's ignoring you on AIM, he hasn't logged into the forum since Thu Aug 10, 2006 627 pm, so any PM's that anyone has sent him (including my own) have yet to be read.
I've disabled his access to The Trade Module for now.
13-08-2006 00:17:11
he'll come through. he always does....
he's not the best trader in the world (and neither am I, absentminded as I am) but hel'll come through.
13-08-2006 00:18:22
I hope so, I just want him to give me my money back.
13-08-2006 10:37:07
He AIMs me everyday calling me names. So he visits. Also about the UK... we MAY try to open to the UK again in the future.
13-08-2006 10:51:12
Hey guys,
I haven't been purposely not visiting the forum or anything. I just sent Commander his money back, and I am in the process of refunding Egyptian_Ruin. I am really sorry guys. I jumped the gun and set up way too many trades. I was REALLY busy this weekend. I definitely know that is not an excuse, but I just wanted to say I am sorry, and everything is being cleared up.
13-08-2006 11:04:45
That still doesn't explain why he kept on signing off on u guys when you all imed aand don't even say it was a computer glitch
13-08-2006 11:14:27
I have a Sidekick, therefore, when I am at somewhere loud, or just don't want to bother with it, I usually don't hear it, and don't respond. I am usually on all the time. Trust me, usually, if you message me, I respond.
13-08-2006 11:34:33
good to know stuff is getting resolved. any idea if our "30 for rewardbull" trade will get resolved soon?
13-08-2006 11:36:11
It should, I still haven't received credit for the offers, if none of them green by tomorrow, I can do two more offers. (Hopefully they will)
13-08-2006 11:37:16
He just resolved our trade from like 5 months ago. I asked him about it and he went green on a different site for me right away. I'm pretty sure he's changed now.
13-08-2006 12:06:37
He has refunded me my money, everything is cleared up between us. Thank you so much AverageJoe for being honest.
13-08-2006 15:34:08
[quote9254e584bd="Averagejoe1039"]It should, I still haven't received credit for the offers, if none of them green by tomorrow, I can do two more offers. (Hopefully they will)[/quote9254e584bd]
Averagejoe1039[/b9254e584bd] I'm waiting too
13-08-2006 16:14:07
I know, and I have completed another offer under you.
13-08-2006 17:43:40
Well why cant you do that for my sites too then?
13-08-2006 17:51:29
I will complete another offer under you as well.
13-08-2006 18:26:58
OK we worked out our differences.
He is gonna go green on PS3Grab.com for $25.
He also paid me back $45 for the sites he couldnt do.
21-08-2006 15:42:13
stilll no green on rewardbull (
21-08-2006 15:50:29
Do you want a refund? Or possibly another site?
21-08-2006 16:00:44
refund works. thanks for being on top of this... never had someone so fast
21-08-2006 18:34:58
averagejoe completed wii.clickperks for me with no problem
nice guy and fast green...ohh by the way we have to set up that trade
21-08-2006 18:59:11
Joes a nice guy. We traded with no problem.
21-08-2006 19:26:30
got my refund real quick. great trader despite the problem especially since i think the problem was all with rewardbull's creditting. thanks
21-08-2006 21:06:32
can a mod lock this thread, i dont think there are any more problems here
hopefully ill get my CC soon from him ( promised saturday (technically speaking thats yesterday).. promised me a couple times before 2.. but said busy with school and stuff. hopefully he pulls through.
he ewas going august 5th (and then no reply for a week), and then the week of august 13th (i will go this week), and then going yesterday (no reply yet).
Im afraid and "suspect" he took my money and got a simon card to do trades for you guys (the people who first posted in this thread).
27-08-2006 15:19:07
He will pay you back if he sees this. He paid me back.
he gave me a PM yesterday saying he'll refund me the money. so hopefully. its been exactly 4 weeks.
If he couldn't get me that simon visa gift card. he should have told me earlier or never agreed to get it for me. I think he was just thinking "hey, more money in my PP account, sure. why not"
I could have easily found someone else to get a CC from.
28-08-2006 12:16:26
^^ If you still are looking for a Simon GC, I can get you one.
Anyways, I'm currently in a trade with Joe, hopefully it goes smoothly.
thanks for offering. but i have someone im getting prepaid CC's from. the good thing is i know they're reliable, quick and I pay them when they have the CC's on them already. so i don't have to wait...wait...and wait...
