Townnuts Is Scamming Me
14-05-2006 14:23:17
I have been scammed by Townnuts someone ban him he wont complete any of my offers and I went green for him
14-05-2006 14:39:27
[quotecde616c2b7="jeremy1987"]I have been scammed by Townnuts someone ban him he wont complete any of my offers and I went green for him[/quotecde616c2b7]
Brisktea? Is that you?
I'll ask you what I ask everyone
1) Have you contacted a mod privately about this yet? ([bcde616c2b7]This should always be the first step when issues with trades arise.)[/bcde616c2b7]
2) When was the trade initiated? When did you green for him? Can you prove that you greened for him?
3) Did Townnuts tell you that he wouldn't green for you, or have you just not heard from him in a while and concluded that he's scamming you? How long has it been since you heard from him?
If you haven't already notified him, I would suggest you let Townnuts know that you've just posted this so that he has an opportunity to defend himself.
14-05-2006 15:45:58
I was in a trade with him. He seemed honest at first. Never completed the trade though. He just cut me off when I tried to work out a deal with him. He also requested that I go first regardless of TR. I'd give him a day or two though. After that, be worried.
14-05-2006 19:40:15
its been a week and nothing he said he got scammed my some owner of some site last time i talked to him he said he knew a way to beat the system and some crazy crap like that i told him to send in the no credit ticket and he never did i talked to the site owner myself he said he did his part and bounced out and i completed his site almost 3 weeks ago i have pics to prove and ill get an email from the admin of the site
14-05-2006 19:52:54
and no im not Brisktea i dont even know who that is
14-05-2006 19:53:25
I actually did signed up for ur 2 offer like u made me do for you. I am wihtout a doubt not the scammer. Your stupid site is scamming you on ur offers as well as they are scammign me. And i have no idea who you spoke wiht on that site but i absoluty did send in a request to them, MORON. Don't ever threaten anyone unless u can back yourself up with that. you stupid moron.
14-05-2006 19:56:23
i want to see a pic of the site and they did say you did not send in a no credit report ill have him email me proof of that
14-05-2006 19:57:47
and by the way here is my conformation email moron, don't ever talk shit again about me
========= ORDER INFORMATION =========
Invoice I637354B2B2CBF881D
Description Orexis(tm) 7 day trial supply [AUTOSHIP]|
Free Jar of Orexia|PACKAGE INSURED|
I cancled my order a while ago but thats what i sent to your stupiud compnay whos not giving you credit for muy sign up.
14-05-2006 19:59:11
you have to take care of this through your stupid website. I did everything i was suppose to. now don't ever speak to me again good bye forevere u moron.
14-05-2006 20:00:33
they have no reason to lie if you didnt go green thats on you and you need to do another offer and go green i did my part now you do yours
14-05-2006 20:09:26
it doesnt matter if he has done the deal or not the admin said he never sent in another report ticket so what he need to do is follow up and send in another one so they can green him or do another offer so he can green
i would ask a mod to help u guys sort this out.
14-05-2006 20:51:11
[quote9a3297f940="Townnuts"]I cancled my order a while ago but thats what i sent to your stupiud compnay whos not giving you credit for muy sign up.[/quote9a3297f940]
You cancled it? That could be your problem there. It doesn't help the situation with you calling him a moron either....
15-05-2006 07:23:16
15-05-2006 07:27:07
And jeremy1987.... please take a moment to locate the period (.) and comma (,) keys on your keyboard. Use them, they are your friends. I thank you, and I'm sure the other readers do as well.
Seriously dude, I can't read your posts without getting a headache and totally losing what you're trying to say.
15-05-2006 09:33:05
well theres the problem I told this idot to use a no credit report ticket and not a support ticket see people dont listen to the sites. Ether way I still havent got a green from him and I did my part.
15-05-2006 10:21:48
just to step in and say my 2 cents.
I once attempted entering trades with TownNuts like a month ago. Guy makes no sense, changes his mind a million times and is just a gigantic pain to work with. I've heard this from several people.
His posts, his PMs, his IMs...they make no sense.
15-05-2006 10:36:18
come on now you dont see that there is something fishy going on that is the 2nd person that has had a bad trade with him.
codex avellum
15-05-2006 13:10:20
Townnuts makes no sense. I could never understand him. Didn't have any troubles with our 2 trades though
15-05-2006 19:11:35
Heck, I can't understand half the people on this board. Doesn't anyone look at their screen when typing? If you can't touch-type, at least take 30 seconds to read what you wrote before hitting "submit".
16-05-2006 05:11:22
Seriously I need a mod to look into this.
16-05-2006 10:33:06
Well Jeremy1987, once again you state that u told me to send in a request to that webiste under "no credit report ticket " well i guess you did not do too much research into this topic at all. Your not to smart because I did. Go learn to do proper research , then speak.. I am done with this trade. I did what i was suppose to do, because i believe in doing instant and fast transactions. As well sometimes credits take some TIME to credit. Your a newbie who thinks everything is instant, well dude sorry to inform you that isn't true in this freebie world. In this world most of the times, they(freebie sites) credit whenever they feel like crediting. Yes its wrong, but there is nothing anyone can do about it. I have shown u all of the proper information to back up this case. You should learn to keep your dam mouth shut, and if u don't want to then at least have the proper information to back up your story. Good bye, oh right i guess you banning me isn't happening. You stated in an Instant message converstation that your going to get me benned. Well you should be the one who gets banned for making up bullshit stories about other traders.
16-05-2006 13:58:29
FYI TownNuts, you're not done with your trade with jeremy1987 until you green for him or send a proper amount of PayPal (if that is an option).
16-05-2006 14:08:11
[quote7a92c7a5e7="compuguru"]FYI TownNuts, you're not done with your trade with jeremy1987 until you green for him or send a proper amount of PayPal (if that is an option).[/quote7a92c7a5e7]
This is true. Unfortunately, an offer's failure to credit is not a valid excuse for not completing a trade.
16-05-2006 17:43:43
No i said i was done bec he is lying saying he spoke wiht the owner of that freebie site free500 stating that i never signed up for an offer as well as i never asked for cedit from them. I have done everything properly. I have sent in to that webiste my email conformaiton numbers. And now that dude just has to wait until it goes green. Nothing more i can do. I am not made out of money to keep on signign up for offers etc. I did ym part 110%
16-05-2006 17:48:00
Apparently you both think the other person is lying, so why don't you post a [bf865a05823]Screenshot[/bf865a05823] of your Offer confirmation email and your request for manual credit. I'll be happy to walk you through how to do it if you need help with it. ;D
16-05-2006 20:07:14
[quoteb08b6a9a49="compuguru"]Apparently you both think the other person is lying, so why don't you post a [bb08b6a9a49]Screenshot[/bb08b6a9a49] of your Offer confirmation email and your request for manual credit. I'll be happy to walk you through how to do it if you need help with it. ;D[/quoteb08b6a9a49]
And then think about what he posted and actually do it!
16-05-2006 20:55:07
Ill post a screen shot of him being yellow, but at this point all I want is paypal ill have someone else do the site for me and if he cant do that then he needs to be banned because I went green for his site and thats one thing we can both agree on.
19-05-2006 09:53:43
I also have a trade with Townnuts that he never went green for, despite me sending him not one but [ucc99c63501]two[/ucc99c63501] copies of my confirmation "offer credit received" email and also [ucc99c63501]two[/ucc99c63501] copies of him being yellow on my page.