21-03-2006 18:42:56
Is everyone here a scammer???
Ip ayed three people for 4 referrals 1 of which turned out to be a scammer and got away with my money the other two havent been contacting me whatsoever!!!
There usernames are
DPA = For sure a scammer!
Averagejoe1039 = ???
jayemtee = ???
This is really turning me off this site.
They all seeomed to have at least one good review already. guess i'm gonna report the other two to fraud on paypal, and just buy the ipods retail.
This Sux!
21-03-2006 18:55:28
[quote4f542be077="Stalix"]Is everyone here a scammer???
Ip ayed three people for 4 referrals 1 of which turned out to be a scammer and got away with my money the other two havent been contacting me whatsoever!!!
There usernames are
DPA = For sure a scammer!
Averagejoe1039 = ???
jayemtee = ???
This is really turning me off this site.
They all seeomed to have at least one good review already. guess i'm gonna report the other two to fraud on paypal, and just buy the ipods retail.
This Sux![/quote4f542be077]Have you tried PMing them? So they have been out of contact and haven't gone green assuming you have completed your side of the deal?
21-03-2006 20:41:10
I just had a quick trade with Averagejoe1039 . Most of the time, if you want updates, you have to contact them. How long has it been since they last contacted you?
21-03-2006 21:41:13
We all run into bad traders sometimes but you've just hit a really unlucky streak. I say give it a chance, bite the losses now and you'll make it up through freebies.
21-03-2006 22:37:05
Its been 3 weeks about. since i payed. and maybe a week since i last talked to any of them. I payed them first, that was a mistake, i should of at least got there their real names.
I know i thought avergeJoe would be a reat trader, but ne is no show, he has so much history of trades.
I'm just really pissed now. Some unlucky streak... If I could only get my money back it wouldnt be soo bad, but the longer i have no contact the further my green or money seems.
so probably I gonna report fraud on all of them by next Saturday if no contact from them.
21-03-2006 23:31:56
This is what I see on your "scammers"
Your last PM to AverageJoe besides today was March 9th and his last PM to you was March 9th.
You and jayemtee both have 0 TR, so this is not even a legitimate trade as at least one user must have over 4 TR and neither of you have any.
DPA also has a TR of 1, and you have a TR of 0, making this again, a non-legitimate trade.
02-04-2006 09:41:16
DPA is a scammer. Absolutely, I'm with you on that one.
02-04-2006 09:46:32
[quote9baa04a7a5="Gigante"]This is what I see on your "scammers"
Your last PM to AverageJoe besides today was March 9th and his last PM to you was March 9th.
No point in PMing averagejoe, as he does not respond. Nor is he responding to AIM...the few times I have actually caught him on. Looks like a scammer, smells like a scammer, walks like a scammer......