28-08-2006 13:25:57
I'm really sorry, High School got the best of me. I'm sorry.
i got AverageJoe's refund.
28-08-2006 17:17:54
A 20 year old high schooler? Interesting.
13-09-2006 13:56:04
He just went red on my fastcash4free.
13-09-2006 13:59:51
What offer did he do?
13-09-2006 14:07:57
Aw, he's still going red for people, he's green on HDTVgrab.com, I hope he makes it through approval.
13-09-2006 16:07:51
What offers did he do for you killer?
13-09-2006 18:08:34
[quote60633bfb71="YourGiftsFree"]What offer did he do?[/quote60633bfb71]
I think video prof
I paid him $50 for gamesgifts a while ago, he kept on making excuses and didn't do an offer for me so far. I'm never trading with him again unless he goes first and doesn't go red.
13-09-2006 18:51:37
[quote041bd51bea="Berky34"][quote041bd51bea="YourGiftsFree"]What offer did he do?[/quote041bd51bea]
I think video prof[/quote041bd51bea]
He said he did video professor for my other site, freenintendowiis.com.
13-09-2006 18:58:08
Guys, some of my friends are completing offers for me. I've been really consumed with school this week..they just won't stop laoding me down. All sites will be completed by tomorrow afternoon. I am really sorry.
13-09-2006 19:05:46
Then how come Our affiliates say they came from the same IP?
13-09-2006 19:07:50
I think you should pay $20/refferal you owe to finish these trades.
13-09-2006 19:19:22
You still haven't greened on freenintendowiis.com (
EDIT And you're my last ref.
13-09-2006 19:26:13
[quote17930790ad="YourGiftsFree"]Then how come Our affiliates say they came from the same IP?[/quote17930790ad]
fuck me
13-09-2006 19:27:03
[quoteffe55a9bbd="damac"][quoteffe55a9bbd="YourGiftsFree"]Then how come Our affiliates say they came from the same IP?[/quoteffe55a9bbd]
fuck me[/quoteffe55a9bbd]
What I miss?
13-09-2006 20:43:20
[quote3ed1a32f65="Averagejoe1039"]Guys, some of my friends are completing offers for me. I've been really consumed with school this week..they just won't stop laoding me down. All sites will be completed by tomorrow afternoon. I am really sorry.[/quote3ed1a32f65]
Will you please pay me the money you owe me. I have waited long enough ?
13-09-2006 22:08:35
hey he paid me back today no problem cause his friend didnt green on a site for me. He OFFERED me my money back.
13-09-2006 23:26:17
he did video professor on my site too. PS3GRAB.COM
14-09-2006 01:30:22
i paid him to be my ref!!! on getrewardz!!! he told me his friend signed up for the gate.com offer and he said his friend didnt have the domain name for him to go manual credit... grrrrr....i want my money back averagejoe!!!! its been like this for almost 2 weeks now!
14-09-2006 11:27:32
Paid you for hdtvgrab Joe and since I send you the money I havent got any response that you received it or that you will do the site or anything.
I am really sad, if nothing happens I got scammed on 2 trades out of 3...
14-09-2006 12:00:17
So far, 3 VP's and counting...
14-09-2006 12:47:00
[quote0250adfc2c="Hamburger"]Paid you for hdtvgrab Joe and since I send you the money I havent got any response that you received it or that you will do the site or anything.
I am really sad, if nothing happens I got scammed on 2 trades out of 3...
Excuse me, but mr Joe here did hdtvgrab for me. shock
14-09-2006 13:12:11
I told you he has multiple ISP's and uses proxies sometimes, also frauds..
14-09-2006 13:18:51
His access to the trade module is currently limited. Please post here as he resolves his issues.
14-09-2006 15:17:34
[quote644f90bc89="YourGiftsFree"]I told you he has multiple ISP's and uses proxies sometimes, also frauds..[/quote644f90bc89]
Goddamnit. I'm so fucking sick of this shit.
AverageJoe, please refund my money asap. I am no longer interested in our trade.
15-09-2006 13:09:37
[quote5a8d06c3ec="Killer722"][quote5a8d06c3ec="Hamburger"]Paid you for hdtvgrab Joe and since I send you the money I havent got any response that you received it or that you will do the site or anything.
