Jams44 ~~RESOLVED~~
07-04-2006 03:32:47
07-04-2006 04:15:36
Yeah, I remember back when the big goofygarber incident happened, he was one of his friends. I knew that if he was associated with that cheater and liar, then he definitely would be a bad trader.
07-04-2006 05:03:06
codex avellum
07-04-2006 10:07:57
he went red for me too.
07-04-2006 12:19:52
No fuss about it? Then why did you send me angry Pms? Clearly you were fussing. And I diden't say you would get your paypal banned, I said I would get my Refund with or without your consent. (Through paypal complaints). You are a blatant scammer for making multiple accounts not your credit card, you made multiple accounts, Trainn verified this, He MADE MULTPLE ACCOUNTS.
07-04-2006 19:33:36
codex avellum, it seems that under Knight Trader's influence Trainn.org has closed all my accounts associated to them, THERE ARE NO MULTIPLE ACCOUNTS, it's funny how even after I tell you why I went red knight trader blatenly makes up things. also, never once did i send a PM angrily or grudging without a response to one of his half-assed remarks. If I so sent these messages feel free to post a screenie. Not a Copy and Paste, I don;t go for that. If i had anything to hide then i wouldnt be asking him to do this
codex avellum
07-04-2006 19:40:29
why did you use email==klindan@gmail.comklindan@gmail.com=klindan@gmail.comklindan@gmail.com/email for my site and email==jams44@gmail.comjams44@gmail.com=jams44@gmail.comjams44@gmail.com/email for knight rider's site.
07-04-2006 21:20:22
i decided to get a new email a while back but i still use klindan for offers, they all get rerouted to jams44 so it didn't really matter which i signed up with
codex avellum
07-04-2006 21:22:41
how is that a while back, you just signed up on both of our sites the same day, so why not signup the same email address.
07-04-2006 22:03:27
just didn't. when i give people my email or AIM or MSN, i just give them the one that first comes to mind
08-04-2006 10:38:42
Under MY INFLUENCE TRAINN CLOSED YoUR ACCOUNS? How? I Never emailed trainn once complaining about you. You got your own accounts closed for blatantly scamming people or cheating the websites. You are clearly at fault, and is visable by everyone.
08-04-2006 19:35:47
[quotea094ff122d="KnightTrader"]Under MY INFLUENCE TRAINN CLOSED YoUR ACCOUNS? How? I Never emailed trainn once complaining about you. You got your own accounts closed for blatantly scamming people or cheating the websites. You are clearly at fault, and is visable by everyone.[/quotea094ff122d]
I'm not yelling (textually of course) so why are you. You still have not posted an image of my threats and immature behavior via PMs. Please do so to show everyone of them.
08-04-2006 23:41:03
KnightTrader; You are probably becoming one of the worst new traders I've seen for a while. You're very quick to jump the gun about people (i.e MightMouse). You deny saying certain things to Jams44 but here are your PM's to him.
[quote5d5940c12b]From KnightTrader
To Jams44
Sent Date 03 Apr 2006
Subject Ok wise ass, you went Red, I want my 20$ Back before I paypa
I can Easily file a paypal complaint and tell them I bought a microphone or someshit from you and you never delivered it. You wen't red on my YourFreeFlatscreens, If you do not immediatly return the 20$ I sent you back to me at email==remotay@gmail.comremotay@gmail.com=remotay@gmail.comremotay@gmail.com/email
I will file a paypal complaint and tell them I bought a set of speakers from you, and unless you provide PAYPAL A legitimate TRACKING NUMBER TO MY ADDRESS The money will be removed from your account and sanctions placed against your account. It is in your best interest to send my money back.[/quote5d5940c12b]
You're going to lie to Paypal, because someobody refunded you when they fucked up and set it straight, but yet it's still not good enough for you?
I'm not posting every single PM between the both of you, but it was YOU KnightTrader who was being rude, aggressive and demanding. You contacted Trainn to have his accounts placed on hold saying he was a scammer, but yet you deny it.
The reason Jams44 went red for anyone on Trainn sites, is because KnightTrader contacted Trainn and told them Jams44 was a scammer and made multiple accounts. So Trainn puts his accounts under investigation. If Jams44 was the scammer that KnightTrader claims him to be, then Jams44 wouldn't have paid EVERYONE back.
You need to start opening your eyes, thinking before you type and also stop accusing people of things they haven't done. Oh and the lying, you need to try to keep that under control too.
