19-06-2006 14:29:06
Mods, close this lol sorry. It seems I am currently still trading with Fizzle. Oh well!
19-06-2006 14:33:43
Try looking back in your PMs, both Inbox and Sentbox, for that day.
this is why keep accurate records is important. no need to delete your trades, just hide completed ones )
why not email all 3 people you paid and ask what site they did for ya?
19-06-2006 15:45:30
That's what I do, I just hide old trades. D
19-06-2006 15:50:16
Fizzlefro is his aim name.
19-06-2006 19:45:24
But I never traded with Fizzle45 lol. Someone must have paid him for a ref for me.
19-06-2006 20:29:14
[quote16ee963f66="Shroud"]But I never traded with Fizzle45 lol. Someone must have paid him for a ref for me.[/quote16ee963f66]
$25 Paypal for FlashIpods4Free
20-06-2006 16:59:09
Ya, I realized that after I posted. I am a complete idiot, lol.