I am really sad, if nothing happens I got scammed on 2 trades out of 3...
Excuse me, but mr Joe here did hdtvgrab for me. shock[/quote5a8d06c3ec]
Well I only paid him but he has not answered till now...
And did not register under my link.
16-09-2006 00:37:24
i talked to him on AIM and he refunded me my money back....just ask him for the money back it should be fine.
17-09-2006 01:04:02
[quote252ac6ad95="phunkstar"]AverageJoe, please refund my money asap. I am no longer interested in our trade.[/quote252ac6ad95]
Money has been refunded.
17-09-2006 11:01:33
I could bite my ass...
Is averagejoe here iwantmymtv35 on a4f ?
17-09-2006 11:02:19
17-09-2006 11:02:32
17-09-2006 11:07:17
Uhhh how stupid...
I paid him twice -) different nick names are really fucked up...
I hope I reach him on aim soon...
17-09-2006 15:47:45
He was supposed to do my yournintendowii4free. I payed him on August 25. He still has not greened. I see he is collecting referals for the site, though, so I am hoping that he does complete it. He said he submitted manual, I wrote Trainn a support ticket asking if he did indeed submit for it, I'll see what they say. I'll keep you guys updated.
17-09-2006 17:43:48
I realize it's not up to me, but he has been given more than enough chances, and he keeps fucking it up.
Doing Video Professor 3 times alone is grounds for a ban, and signing up from same IPs claiming "friends' are doing it for him is bullshit.
19-09-2006 11:27:28
Almost a month now and no payment. cry
19-09-2006 11:29:17
AverageJoe has 24 hours to pay everyone back.
19-09-2006 11:45:46
He owes me 2 TR. Can you give that to me automatically or does he have to do it?
19-09-2006 16:54:25
Please give him some time. He's on vacation and I guess forgot to post here on FiPG. I don't know when he's coming back, but I know for sure he's on vacation, so give him some slack.
19-09-2006 18:10:06
[quoteb67c78b500="TFOAF"]Please give him some time. He's on vacation and I guess forgot to post here on FiPG. I don't know when he's coming back, but I know for sure he's on vacation, so give him some slack.
Why would we give him more time? This is at least the 2nd time, perhaps the 3rd that he's pulled this stuff. He's going to have to go fraud somewhere else in about 20 hours.
if he truly is on vacation maybe give him until 9/26 and if he fails to pay everyone back he is gone. otherwise if u ban him now no one will get their money. then when the day comes blammo he is gone but maybe some more will get paid back
19-09-2006 18:46:43
Just like he truly has friends sign up and truly doesnt do offers twice. roll
19-09-2006 19:19:04
He is not on vacation because he is on my buddy list on aim and I have even bloody spoken to him asking him for my tr.
19-09-2006 19:19:23
He is on vacation I talked to him on AIM right before he left.
19-09-2006 19:30:48
He's in Disney...what do you expect him to do from there...wait till he gets back...?
19-09-2006 19:44:33
He had time before he went to Disney. I hope he gets banned because he is the worst person I have EVER traded with.
And he must of only went 2-3 days ago then because I was speaking to him then.
19-09-2006 20:18:40
You think he would have told someone (esp trading with) about it.
19-09-2006 20:24:18
He made it through approval on HDTVgrab.com
19-09-2006 21:39:29
[quotefb6558b198="Killer722"]He made it through approval on HDTVgrab.com[/quotefb6558b198]
and he paid me back for ipods.123 when he didnt green, i simply just asked for my money back
19-09-2006 23:02:42
Going to Disney could mean not coming back.
19-09-2006 23:12:15
I would not appreciate it if he gets banned now.
I do not think anyone would get anything back if he will be banned.
So maybe we should give him like a week or something
20-09-2006 00:27:59
Why do all your posts say Greetings at the end?
20-09-2006 04:06:07
[quote05b4b46fc3="tylerc"]Why do all your posts say Greetings at the end?[/quote05b4b46fc3]
[quote05b4b46fc3="tylerc"]Going to Disney could mean not coming back.[/quote05b4b46fc3]
Guys! He's going to come back, calm down!
20-09-2006 05:21:29
LOL, you guys payed averagejoe first? I made him go first because he has such a bad rep.