Personally, if I was Jams44 and I had been paid by someone to go green, greened, then went red, refunded the other person nd then the other person had all of my accounts placed on hold, I'd also file a Paypal claim to get the money back.
09-04-2006 16:14:20
Mr. Mod, Not to be an asshole to you, But you are WRONG. I have NEVER Contacted Trainn about this user. NEVER, Infact I have contacted train ONLY Once asking them something about MY account status. 2. I Threatened him to lie to paypal BEFORE HE SET IT STRAITE, WHY WOULD I DEMAND A REFUND WHEN I ALREADY GOT IT? After he Refunded me, I appolgized for being rude, I figured AT FIRST HE DID THIS SHIT on purpose. My only wrong doing is starting off rude Because I figured he scammed me and threatening him was the only way t oget a refund, After he refunded, I appolgizied. Also This is going to be moderated, But im very dissapointed in a mod Like you, Wtf are you thinking taking sides without looking at the whole situation, ? I already said I never contacted trainn about this, and you can go email them yourself to find out, He went red Without me ever contacting trainn, And i have yet to.
[quote8a6398644b]The reason Jams44 went red for anyone on Trainn sites, is because KnightTrader contacted Trainn and told them Jams44 was a scammer and made multiple accounts. So Trainn puts his accounts under investigation. If Jams44 was the scammer that KnightTrader claims him to be, then Jams44 wouldn't have paid EVERYONE back.
You need to start opening your eyes, thinking before you type and also stop accusing people of things they haven't done. Oh and the lying, you need to try to keep that under control too.
Personally, if I was Jams44 and I had been paid by someone to go green, greened, then went red, refunded the other person nd then the other person had all of my accounts placed on hold, I'd also file a Paypal claim to get the money back.[/quote8a6398644b]
Yep, Way to ruin some of my credibility mod, Thats all 100% False. I never got his accounts on hold, Did you read another pm? HE GOT HIS ACCOUNT ON HOLD FOR MAKING MULTIPLE ACCOUNTS. Clearly HE is the one at fault, and he knows it, He copied and pasted an Email from Trainn to one of our pms, And it was CLEAR that HE was Dq'd from all sites for making multiple accounts, Yep, And look at this? Im the bad guy. /angry mode off. Just please look into this before trashing my rep, Especially from a mod ...
09-04-2006 16:24:26
no, if you even read your Pms you would know, when i contacted TRAINN.ORG they said i was under investigation for multiple accounts under YOUR REFERRAL. NOTICE HOW THEY EVEN USE YOUR REFERRAL LINK!!!
09-04-2006 16:56:23
1. I never contacted Trainn about this. Ever, Go ahead and email them asking mods.
2. Maybe because you made TWO accounts on the same site I refered you on?
I will say this agian, I never contacted Trainn. EVER, Except one instance Where i asked them about my account status, Thats the ONLY email I Wrote to them in the past 6 months.
09-04-2006 18:55:08
[quote53295fb6d0="Jams44"]codex avellum, it seems that under Knight Trader's influence Trainn.org has closed all my accounts associated to them[/quote53295fb6d0]
That is not true, we do not get involved in user trades. Users voluntarily choose to participate in them and bear the sole responsibility of whatever the outcome.
09-04-2006 19:19:00
whats this all about then, recieved this from supposedly ure site, checked the headers and everything
X-Gmail-Received 197fff5e0a55ea831e68fd71edf4f4ac378efbe0
Delivered-To email==jams44@gmail.comjams44@gmail.com=jams44@gmail.comjams44@gmail.com/email
Received by with SMTP id 6cs28592wxh;
From Transcendent Innovations <contact@trainn.org> Mailed-By host.freebienation.com
To email==jams44@gmail.comjams44@gmail.com=jams44@gmail.comjams44@gmail.com/email
Date April 06, 2006 546 PM
Subject YourFreeFlatScreen.com Offer Completion
Dear Joseph,
We took your email into great consideration and have still decided to temporarily keep your account on hold. The account you signed up with is under investigation whether or not you are the referral given. Multiple accounts are against site rules and TOS. Your account that recieved this referral will have all points removed if found guilty for breaking our TOS. The account number 993132 is also under investigation. Please keep in mind, the more you try to fix, the less likely you are to recieve your free item.