20-09-2006 05:26:01
[quotea43fd95342="Killer722"]LOL, you guys payed averagejoe first? I made him go first because he has such a bad rep.[/quotea43fd95342]
Same here, and then he went on hold before he went green, so I didn't lose anything. cool
20-09-2006 06:00:11
[quote5595d0ec1c="tylerc"]Why do all your posts say Greetings at the end?[/quote5595d0ec1c]
Dont know I am doing that in all forums...
[quote5595d0ec1c="Killer722"]LOL, you guys payed averagejoe first? I made him go first because he has such a bad rep.[/quote5595d0ec1c]
Not that easy if you have no TR...
Greetings ;)
20-09-2006 06:17:58
[quote91c68dc07f="Hamburger"][quote91c68dc07f="Killer722"]LOL, you guys payed averagejoe first? I made him go first because he has such a bad rep.[/quote91c68dc07f]
Not that easy if you have no TR...[/quote91c68dc07f]
While it's true that as a newbie you have little leverage, just because you have lower TR doesn't mean you can't agree on different arrangements. If you want to trade with someone who has a shady past, it's perfectly okay to ask that they go first regardless of TR. It just has to be agreed by both parties before you start the trade.
If shady traders want to continue trading and repair their reputation, they will agree to it. If they don't, then their trading days are likely over anyway and they should be avoided. Of course this applies to chronic problem traders, not those who had one little glitch out of dozens of good trades.
20-09-2006 06:55:46
he is on aim now. Wouldn't you think he'd have better things to do in Disney Land? LOL. Even though he's on-line is he paying anyone back? NO... Is he replying here?? NO....
20-09-2006 07:17:27
[quote17066b7019="Commander"]he is on aim now. Wouldn't you think he'd have better things to do in Disney Land? LOL. Even though he's on-line is he paying anyone back? NO... Is he replying here?? NO....
I just spoke to him and he told me that he is on his sidekick...which is legit
...if he has one.
20-09-2006 07:21:37
I dont think of a shady person when I see 127.
I would search for information when this person as 20 or less but anything above well...
20-09-2006 10:55:33
He only left for FL on Saturday...he had several days to respond to this thread and hasn't.
You guys have to understand the predicament we're in as moderators. If we ban him outright, then no one gets paid, if we don't ban him you'll call us lax and tell us we're not doing anything.
20-09-2006 11:13:32
^^^ Exactly.
One of the joys of being a moderator. You can never please everybody, so you're always pissing half the people off -- you just have to decide which half to piss off today.
At some point we must recognize that the scammer has cut & run and it's time to shut the door on him/her, at other times it's a borderline situation where they eventually decide to come back and make things right, like AverageJoe has done in the past. And he will probably try to do again, however his behavior in repeatedly doing so has become tiresome. It's disrespectful to the responsible, diligent traders who expect a good clean trade, so it's probably time for him to go trade elsewhere, since he can't seem to be responsible about it here.
20-09-2006 12:10:02
He didnt even seem bothered when I spoke to him on aim earlier. Basically if people want their cash they will have to wait until he has adequate funds or cashes his freebies out...
20-09-2006 12:36:54
[quoteb6a6d0764e="zr2152"][quoteb6a6d0764e="Commander"]he is on aim now. Wouldn't you think he'd have better things to do in Disney Land? LOL. Even though he's on-line is he paying anyone back? NO... Is he replying here?? NO....
I just spoke to him and he told me that he is on his sidekick...which is legit
...if he has one.[/quoteb6a6d0764e]
He has a sidekick...that's his only means of communication right now.
You could even confirm it if you were to look at his profile. It says "via Hiptop."
All sidekicks have "via Hiptop" as the default profile. ;)
20-09-2006 12:46:47
If the guy is on vacation you won't get the money back till he is back. Ban him if you never wanna see your money again. I'm pretty sure he will pay you back. He has paid everyone back when asked. I forgot to post he was going away to florida. I was supposed to do that. Sorry guys. I was caught up with school work. Anyways, he imed me telling me to tell you guys he would be in Florida and I was supposed to make a thread here. I kinda forgot (. My apologies. Well I hope he gets back soon so he can pay all you guys back that deserve payment. Good luck.
20-09-2006 13:16:56
I say that he should have 24 hours AFTER he gets back from florida...which will be when?
20-09-2006 13:22:52
[quote6c1e482a51="zr2152"]I say that he should have 24 hours AFTER he gets back from florida...which will be when?[/quote6c1e482a51]
No idea when...but...maybe you should give him 48 hours just to settle in first. ;)
20-09-2006 13:24:39
yeah, he seems to be good for it
20-09-2006 19:33:26
spank that monitor like a bitch!!!!!! lol roll
21-09-2006 06:07:08
So since you all seem to have info on his whereabouts, and since I don't want our members to lose money, when is he returning?...please tell AverageJoe to pay everyone back within 24 hours of returning, or he will be banned.
21-09-2006 08:44:19
He will be# back on saturday. At least thats what he told me.
21-09-2006 12:40:02
[quotecf774159f8="doylnea"]So since you all seem to have info on his whereabouts, and since I don't want our members to lose money, when is he returning?...please tell AverageJoe to pay everyone back within 24 hours of returning, or he will be banned.[/quotecf774159f8]
When he is online, I will alert him immediately.
23-09-2006 16:11:26
hmm...well today is saturday...
23-09-2006 19:12:40
Give him some time. Geez. He's not a scammer...he's going to pay everyone back. Just calm down...
23-09-2006 22:19:49
[quotec612fb1eaf="TFOAF"][quotec612fb1eaf="zr2152"][quotec612fb1eaf="Commander"]he is on aim now. Wouldn't you think he'd have better things to do in Disney Land? LOL. Even though he's on-line is he paying anyone back? NO... Is he replying here?? NO....
I just spoke to him and he told me that he is on his sidekick...which is legit
...if he has one.[/quotec612fb1eaf]
He has a sidekick...that's his only means of communication right now.
You could even confirm it if you were to look at his profile. It says "via Hiptop."
All sidekicks have "via Hiptop" as the default profile. ;)[/quotec612fb1eaf]
yooo thats true and second you can access this forum and paypal with the sidekick i should know b/c i have one
23-09-2006 22:28:31
[quotee1c59ab04c="TFOAF"]Give him some time. Geez. He's not a scammer...he's going to pay everyone back. Just calm down...[/quotee1c59ab04c]
He may not be a scammer, but he is a bad trader. I've had expeiences like this with him before.
24-09-2006 13:02:07
Joe just greened for me on yournintendowii4free.
24-09-2006 13:22:56
Guys, I am really sorry about this whole mess. I was on vacation last week, and got back this morning. I just completed the site for Excel, and am now working on Hamburger and Mikkhai. If anyone else needs to be paid back, please let me know.
24-09-2006 13:28:02
So you plan to just pay everyone back, and think it all goes back to normal, like you have done multiple times in the past?
24-09-2006 14:23:50
I don't want it to go back to normal, I plan on going first on most of my trades.
24-09-2006 14:43:45
Well in that case, are you ever going to get me my free green on anygift4four like you said you would? Except I have finished it now, so how about anygift4two or three?
24-09-2006 14:57:09
I can do AnyGift4two. IM me.
25-09-2006 23:13:25
His friend went green for me now.
No complaints from my side.
It took a while but I am a patient person )
Thanks for the trade
29-09-2006 11:48:11
has everyone been paid back by AverageJoe?
30-09-2006 14:55:35
He just went red for me on get6friends.....
30-09-2006 15:24:09
He went red on flip6 for me a few days ago as well...this is AverageJoe
change the title to average joe red or somethin cuz thats who this is
30-09-2006 15:47:28
i believe there is already another thread about him, maybe you should post in there
30-09-2006 16:00:57
[quote0e66791aa1="zr2152"]i believe there is already another thread about him, maybe you should post in there[/quote0e66791aa1]
when the thread started i didnt know it was him...
30-09-2006 16:02:53
Uh oh. (
I still need $20 or some greens been a couple months
Paid him $50 for gamesgifts, still no green
01-10-2006 02:03:41
I'm up for approval on yournintendowii4free, we'll see if he makes it through. Although, seeing how he has 3 refs for the site, I doubt he would risk going red. We'll see.
01-10-2006 08:11:27
Went red on my flip6...please respond to pm and pay me back
01-10-2006 08:32:22
Hey everyone, my power went out for 3 days. Not really sure why all these reds are happening, being as that I got my friend to do them. I'm working on refunding everyone's money as we speak. Thank you all for your patience.
01-10-2006 15:55:29
Joe you're on very thing ice here. It appears, in my view, that every trade you make these days result in a red. The only thing that's keeping you here is that you seek to resolve your reds...