Thank You For Your Understanding,
09-04-2006 19:30:33
Only reason IM udner investigation is because YOU SIGNED UP UNDER ME, They think YOU Have multiplee accounts is to HELP ME GET REFS, It wasen't too hard to understand, You aren't very good at reading comprehension..... So isen't it obvious to investigate both parties? The one who did the multiple accounts and the person he signed up under? I never reported you, End of discussion in that.
09-04-2006 19:45:18
[quotef3637cd7b7="Jams44"]whats this all about then, recieved this from supposedly ure site, checked the headers and everything
X-Gmail-Received 197fff5e0a55ea831e68fd71edf4f4ac378efbe0
Delivered-To email==jams44@gmail.comjams44@gmail.com=jams44@gmail.comjams44@gmail.com/email
Received by with SMTP id 6cs28592wxh;
From Transcendent Innovations <contact@trainn.org> Mailed-By host.freebienation.com
To email==jams44@gmail.comjams44@gmail.com=jams44@gmail.comjams44@gmail.com/email
Date April 06, 2006 546 PM
Subject YourFreeFlatScreen.com Offer Completion
Dear Joseph,
We took your email into great consideration and have still decided to temporarily keep your account on hold. The account you signed up with is under investigation whether or not you are the referral given. Multiple accounts are against site rules and TOS. Your account that recieved this referral will have all points removed if found guilty for breaking our TOS. The account number 993132 is also under investigation. Please keep in mind, the more you try to fix, the less likely you are to recieve your free item.
Thank You For Your Understanding,
The TRAINN.ORG Staff[/quotef3637cd7b7]
That email you just quoted is fake, Trainn does NOT start off their emails with Dear NAME
They start off with
Ive checked my previous email from trainn and they said Hello, and i compared with friends online, The email you posted seems 100% Fake. PLUS the ending for trainn emails are
Account Services
Transcendent Innovations
Im not 100% Sure its fake, But It looks like it.
codex avellum
09-04-2006 19:47:53
oh man, that email is edited so bad.
i have contacted trainn tons and they always say Hello, and end with the initials of the support agent.
and if you notice look at the subject of that email.
Subject YourFreeFlatScreen.com Offer Completion
so you just took the offer confirmation email and typed out a response. brilliant
09-04-2006 22:05:47
hmm...I don't know about all of this...he went green for me today...does that mean it will go red or something later? he seemed nice to me ? (
10-04-2006 04:54:59
[quote5415de7a0e="msbabyblu"]hmm...I don't know about all of this...he went green for me today...does that mean it will go red or something later? he seemed nice to me ? ([/quote5415de7a0e]
no i just did a Freeay offer with you which has no problems, its TRAINN that i can't do
13-04-2006 07:50:09
Still not denying making a fake trainn letter? User deserves a ban for impersonating trainn.
13-04-2006 16:39:05
[quoteb31881e92a="KnightTrader"]User deserves a ban[/quoteb31881e92a]
i dont need to deny anything, anyone who wants to check my gmail account is happy too, just PM me. btw stop acting like a complete and utter ass all the time. "DUH USER dES3rVez Ban fOR bLaH Blah!"
13-04-2006 20:20:25
First of all you went red for multiple users, Not just me. And once again Trainn doesn't sign there emails like the ones you faked.
14-04-2006 02:41:46
lol @ that email
14-04-2006 08:36:41
[quote238f7a8c8f="KnightTrader"]First of all you went red for multiple users, Not just me. And once again Trainn doesn't sign there emails like the ones you faked.[/quote238f7a8c8f]
You don't know if it was fake or not. The forums have a Trainn rep, so he could find out if that email is a fake or not.
14-04-2006 08:47:22
How is it NOT FAKE? I have asked MULTIPLE users, Every trainn email begins with
and end with the initials of the support agent.
That email is fake. 100%.
14-04-2006 10:14:00
[quote35c37c6fbd="KnightTrader"]How is it NOT FAKE? I have asked MULTIPLE users, Every trainn email begins with
and end with the initials of the support agent.
That email is fake. 100%.[/quote35c37c6fbd]
It is not '100% fake'. This could be a different situation than the normal emails sent out, you don't know that.
Let the trainn rep here find out if it's fake or not, before you start deciding what is true or false, I mean you don't have the best reputation for truth, since you were willing to lie to paypal.
Of course it could be fake, but then again nobody here knows for certain.