Take note
01-10-2006 16:23:21
I do take note of this. And I thank you for doing that, I wouldn't want to just leave people here with a bunch of reds.
01-10-2006 16:52:44
You said to PM you about anygift42. Seeing as you are going red for everyone, I doubt very highly that it's worth me asking you to do it?
02-10-2006 14:51:17
I have been waiting on him to complete a site for almost 3 months now. He has had partial credit on 11 rewards since we started the trade.... he says his friend messed up. I just want a green on that site...been waiting soo long.
The trade started on July 6th~!
02-10-2006 17:06:25
Hey PCHangOver, I just responded to your PM.
02-10-2006 23:14:32
Paid me for his red, we r clear now 8)
03-10-2006 19:53:19
Where do we stand these days with reds?
03-10-2006 22:42:46
He was supposed to do anyguftfor4 for me but I finished the site now... Now what -\
04-10-2006 13:02:39
You said you needed anygift4two, I could've done that for you.
04-10-2006 14:11:34
Thank you for replying to my pm.
He said he is going to finish our trade tomorrow - Thursday, Oct 5... which just happens to be my 19th b-day.. so it better be gift day from averagejoe!! )
04-10-2006 16:17:01
Oh it's gonna be a GOOD gift.
04-10-2006 18:02:44
Joe sorted his end out with me a long time back.
05-10-2006 14:53:47
[quote198ff0f25e="pchangover"]Thank you for replying to my pm.
He said he is going to finish our trade tomorrow - Thursday, Oct 5... which just happens to be my 19th b-day.. so it better be gift day from averagejoe!! )[/quote198ff0f25e]
Happy Birthday, you wretched whore!!!!
05-10-2006 16:06:38
I am now green for PC hangover.
09-10-2006 17:25:52
Waiting for you to go green on my youripodnano4free
10-10-2006 20:36:18
You've had too many chances. I appreciate the fact that you paid everyone back, as much as possible, but that's not enough to let you stay any longer.
10-10-2006 20:58:17
Can't you just limit his trade module and let him stay here?
10-10-2006 22:42:22
Can't you just limit his trade module and let him stay here?[/quote214bd2de57]
lol, we ban him so we protect you guys, and you complain, we let him stay and you complain.
RL must be easy for you guys if you have to complain this much online.
He still owes me $50 or a ref at gamegifts
11-10-2006 04:09:34
Can't you just limit his trade module and let him stay here?[/quoted0f4f495cf]
lol, we ban him so we protect you guys, and you complain, we let him stay and you complain.
RL must be easy for you guys if you have to complain this much online.[/quoted0f4f495cf]
He was a good person...he told me he was done with freebies after he fixed all of the problems he caused. That doesn't mean he should get completely banned from the forums. If you prevent him from PMing that could work too...
11-10-2006 06:21:18
Can't you just limit his trade module and let him stay here?[/quotea9e2a0985a]
lol, we ban him so we protect you guys, and you complain, we let him stay and you complain.
RL must be easy for you guys if you have to complain this much online.[/quotea9e2a0985a]
He was a good person...he told me he was done with freebies after he fixed all of the problems he caused. That doesn't mean he should get completely banned from the forums. If you prevent him from PMing that could work too...[/quotea9e2a0985a]
He said the same thing the three previous times he cleaned up the messes he made.
By banning him, we aren't judging him as a person. He was certainly polite, he always (eventually) made good on his commitments.
But the fact his, he has a long history of frauding offers and abusing his relatively high TR. FiPG has always maintained its stance in firm opposition to frauding; we do not make exceptions for users that are exceptionally polite.
11-10-2006 06:29:35
^^^ What he said.
And before people retort with comments like "But person X has frauded (or traded poorly, or flamed, or whatever) and you let them stay!" keep in mind that Joe has been given numerous chances as well. There comes a time when we have to say "enough." This was that time.
11-10-2006 06:54:31
[quotedea9adb6e9="dmorris68"]^^^ What he said.
And before people retort with comments like "But person X has frauded (or traded poorly, or flamed, or whatever) and you let them stay!" keep in mind that Joe has been given numerous chances as well. There comes a time when we have to say "enough." This was that time.[/quotedea9adb6e9]
And just for good measure, I merged another thread about Joe into this thread...