14-04-2006 12:51:37
Read the thread again, This user has went for a lot of people. If he scammed me, Which he did, WHY WOULDEn't I use my backup method to get my money back? Do you ever look at the forums? Everyone talks about it, They mark their payments as "goods" so they can get it back via requesting tracking numbers. this is common practice here. Everyone does it to cover their backs if they get scammed, and it works. Why woulden't I do the same? I found out how to do it on these forums. This user has went red for other people to.
unknown uchiha
14-04-2006 13:14:21
I think we need to lock this thread. It's getting rediculous.
14-04-2006 13:24:07
[quote7afc94b081="KnightTrader"]Read the thread again, This user has went for a lot of people. If he scammed me, Which he did, WHY WOULDEn't I use my backup method to get my money back? Do you ever look at the forums? Everyone talks about it, They mark their payments as "goods" so they can get it back via requesting tracking numbers. this is common practice here. Everyone does it to cover their backs if they get scammed, and it works. Why woulden't I do the same? I found out how to do it on these forums. This user has went red for other people to.[/quote7afc94b081]
From reading this thread you did not get scammed. He went red for you, for whatever reason, your first PM was a threat which included how you were going to lie to paypal to get your money back, instead of asking him what happened.
He did pay you back correct?
It also seems that the people that he went red on are from Trainn, but he went green on Freepay. Couldn't it be a mix up with Trainn?
codex avellum
14-04-2006 14:26:34
he went red for me on orderpcs4free also.
14-04-2006 14:51:33
I'm fairly certain that TRAINN wouldn't resort to using threat tactics to get you to back off "Please keep in mind, the more you try to fix, the less likely you are to recieve your free item."
Also I think they know how to spell "receive" which is spelled incorrectly twice in this obviously fake email.
14-04-2006 15:39:56
Alan ? Comment? Or Mods comment? That email looks very fake.
14-04-2006 21:36:33
[quote2d106d7e60="Averagejoe1039"]Yeah, I remember back when the big goofygarber incident happened, he was one of his friends. I knew that if he was associated with that cheater and liar, then he definitely would be a bad trader.[/quote2d106d7e60]
what was the goofy garbor incident?
15-04-2006 09:38:21
Recently we did a trade, a sign up for a green on your premiumipods.freepay for a green on my macminis.freepay. I am rechcecking my referrals and I don't think you greened on my site. If you did i apologise for this message, just telll me the email you signed up under, otherwise I need you to immediately sign up.
Thank You,
Just got this PM from him.
15-04-2006 13:20:35
Rofl hes probably trying to pm random people for some greens before he gets banned. Mod please comment -_-.
17-04-2006 12:01:59
[quotee146886ee7="KnightTrader"]Rofl hes probably trying to pm random people for some greens before he gets banned. Mod please comment -_-.[/quotee146886ee7]
I find that very rude that you would even say that. I don't want to do this but if it will stop the comments. Fasionjunkee hasn't finished my freepay after i greened on his, and it's been more than a week or two.
http/" alt=""/img365.imageshack.us/img="365/8756/untitled4wu.gif[" alt=""/imge146886ee7]
17-04-2006 14:35:01
This is bullshit. He did all of this after TR was credited. PM anyone who has traded with me and they will say that I am a trustworthy and good trader. So yeah. You can take that altered image elsewhere. Contact Freepay. I have the emails to prove that I greened. But what does it matter. Who am I proving? Youre the scammer.
unknown uchiha
17-04-2006 14:42:19
Jams, that image is highly altered and crappy. If you want to prove something, give us the original screen capture with a trustworthy atomic clock showing the time and date that it was taken.
17-04-2006 19:04:11
[quotea6f437c4f4="fashionjunkee"]This is bullshit. He did all of this after TR was credited. PM anyone who has traded with me and they will say that I am a trustworthy and good trader. So yeah. You can take that altered image elsewhere. Contact Freepay. I have the emails to prove that I greened. But what does it matter. Who am I proving? Youre the scammer.[/quotea6f437c4f4]
i nvr said you wern't trustworthy or anything, i just said that you told me you greened and you hadn't so if you could please finish the offer. I didn't show the original image because of the emails but if no one is stopping me then-
http/" alt=""/img150.imageshack.us/img="150/9241/untitled5xl.jpg[" alt=""/imga6f437c4f4]
I apologize to anyone who's email is on there and to fashionjunkee that i have to post this. I just wanted to let you know you never greened after you said you had. So if you could then please just finish the offer considering i did the same for you!
18-04-2006 01:37:37
[quote1410c8d51e="Brutus"][quote1410c8d51e="KnightTrader"]First of all you went red for multiple users, Not just me. And once again Trainn doesn't sign there emails like the ones you faked.[/quote1410c8d51e]
You don't know if it was fake or not. The forums have a Trainn rep, so he could find out if that email is a fake or not.[/quote1410c8d51e]
It is not legitimate.
18-04-2006 04:36:13
Thank you Trainn support. Jams44 Insisted that email was real, And used it as defense. clearly this user is a lier and a cheat. Awaiting mod action.
18-04-2006 08:10:48
[quote1a91454a14="KnightTrader"]Thank you Trainn support. Jams44 Insisted that email was real, And used it as defense. clearly this user is a lier and a cheat. Awaiting mod action.[/quote1a91454a14]
i said it was real only becauser its an email I RECIEVED. from trainn or not you are accusing me of things I am not. especially because i am allowing anyone who wants to go to my gmail account and view it themselves. also, how have i cheated anyone, in no way have i not returned to people what is rightfully theres, so the fact that you keep posting in this topic is beyond me. it just loses you credibility that you continue to rant on someone that has done absolutely nothing wrong and if they have, have made up for it.
unknown uchiha
18-04-2006 08:44:08
Jams this is getting pathetic. Just stop. You said it was real "only because it's an email you received, from TRAINN or [i1c18185d3a]not[/i1c18185d3a]." So there you go, you've been caught in your own lies.
18-04-2006 09:05:47
[quote84437562ec="unknown uchiha"]Jams this is getting pathetic. Just stop. You said it was real "only because it's an email you received, from TRAINN or [i84437562ec]not[/i84437562ec]." So there you go, you've been caught in your own lies.[/quote84437562ec]
I think what he is saying is that he received the email, which said it was from Trainn, but it appears it was not. You have two choices here. You can think he is a scammer or you can think that somebody sent him a fake email from Trainn.
Has he scammed anyone? Has he not greened, or not payed people back he went red for?
22-04-2006 10:07:53
he did yourdesktoppc for me went red.. I asked for paypal he said he will send it. this was his response today lets see..
codex avellum
22-04-2006 10:13:07
he went red on my desktopcomputer4free around 2 weeks ago.
22-04-2006 13:17:53
I'll take a look at that Gmail account of your Jams44.
Really, if he is lying about everything, but pays everyone back or compensates you all, then everything should be good.
If not, then he'll be banned.
23-04-2006 07:25:58
he went red for me on desktopcomputer but he paid me via paypal. So overall seems ok..
25-04-2006 15:05:35
Damn, just found this thread after I just finished trading with him. (
I really hope he doesn't go "Red" on my site.
25-04-2006 15:21:53
[quoteb109c74276="Skeeter"]Damn, just found this thread after I just finished trading with him. (
I really hope he doesn't go "Red" on my site.[/quoteb109c74276]
its just on TRAINN sites that my account has been put on hold
codex avellum
25-04-2006 15:45:12
so why do you keep creating accounts, you went red for me and zwarrior on trainns desktop pc site.
and you went on hold on my orderpcs4free site. so its not just trainn
25-04-2006 16:13:40
[quote7f65fd199b="theysayjump"][b7f65fd199b]I'll take a look at that Gmail account of your Jams44.[/color7f65fd199b][/b7f65fd199b]
Really, if he is lying about everything, but pays everyone back or compensates you all, then everything should be good.
If not, then he'll be banned.[/quote7f65fd199b]
26-04-2006 05:03:00
oh sorry, ill be on MSN or AIM after my last class so ill contact you then and give u the info
27-04-2006 10:12:22
Pshh. I was tryna go green fo rhim today but for the first time I kept getting errors. Ive done tons of offers fir FP and it has never happened.
30-04-2006 09:11:23
[quote8e650e6414="fashionjunkee"]Pshh. I was tryna go green fo rhim today but for the first time I kept getting errors. Ive done tons of offers fir FP and it has never happened.[/quote8e650e6414]
he greened, so no more worries on my behalf
29-07-2006 10:09:16
Hey Jams44 I sent a PM. I am very worried about my trades with you.
29-07-2006 10:59:23
This thread is old, I no longer have any beef with you Jams44, you did refund me, So i'm content. with that. I diden't bump this XD Gruffer did.
29-07-2006 11:09:13
[quotefefb3b22e8="KnightTrader"]This thread is old, I no longer have any beef with you Jams44, you did refund me, So i'm content. with that. I diden't bump this XD Gruffer did.[/quotefefb3b22e8]I didn't realize it was old...but his new thread concerns me.
05-08-2006 08:52:31
[quote523a787696="gruffer"]Hey Jams44 I sent a PM. I am very worried about my trades with you.[/quote523a787696]
Hey Jams44 I have also PM you and you have not responded. I am worry about our trade. Please respond to my PMs.
07-08-2006 17:32:48
yea ive seen him before.. A REAL A Hole... but one more things..
I am sick of this guy THEYSAYJUMP.. all he does is go around trying to get people banned from the forum and so on. He banned me for 3 days and I got another MOD who said I did nothing wrong UNBAN me. He is annoying.
is it me or does anyone else notice this?
07-08-2006 17:38:05
[quotef87c194254="thedeadinme"]yea ive seen him before.. A REAL A Hole... but one more things..
I am sick of this guy THEYSAYJUMP.. all he does is go around trying to get people banned from the forum and so on. He banned me for 3 days and I got another MOD who said I did nothing wrong UNBAN me. He is annoying.
[bf87c194254]is it me [/bf87c194254]or does anyone else notice this?[/quotef87c194254]
07-08-2006 18:49:49
Hey, TheySayJump is da Bomb.
http//z.about.com/d/inventors/1/0/Z/9/nuke2.jpg[" alt=""/img757b05b373]
07-08-2006 20:03:51
[quote1b891f72af="thedeadinme"]I am sick of this guy THEYSAYJUMP.. all he does is go around trying to get people banned from the forum and so on. He banned me for 3 days and I got another MOD who said I did nothing wrong UNBAN me. He is annoying.
is it me or does anyone else notice this?[/quote1b891f72af]
LOL. Trying to get people banned? He's an admin here, he can ban whoever he wants, he doesn't have to TRY. ) And I highly doubt another admin told you that you did nothing wrong and that TSJ banned you for no reason. I can easily verify that claim...
07-08-2006 20:33:54
lol as much as i'd like to tell you all to stop bumping my "Scammer" thread....STOP BUMPING MY "SCAMMER" THREAD!!!
08-08-2006 03:53:55
[quote2907687502="thedeadinme"]I am sick of this guy THEYSAYJUMP.. all he does is go around trying to get people banned from the forum and so on. He banned me for 3 days and I got another MOD who said I did nothing wrong UNBAN me. He is annoying.
is it me or does anyone else notice this?[/quote2907687502]
All I noticed is that your thread accusing lalaland32 of scamming was mostly unsupported and premature, and that his response was reasonable and articulate.
Posting threads before PMing a mod for advice is annoying.
Sincerely, KeithA
PS bump up the jams44
08-08-2006 20:14:00
[quoteaee3a7338c="Jams44"]lol as much as i'd like to tell you all to stop bumping my "Scammer" thread....STOP BUMPING MY "SCAMMER" THREAD!!![/quoteaee3a7338c]
Please respond to my PM from last week.
08-08-2006 20:21:17
08-08-2006 21:00:59
[quote60f8f049dc="thedeadinme"]yea ive seen him before.. A REAL A Hole... but one more things..
I am sick of this guy THEYSAYJUMP.. all he does is go around trying to get people banned from the forum and so on. He banned me for 3 days and I got another MOD who said I did nothing wrong UNBAN me. He is annoying.
is it me or does anyone else notice this?[/quote60f8f049dc]
Jiggah wha?
08-08-2006 21:05:32
[quoteec7d06f6fe="theysayjump"][quoteec7d06f6fe="thedeadinme"]yea ive seen him before.. A REAL A Hole... but one more things..
I am sick of this guy THEYSAYJUMP.. all he does is go around trying to get people banned from the forum and so on. He banned me for 3 days and I got another MOD who said I did nothing wrong UNBAN me. He is annoying.
is it me or does anyone else notice this?[/quoteec7d06f6fe]
Jiggah wha?[/quoteec7d06f6fe]
Any news?
08-08-2006 21:14:48
so...what's this thread all about?
08-08-2006 21:16:42
Read the thread title, I've had my issues worked out with the guy, But others seem to have some issues with him ;/
08-08-2006 21:17:45
[quotedba9b714ac="KnightTrader"]But others seem to have [bdba9b714ac]had[/bdba9b714ac] some issues with him ;/[/quotedba9b714ac]
08-08-2006 22:07:39
Done and resolved.